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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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Ato. 41-4:>]     MR.  GLADSTONE  AT IVIiLMlNGHAM       193
which greeted them. He said: 'Wo have now got Ireland making a thoroughly constitutional demand — demanding what is, in her own language, a subordinate Parliament, acknowledging in the fullest terms the supremacy of the Parliament of Westminster. How can you know that under all circumstances that moderation of demand will continue? I cannot understand what principle of justice -and still loan, if possible, what principle of prudence- it is that induce** many I am glad to say, in my belief, the minority of the people of thin country, but still a large minority •• -to persist in a policy of which the fruits have been unmitigated bitterness, mischief, disparagement, and dishonour. Our opponents teach you to rely on the UHO of this deserted and enfeebled and superannuated weapon of coercion. Wo teach you to rely upon Irish affeetion and goodwill. We teach. you not to sptsculato on the. formation of that sentiment* Wo nhow you that it is formed already, it is in full force, it in ready to burst forth from every Irish heart and from every Irish voice. Wo only beseech you, by reHoluto persistence in that policy you have adopted, to foster, to cherish, to consolidate that sentiment, and MO to act that in apace it shall spread from tho north of Ireland to the south, and from tho west of Ireland to tho oast; and in time it shall extend and cmduro from this present date until the last years and tho last of the centuries that may still be reserved in tho counnolB of Providence to work out the destinies* of mankind,'
Some                     them may have been, in these
words. But underlying them a solid substratum of truth. I have not concealed the fact that Parnell rode into power on the          of FenianiBm. But this
02t of applause        to a                      using these words;