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/BT. 40]                  PLAN OF CAMPAIGN                          171
country. O'Brien argued that if these effort** succeeded the Liberals would be dished, agitation prevented, and reform staved oft*. The tenants, he said, should not be allowed to wait the result of Sir Michael Hicks-Boach'B operations. They should themselves take the initiative. His original idea wan that if the landlords persisted in refusing reductions the tenants should refuse to pay. Funds were to bo provided to enable them to stand out, one-third of the money being provided by the local men and two-thirds by the League in Dublin.
* O'Brirn tried, in the first instance, to see Parnoll and to place the. plan before him.    But Parnoll could not be seen.    He wan, an I. have*, said, very ill, and nobody could approach him.   O'JUrion then Haw Dillon, who took up the sehemn at once.    In nine eases out of ten O'lJrion was able to load "Dillon.    .Both of them finally came to mo.    I. proposed an amendment in the original schema to the effect that the tenant should offer a fair rent; that if the landlords returned it, the money should   bo banked and tho tenant nhouid sit tight,    Thin amendment was accepted and became tho .basis of   tho   plan.     In  every district   a managing committee wan  to  bo olectud.    The rent          to be banked with the committee, and the committee was to doal with tho landlords.   If the landlords             to coma to terms, tho money should bo used to support the tenantn in canon of ejectment or Halo, and to fight tho landlords generally.  That roughly wtis tho principle of the Plan of Campaign.   There wore ctatailtt dcmling with tho quoHtion of machinery, but I don't think you need trouble about them/
* Wan Parnctlly* I anked, * in favour of the 'Plan of Campaign Vf
4 l)tiiwl  against  it/  my friend anHWortul.    * M Iome tittle Bill