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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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180                CILVHLKR 8TBWAUT FAHNELL        [IhHT.....88
quite fifteen minutes watching the men. I stood there, too, keeping out of hin night. Suddenly he wheeled around and saw me. 1 wan quite in a funk, for I. was afraid that lie knew 1 had been following him ail the time, lie heekoned to me. I went to him, *' You art* here too," he wiid, *' 1 like looking at thene working men. A working man has a pleasant life, when ha han plenty to do and in fairly treated/* We then walked together to the Iloune.1
Paraell wan walking another day along the Strand, with, I think, his secretary, Mr. ('amplwll. An Irish member panHtul and minted the Chief, * Who in that?* nuked Purnell * Why,, don't you know?' twitl IUH companion; 'it ia one of our party, it m Mr. ••« —/
* Ah!f said PurneO, * I did not know we had wu*h an ugly man in the party.'
lie, waB frequently alment from tho HOUHO of Commons in those yeaiu * It ituwt liavo Inmi very awkward for ]*arnt*irs peojile to hitwi him away KC* often/ one of the LUxTa) \vhipn iiiid to mo. * And yot,' he atldiid (jtiiokly, * I am not wuro that hit* very abmmco do<*s not add to hln authority. They (this Irish memhern) know h« in there, anil that he may appear at any moment; that knowledge* kee|w them in order.* * And/ I vmiturt*tl to olmerve, * kr^epi* other pooplo in order too.* * IVrliapn/ lit.! wiid, with a smile.
One afternoon Parnoll ilroppol into tins Hoimm Ho sat          tho Irish whip, * If tho llcittio clividtm
now/ he saM, 'tho (lovornment will bo htmtan/
* Impossible/         the whip; * think of thoir majority.* 1 There are more Liberals than             in the House at the                moment/ quietly                   Parneil.
* How do you know ? *           the whip*   ' I              thedrove away.ral Bpeechen*