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&T. 44]    INTERVENTION OF MR. GLADSTONE          247
On Friday, November 21, the National Liberal Federation met at Sheffield. There was no public expression of opinion, but there were rumours of disapproval in private, and strong representations were made to Mr. Morloy—who attended the meeting—that the Nonconformists would insist on ParneH's resignation. Mr. Morley, on his return to London, saw Mr. Gladstone, and reported what lie had seen and heard, and Haiti that Parnell's leadership had become impossible. Bir William Ilarcourt, who had also been at Sheffield, supported Mr. Morley. Mr. Gladstone was impressed by what hin colleagues told him, and lie resolved to abandon Parnell.
On Sunday, November C23, the Itev. Hugh Price HughoH made an oracular statement at a gathering at St. JauioH's Hall. .Ho said : *I have high authority for saying that Mr, Gladstone will intervene, and Mr. Partial! will recognise his voice aB one to be obeyed.1
On Monday, the 24th, the day before the meeting of Parliament, Mr. Gladstone came to London. lie sent immediately for Mr. Justin McCarthy, who called upon him at 1 Carlton House Terrace. Mr. McCarthy lias given me an account of what passed,
1 Mr. Gladstone said that Parnell had offered to consult him after the Phoenix Park murders, and asked me if I thought that Parnell would consult him again now. I said I did not know. Gladstone said that the Liberals might lose the General Election if Parnell remained leader of the Irish party. He did not ask that Parnell should resign. He did not show me any letter. He did not at our mooting ask me to convey anything to Parnell, and, besides, I should not have done it at his bidding, It was a matter for us to settle without the interference of Mr. Gladstone or any Englishman.1'ma a         and                                      of