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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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/Er, 44]                 PAHNKLL'S MANIFESTO                     201
question of Imperial concern, and not of pressing or immediate importance for the interests of Ireland. But that with the important and all-engrossing subjects of agrarian reform, constabulary control, and judiciary appointments left either under Imperial control or totally unprovided for, it would be the height of mad-for any Irish loader to imitate Grattan's example and consent to disband the army which had cleared the way to victory.
11 further undertook to use every legitimate influence to reconcile Irish public opinion, to a gradual coining into force of the new privileges, and to the postponements neetwsary for English opinion with regard to constabulary control and judicial appointments, but strongly dissenti.ul from the proponed reduction of members during the interval of probation. I pointed to the alwtmco of any suitable prospect of land settle-itititit by oithor Parliament an constituting an overwhelming drag upon the prospects of permanent peace awl prosperity in Ireland.
I At the) conclusion of tho interview I wan informed that Mr. Gliulntono and all hie colleagues wore entirely
that, pending tho General Election, silence should be absolutely preserved with regard to any points of difffirtmeo on tho question of tho retention of tho Irish znmnborB.
I1  have* dwelt at Homo length upon these Bubjoete, but not, I think, disproportionately to their importance. Let mo nay, in addition, that, if and when full powers tire eoncodtxl to Ireland over her own domestic affairs, tho integrity, numbor, and independence of tho Irish party will be a matter of no importance ; but until this ideal is reached it in your duty and mine to hold fast ovary safeguard.ptett, and