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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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168               CnAHLKS  STEWART PAKXKLL             [1886
In favour of peace before the Phoenix Park murders, he was a thounand times more bent upon it afterwards He wan more than ever convinced that Ireland needed a period of repone, and he made, up his mind that she should have it. Three eausoB, then, conspired to make Parnell inactive—public policy, health, and Mm Q'Shea.
2. I now pafta to the next point. Did Parneirs inactivity amount to neglect of duty, and, if HO, to what extent ?
Having made up hm mind to adopt a policy of inactivity, it goon without Baying that he himself wan bound to bo inactive!, To have addreBsed public meetings, to have roused the country, to have inflamed the people, would hava bean contrary to his aims and a violation of the Kihuainham treaty. Hit* first duty was to keep that treaty, and to Bee that the Government kept it.
The Government panned an Arrears Bill, and BO far kept faith. No doubt they alno panned the CrimoHBill, which wan practically a violation of tho treaty. But the handn of Ministern had been forced by the Phcmiix Park inurderH. Had there been no murders there would have been no Crimea Act,
In the autumn Mr. Davitt proponed the formation of the National League. Parnell wan opposed to the project* for the obviotw reason that thin move meant frotth agitation, which Ins did not want. Ultimately ho giwci way, taking care, however, to superintend tho eBtablinhmont of tho now organisation and to thwart the plans of the * activef men. lie did not allow Mr. Davitt to thriiBt a Hcheino for nat tonal kation upon tha country; he told Mr. Dillon that tha agitation should be f slowed down/ ha bridled Brttntuut. Finally all three left tho country.f*cotitrol. He conipltitcly un* nerved.lties and in making peace. He was always smoothing over <difficulties, making peace, and holding us together:' the Home tittle Bill