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YET. 45]                        DIFFICULTIES                              317
Parnell continued to stick with characteristic tenacity to his original position :
(1)   Satisfactory assurances from the Liberals.
(2)  Parnell and O'Brien alone to be judges of the satisfactoriness of the assurances.
Mr. O'Brien tried to persuade him to allow Mr. McCarthy to have a voice in deciding the question, but in vain.
Mr. O'Brien to Parnell [TELE GE AM]
1 Boulogne : January 18.
' Indications favourable, presume no objection to McCarthy's voice as to satisfactoriness of assurances if obtained.'
Parnell to Mr. O'Brien
* While at all times willing to consult with McCarthy upon any points of special difficulty which may from time to time arise, I am obliged to ask that the terms of the memorandum shall be adhered to, which provide that you and I shall be the sole and final judges.'
On one point only Parnell gave way. He agreed finally to accept Mr. Dillon as chairman of the party.
While these letters and telegrams were passing Mr. O'Brien was in touch with the Liberal leaders, and towards the end of January he received assurances which he seems to have regarded as more or less satisfactory. By this time also Mr. Dillon had arrived in; France from; America, and on January 30 Mr. O'Brien wired to Parnell to come to Calais for further 'cdn-; sultatiom                     v , \ "                 . " ;.;,..:ondon, and I went with him.'