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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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. 41-42]                             97
ON March 7, 1887, the first of a series of articles entitled 'Parnellism and Crime' appeared in the 'Times.' These articles were written to prove that the Parnell movement was a revolutionary movement stained by crime, and designed to overthrow British authority in Ireland. The *' Times/ however, was not content with framing a general indictment against the Irish leader. The great journal came to close quarters with the arch-rebel. On April 18 it published a facsimile letter, purporting to bear his signature, in which the Phoenix Park murders were excused and condoned. Here it is :
' DEAR SIR,—I am not surprised at your friend's anger, but he and you should know that to denounce the murders was the only course open to us. To do that promptly was plainly our best policy. But yon can tell him and all others concerned that, though I regret the accident of Lord F. Cavendish's death, I cannot refuse to admit that Burke got no more than his deserts. You are at liberty to show him this, and others whom you can trust also, but let not my address be known. He can write to the House of Commons. * Yours very truly,
< CHARLES S.ell calculated, as sincerely designed, to gratify the national aspirations of Ireland without endangering tho stability of the British Umpire.f Ireland to tho oast; and in time it shall extend and cmduro from this present date until the last years and tho last of the centuries that may still be reserved in tho counnolB of Providence to work out the destinies* of mankind,'