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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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SJ88                  C'HAHLKB STKWAUT PAttXKU,               [1800
agrees or disagrees* \\ith them, they are certainly entitled to the respect due to all nuni who, regardless of results, act according to the dictattm o! congcioncc. But tho Liberal leaden*—not unnaturally*—'thought only of tho political eonsrquoneoH of Parnall's moral tranHgrt'KHion. * ('an wo win tho Umutral Election if Parncll remains) loader of tho Irish party?1 That was the tjueKtion •—tho nolo question"—they asked.
Despite the warning noto ntntck liy the Ue.v. Hugh
Prico  HughoH, who  really             bo regarded m tho
Knglinh hero of the               tin* Liberal loaders boliovod
nt fir«t tltiit Parudll would not hav« to IMI iticrilieiHl, but
they            to wavor,    Botno days beforo tho
on Mr. Morley       Parnell dined at tho
at Brighton.   Mr* Morlay introduced
tho             of the                       Ho        («ubttiintially);
* SuppoHo this                             you, which is pomiiblo,
will you do*? *    Parnall (when wa may immune,did
not want to talk about tho mattor to Mr* Morloy or to
anyono elmO said: 'Depend upon it that tho prooood-
ingH in tho Divorce Court will not obligo itui to inako
any chango in my position.'    Mr. Morley undorstood
by thin answer that Parnoll beliovod ho  w<niltl  pans
KcatholoHS through tho court.    ParnoU'H own ntatomont
of his meaning wan that he would hold hm ground
whatever nhould bottdo*    * Mr, Morley,1 Mr. Camp*
bulll Bubnoquently said to mo, * knew right well a week
tho                     011 that tho Chief would not
ratiro, no mattor what happened.    Tho Chief told
him §0»*
On coming back to London  Mr. Morley mat a who has given me this account of the inter-1 Mr* Morley told ma ha had junt         Parnoll 1 Pawtt ir«   UK         nit             Ins                   ;