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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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Ato. 40]                 ;PAHXKLi;S  INACTIVITY                        1(19
The years 1883 and 1 884 were dynamite years, and the dynamite epidemic, like the Pluxmix Park murders, served only to strengthen his determination to keep Ireland quiet. I have already shown how, wherever his authority wan questioned, whenever there was the leant sign of a division in the ranks, ho appeared in an instant on the spot, to restore order and crush revolt. During these two years and a half ho was, if I may say BO, active though probably not active enough—in enforcing a policy of inactivity, At length in January 1885, when, in his opinion, the time for a renewal of hostilities had arrived, ho hurst brilliantly upon the Heene, and splendidly led his men to victory*
To sum up :
1, i'tirnoll was comparatively inactive between I88tl and 1884, chiefly on public grounds, and partly owing to ill-health and to hin entanglement with Mrs. O'Bhoa.
!i. II in inactivity did not in the main amount to neglect of duty— he never failed in iiny erww though he was frequently ubstwt from Ireland and from the House of Commons when his presence might have been of advantage to the* national cause. Ho far I have dealt with tins charge of negligence during the years IHH*J and 1HH4 brought agahmt ParnelL 1 shall now resume the narrative, and my readers can judge for themnelveH of liin political conduct between 1880 and 1891.
warned the Government that if the Land Bill         rejected there would be a renewal of turmoil
in Ireland. Hiti words were jutitifted by events. In December 18HO the faznoun Plan of (Campaign was launched, and another agrarian war broke out. * Whoidled Brttntuut. Finally all three left tho country.f*cotitrol. He conipltitcly un* nerved.lties and in making peace. He was always smoothing over <difficulties, making peace, and holding us together:' the Home tittle Bill