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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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HHI                C'HAitl.KS STKWAUT  PAliNKl.L        [1887-88
wave* had tunv receded.    The tide of revolution  had
been rolled buck* A political culm had succeeded the political storm. Tito Irish people were in a trustful mood. Never hud they shown KO strong a disposition to rt»ly on pariiattu'iitary agitittion. In -England the* cimsa of Hoiiun Ittilt* was unquimtitmaMy pn^roKHing. The Lihi*rak might or might not Imvo fully undorHtood tho Irish cleiiiiiiid; they tai^ht or might not havo appra-ciatod tho diflt*tvaca l>o,tweon Ijociil (lovorntuont and ii Parliament on College Oruen; tlu^y might have cKanuncnl tint question for thenmelvea, or thc^y might hava haan Hitnply led hy Mr. Gladntono ; hut, however might havo beon, the fact is certain—-llulo                        way on this          of tho
I cannot he cxpocted to approach this             in ft
spirit of perfect impartiality. I am an Irish Nationalist with strong convictions, and perhaps* strong prejudiceH. My opinions are, douhtless, coloured hy my hopes, Yet I cannot help t»xprtJ8sin{j tho belief that Homo future generation of Kn^lishmen may recognise that Mr. Gladstone*s poliey wan a policy oC concord and of peace, well calculated, as sincerely designed, to gratify the national aspirations of Ireland without endangering tho stability of the British Umpire.f Ireland to tho oast; and in time it shall extend and cmduro from this present date until the last years and tho last of the centuries that may still be reserved in tho counnolB of Providence to work out the destinies* of mankind,'