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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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tfc!0                 C1IA1ILKH STKNVAUT  1MI1NKLL               [IH89
land—-my l/nionism Retting very shaky—and about the prison question too/
1 shall now turn to a comical aspect of the cano. We have seen that Mr, !\ J. Sheridan WHH a .Land League organiser. He           suspected of getting up
outrages in tltt* Went when I'arncll was in Kilmainham, mill generally, ouinidu Lund League circles, In* bore* the reputation of n * deHperate character,*
At tht* time of the (^nunission Iw wan settled in America^ the {ircnid posHessorof 'two ranchenand throo sheep/ The *Ttmen* \virn tohl tltat Sheridan * tt'iTibkt nw^lattcniH/ ec?ltpse (M^ott, awl blow thii wli<il« Irish parliananitary             to pit».ci?s.
That                      an             Mr, Kirby, to Arnorica to
scici and
Btitwcian the * Tiinen * ftg«nt in Amorioa awl tha Crimes" lawyer in .London a number of telegrams (chiefly) in cypher paHHinl. Themi telegrams fi*ll into the liinulii of thti Irinh KationalistN. I am not per-mitttHl to tell tha dramatic story of how the wires wore fttiippc!clt* howthn key to the cyplu»rwaH diHroverrd,an(l haw tlui secri'tH of tht* * Timtts * btnuuno known to thu men whom* dt*structum thu * Times * wan compassing; but 1 hold copies of thu telegrams, and nhall net them out*
Tiici telegram* not in cypher, in from Kirby to Mr,               and an follows:
* Ittlt                   »«8, llfiittiwlt«tii, Coin,
1 To             London:
1                                  and                                from
of             a                     gontlezuan^.
hit                                 be                              m aeemed so well composed, and lie himself so calm and collected.   We talked a little about Homo Itulo and the future of Ire- A full                      Mr,