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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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-. 40]                               ILLNESS
had often heard of Parnell, but 1 had never seen him. I had never even seen a photograph of him. When lw called he wan quite a stranger to me/ (Then, abruptly) : * Was Parnell an Irishman V ' I replied, * Yes,* 'I should never have thought it/ resumed Hir Henry; 'he had none of the characteristics of an Irishman. Ho was cold, reserved, tmcommuni-cative. An Irishman IB not uncommunicative. Start him on any subject (with a smile), and ha will rattle along pleasantly on many subjects. But Parnell wa«, I should way, a very silent man. He answered every question I asked him fully and clearly, but he never volunteered information. Often a man will wander from tho subject, and feel disposed to bo chatty, Parnell kept to the point. Ho never went outside the business of our interview. He wan anxious and nervous about himself, and listened very attentively to my directions. 1 gave him Home directions about diet, as I do to all my patinntH. lie Ktiid thorn wan a lady with him in the next room, and that h« would bit glad if 1 would give the diroctiotm to her. The ludy then came in, I really don't remember how Parnoli described her. 1 gave her the dm'ctionH about dietary, Hho seemed to lw very anxious, arid liHtoiuu! etirefully* I saw Parnell Ho.voraltinwwaftorwardH, Our interviews were always of it Htrir.tly professional character. Of course 1 finally learned who my patient wan, and then I put his full name! on my hooks. There it in ('harltm Stewart FarnelL lit* did not strike iu<* as a remarkable man. Jh\ wticl nothing which xnado any imprcwsion on me, 1 nlundd have takiin him, and did take him, for a quiet, nmdoHt, dignified, Kitgltnh country tftmtloman.' rh« lady who aecoiiipiiniect Furtit^ll to Hir Henry ThoinpBoii9H wan Mrs, 0*Hhea.
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