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/Et. 40]       INTERVIEW  WITH  Mil. BRIGHT               151
know what yon are going to do with him. lie in an upright, honourable man, ready, I can quite believe, to rink anything for his country. Now, he wants separation, and he wants to obtain it in regular warfare. He in mad, but a madman with a conscience IB some-timeH dangerous, i should think that he could appeal to the young men of the country, young fellows full of sentiment and enthusiasm— (a paime)— fools; bub they might make themselves troublesome to your
Irish Parliament. Now, what will you do with •-----?
Will he be content with an Irish Parliament of any sort ?'
1 Well, Mr. Bright, 1 inn in a good position to answer that question, I saw         lust night. I asked
him if he would accept an Irish Parliament and an Irish Kxoeulive which would have the fullest control of Irish affairs the cmtnccti<m with England, of course, to bo preserved.'
Afr, Jlriyht. * Ye»s ; and what did he say V f
'He said: "I would tnko an oath of allogianeu* to an Irish Parliament; 1 will never take it to an Knglish Parliament. 1 would enter an Irish Parliament; I would give it a fair trial......-— M *
ATr, Jtright. * \\Y11, you mtrprimt me*. Thin in certainly a new light. The man in quite* honourable), He will do what ho            Wt*U» but cloeH your friend
think that you will gi»t % Home* Itukt Parliament ? *
*No; ho thinkn ihut wo arcs living itt a foor« parodiHO, and that hw turn will come again. Htill, 1 fancy that lie in Homowhat imtoiiiHlttHl that an Mnglinh Prinus Minintor should introduce) any sort of Home) BultC
Jl/r* liriffht* * Bo am I. Hti far your Old Fekntaii and I agree.'of those men a few days ago—he does not know I saw it—a very long letter. I was much interested in it. I should like toy threw it over. * Whilepay it backuld legislate!?'ll had risen to in n shorter timo than I now take to tell the Htory. Whenoin Mr, (*lml**tunr,* Nr\t <luy tht*