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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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were ready to * han# up * the Bill provided the second reading was carried, Parnell strongly opposed thoHo tactics. In May he wrote to a member of the Cabinet saying that such a course could not bo taken. The Government must show, he said, that they were in earnest in the businesH. To hang up the Bill would bo to strengthen the position of the extreme men who did not want it, and to weaken the position oC the moderate men who did. It would be difficult, he concluded* to persuade the people of Ireland if the Government dropped the Bill that they ever intended to take it up again. In fact, Parnell had got the .Liberals into Home Unit*, and he mount to pin them to it.
On Juno 7 the debate on the Home Huh* Hill wan brought to an end, Parnell reserved himself for that night. He then spoke in a moderate and conciliatory tone, warning the Houso, however, that the rejection of the Bill would kntd to a renewal of turmoil in Ireland, He said: * During the lust live years I know, sir, that there have been very severe and drastic Coercion Bills, but it will require an even severer awl morn drastic meaRuro of coercion now, You will require all thttt you have had during the liwt five            and mem*
besides. What, KIT, hat* that coercion Inum? You have had, sir, during those five          • I don't my this
to inflame! passion -you havo bad during thowi ft vet the HUHpunHiou of tlici Hainan Corpun Act; you have had a tltouttaml of your Irinh f«»ll«w-8ul»ji»etH held in priion withont Hptnuftc chiirgc, many of tlicin for long poricxlH of titiii*,            of them for twenty months,
without trial, and without any intention of placing them upon trial (I think of all thasa thousand persons arrested unclctr tlici (Jcicrcion Act of the late Mr, ForBtor              a                   put on their trial) ; youw take to tell the Htory. Whenoin Mr, (*lml**tunr,* Nr\t <luy tht*