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293                  CIIAIH-KS STEWART   I'AKXKIJ,               ;iHtK>
charm Mr. Farnell has for the Irish limit; that wonderful personality of hi«, his proiul hruring, his ImmU some, strong face, the clmtiurtion of look whirh murk* him more than anyone I havo ovt»r siu»n. Alt thrw* tim irresistible to the artistic Irish.
* 1 said to Dr. Kenny, who was Htiuuiitij* by int% 11 lie is the only quiet man hwv." " Outwardly," the keen medical man, emphatically, hooking iigiiint one saw the dilated nostrils, tltti flashing t»yi% tin* passionate face: th« hiactar wnn tiitti{ily tirttikin^ in thirstily thin immonso lo\u% which must huvo luu*n more luuvrtening than ono ran say aftor tliat tittirr linn* in the Englinh capital Mr. ranittll loctkini rium^li in body—perhaps the black frock-coat, huttottt^t so tightly across his chest, gave him that look of attowm-tion ; but he also looked full of iiitlctitittablet           mul
1 For a time silenco was not olitiiiitiililci*    Ttuni Father Walter Hurley elimlnul on ilm tahlo tuut with his arms extended.   It was curious how tlu* attituttu silenced a crowd which coultl hear no words.
'When Mr. PamcD came to spruk. tin* }»uasion within him found vent. It wan a wonderful Hju*tu*h ; not one word of it for oratorical ufluct, but t^vury wonl charged with a pregnant nutHsa^o to tlui prujili* mini were listening to him, and thtt millions \\ho siioultl n*ucl him. It was a long speech, lasting nearly tin hour; but listened to with intense initsrtwt, puncitmlnl by ftrrr*t cries against men whom thin crism IIIIH itintln nitiiiito, now and then marked in apaunn by a <l«H*}Mlmwn nttiiiii of delight. It was a gntat «peetdi - »iiitji!t% (!tn*c?tf suave—with no device and no artificiality. Mr, t*ttrtt«*tl said long ago, in a furious moment m tli« Iloutfi) of Commons, that he cared nothing for tltct opinion tif tin*an umlorfctand what ft