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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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310                CHARLES STEWART PAKNKLL             [1890
THE scone now changes once, more. Towards the end of December Mr. William O'Brien arrived at Boulogne from America. Ho could not return to Ireland as a warrant was still out for his arrest,1 Ho was anxious to see Parnoll with a view of discussing the possibilities of peace, Parnoll, it must be said, had now little faith in ending the straggle by diplomatic action. He believed the fight would have to be fought out to the end. Yet, yielding to the wishes of his colleagues, he consented to meet Mr. O'Brion at Boulogne, In the cloning days of the old year ho crossed the Channel accompanied by Mr. John Jledmond, Mr. William Redmond, Mr. J. J. Clancy, Mr. Henry Campbell, and Mr. Vincent Scully. Mr. John Keclmond has given me an account of tho meeting between tho Chief and his old lieutenant.
'"When we arrived we. went to an hotel. ()'Brian rushod up gushingly to moot Parnell, who wan extremely reserved and cold. Ho saluted O'Brien jtwt as
1 Warrants were out for the tirrcnt both of Mr. 0*IMen itiul Mr. Billon. They had, as I have already mentioned, eHcapod from Ireland in August 1HUO, by the help of a Fenian who carried them aeroxH tho
Channel to Franco fn a private* ystcht* AfterwnrdH, when Mr, O'JIrkm mid Mr. Dillon doiertecl I.karnoll, thii Fenian—a bluff and witty Itovolu-
tioniit—-ftald: * Ah, when I hnd them in the middle of the Channel, why didn't I drop them there ? *Pope Hennessy   »                          2,527