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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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itit* jnit ibis raw to you. Supjuw tthidstomi had dono this tltiitj% hud afterwards Iwn n»-«'hvt«Hl h*ad«*r of tlif Lihrrul jtarty, and tluit Ilirn rarnrli intmvncd and j»aid In4 mu^t jjo uouM you in Mtt'h t*iivtuuHtanc*<^ foivf him t*» }4o?* * No/ u*t'A\viv<t my fri«ii4 I*HIT* l*i*th'!illy, 4 w** n*iiiiiiily \\o«M not/
Th«* spirit mtikflt iifiiiiiitti^l my Xoncotiformmt frirmt wan tho i*{4iil \\hirli iiiiiiiiiili4it ih« Irish Kiiliuiiiilif»l*i of \vhom I mil now i«,|»fiil%iii|^ * \V<» tint tolil/ lht*y wui«I» * Ihiit \vt« niiiiiiti surnuul witiumt tilt K«^h?»h utluuicc*. \\ hy» it U ntitcu'untH thut nil \thioh Irii?iiiil IIIIH itt»li«iiwl frmii Eiigliyni          IHVII
hy ii jioliry of utiiutttv, but liy n |itilk*y cif
in  nllttuuH! with  tii«   Tcirtt»« \\ium ho               iniiiiiirijiiiiiiitt   frtun n                   Mitiktttf ?
Wt»itt thci l*\iiiiiitt» itt ultiamw with Urn Lilwirtk whi*it tho (/hiiritli           tlkt^ttttiltHluttl and thtt Land Ac:i
of 1870 iwiHHtni? WUH Pitnirll in alliaiu*u with tlw Ijihrtiils wlitiii tht» Liy»t Ac%t of 1HHI btrnnut luw ? Wa« ho In altianrt) with tin* Torion wlu*n th<» hand Act of 1HH5 took its jilitrr in ilw htulutt^book ? WUH Jin in allianrt* with th«* LibtTaU \\luin Mr, (Uadstoni) bro'kti tin* Lihrnt! tnutitif»n and flung liiuuirlf into thci ranks of thn Ittiiiin Uuh»rs? WUH lut in ulliniirn with Itt4i Torirn wht*n Lord Salisht»*y i»rt»ko thn Tory tnuli-tkiti and his own }»litilgt^ atut fotvtul tht* Land Act of 1887 through Parliament? Tit« \vhohi hintory of iliti
that an to IMI                             IHJ ii |R»licy ctf
tlta                dl tint
wt                                 tho                   Mr.
the                   inned. * You know/ ho said, * if Gladstone had done this thing ho would havo had to go/ I ropliod : ' Possibly. But let