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not to have been published. The publication of them could only have irritated Parnell and suggested English dictation; though I am satisfied Mr. Gladstone never meant to dictate. The letter itself was perfectly proper; it could not have been couched in more suitable language, and I feed that as a private communication Parnell would not have objected to it. He was far too sensible a man for that. The publication was the sting. But how did it coxno to be publiHhod ? Did Mr. Gladstone authorise its publication ? Someone, I admit, has blundered ! Who ? '
I think I can answer thin question. * Gladstone's letter/ says Mr. William Pitt, of the Press Association, * wan dictated to me by Mr. Arnold Morloy1 in the "whips' room in the House of Commons. I went immediately to the Press smoking-room, and began to write it out from my shorthand notes. When I. had Kent away a good part of it to the Press Association Office in Wine Office Court, Professor Ktuart came up and ttsktit! mo to stop ite publication. I asked him for IUH authority, and iaicl I was publishing it on the authority of tho chief Liberal whip. I asked Professor Stuart to got Mr. Gladstone's authority to stop the publication, Ho than went away, and I saw him no more. As a matter of fact, at the time that Professor Btuart intervened part of the letter was probably in nome of tho newspaper offices, and it was then scarcely possible to stop tho publication.1 *
'After t he publication of the letter/ nays Mr, Pierco Mahony, 'a number of us wrote a letter to Parnell Baying that wo thought it might be judicious for him to retire for a time, but that whatever he did we would
* Mr. Hurley wai chief Liberal whip,
s Communicated to Mr. Tuohy, of the Freeman'* Journal.nd                                      of