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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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/Kf. 45]                  A   COUNTER-PKOPOSAL                         815
that neither you nor I will have any reason to rogrot hereafter*
1 Believe me, my dear Mr. Farncll,
* Ever sincerely yours, 1 WILLIAM
Besides Bending thin letter to Parnoll, Mr. O'JJrion
despatched the following telegram to Mr. Harrington :
Mr. 0*lirien to Mr. Harrington [TKLKUUAM]
* Does new proposal moan withdrawal objection to McCarthy continuing chairman ? Letter not clear on that point. If McCarthy continues chairman think new proposal feasible, and would do bent to carry it out/
Mr. .'Harrington replied :
Mr. llarrint/ttw In Mr. ()* llricn
1 Proposal 5» subject to your aeceptawe of clwir-manRhip, and you alone. Wo aro with Chief in that.
Ho would depend on you alono to gormidtar his ftwlingg
and consult*    Your message             my hope«,    Clod
Meflfl your efforts/
The 'other way * roforrwl to by Mr. OMlritrn, * tit which equally satisfactory rcnultH ntigiit bo obtiunud/ was: (1) election of Mr. OMfrkm an chairman; (*2) visit of Mr. O'Hruw to Hawardun to obtain aKsuran«!eH from Mr. Oladstotio; (M) reiiignittion of Mr. OM!rii*tt if the assurances were not satisfactory, anil his ndhe-sion to Paw ell.
It must not be Hupptmod that in making this proposal Mr. OMJrien was animated by motives of personal on thwarting peace at any price are building great hopes upon delays or breakdowns of our Boulogne negotiations; but I am. beginning to entertain some real hope that with promptness and good feeling on both sides we may still be able to hit upon some agreement that will relieve the country from an appalling prospect, and*e subjects of them of thtwo proposals. "Ah, now," he? said, ** wo have Homo-thing Kpeetfu* to go upon. Let O'Brien come back.1' • nt tho t'ourt !!tiii«*i during that pnxtoHH who futoiutul to In* In butter huimutr or who look<ul anxious though Itu waUrlu«l ovo vory carefully twid                   on tlianlurt, than'it^ was a                                  andry to nil} you