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206                CHARLES STEWAET PARNELL             [1888
The wretched Pigott had to admit the authenticity of the letters, but offered an elaborate and futile explanation in self-defence. One of the last letters he received from Mr. Forster was dated January 13, 1882. Fortunate would it have been for the miserable outcast had he taken the advice then given by the tenderhearted Chief Secretary. Mr. Forster wrote :
' I do not consider that you have any claim whatever either upon the Government or myself, and I must decline to ask any of my colleagues to give you pecuniary help. On the other hand, I should be glad if I could to help you out of your difficulties. So far as I can judge from what you tell me your best chance is in America, and I am willing to give you myself 501. for the purpose of enabling you to go there, but it must be clearly understood that this is all I shall do !' * Mr. Forster sent the 50Z., but Pigott did not go to America. He remained in Ireland, to become, in due course, the ally of Mr. Houston and the ' Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union.5
In 1885 Pigott was collecting materials for a pamphlet called * Parnellism Unmasked.' He wrote to some prominent Unionist politicians for funds to publish this important work. It would seem that Mr. Houston heard of him and of his project through these politicians. But be this as it may, the fact is certain that in September 1885 the secretary of the ' Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union' called on the Nationalist renegade at his residence in Sandy Cove Avenue, Kings-towji. ' Parnellism Unmasked' was at once discussed, and Mr. Houston finally gave Pigott 60Z. towards its publication. The pamphlet appeared anonymously,
1 These letters were produced before the Special Commission by Sir Wemyss Beid.faattlmil©                                 of