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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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JRt. 44]                  COMMITTEE ROOM 15                         277
Boom 15 by moving < that Mr. Parnoll's tenure of the
chairmanship of this party is hereby terminated/
Parnell at once ruled this resolution out of order. The motion before the party on Wednesday, December 20, was, lie pointed out, * that a full meeting of the party be hold on Friday to give Mr. Parnell an opportunity to reconsider his position/ That motion still held tho field, and could not be withdrawn unless by the unanimous consent of the meeting. Mr. Abraham did not move an amendment. He moved a substantive resolution, which must wait until the resolution in possession was disposed of. Mr. Abraham's resolution having thus gone by the board, Colonel Nolan (Parnollito) moved c that tho party should meet in Dublin and Bottle tho question there/ TlumwiHon of thin resolution, on which the combatants now joined issuo, was obvious. Parnell wished to got his foes under tho pressure of Irish opinion, to draw them away from what he regarded as the fatal influence of tho House of Commons. After an animated discussion this resolution was defeated by forty-four to twenty-nine
Beaton on Colonel Nolan's resolution, Parnell now determined to make the discussion centre round Mr. Gladstone'** position instead of life own. This %vas the manoeuvre of a mastor, and ho carried it out with Napoleonic address and genius. Mr. Gladstone had disputed tha accuracy of the statements made in ParnolVs manifesto touching thu proposed changes relating to the control of tho constabulary and tho settlement of the land question. Tho result was that the attention of the meeting, instead of being concentrated on the question of Parwsli'B leadership, was suddenly directed to the dispute between Mr, Gladstone and Purndl an to whatwould havo had to go/ I ropliod : ' Possibly. But let