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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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jfir. 45]         A DIPLOMATIC MASTERPIECE                319
and purporting to moot my requirements, but I found it of an illusory character, and tlnnk that I succeeded in showing him that it was so. He will endeavour to obtain the necessary amendments to the draft/
The Calais meeting seems to have been a turning point in tho negotiations, and Paradl's next letter—a masterpiece in diplomatic jtf;imc~was couched in less conciliatory terms. It wan addressed to Mr. Gill, an Anti-Parnellito Irish member, who was a channel of communication between Mr, O'Brien and Parnell, and-between Mr. Morloy and Mr. O'Brion,
ParncJl to Mr. dill
1 February 5, 1H01.
4 MY "DEAR C.!iUi, I havo carefully considered tho poKititw emitted by Urn information convoyed to nw by you yesterday, UK to tho nuw proposals and dmnandB of tho Liberal Uutdttrn, and it appears to mo to be a vory graves one, and to add materially to tho diflicultioH attending a peaceable noluticm. You will remember that under tho inoinorandmri of agrucmout arrived, at btitwaon 0*Brion and myself mora than a month sinco at Boulogne! it was provided that tho judgment as to whcsther tho int«ntiutiB of Mr. Gladstono ware iu accordance upon certain vital points with tho viowa cxprofiRod in that agreement was to bo given by myself and OMiricn acting in conjunction, and that 1 havo Binco felt inyncilf obliged to decline a proposal from O'Brien to acid another person to our number for tho performance of that duty. In addition you aro aware that last Tuesday I met O'Brien at Calais for tho purpose of coming to a final decinion with him as to tho sufficiency of a tlraft memorandum respecting the views of tho Liberal loaders which ho had obtained,        ;Kpeetfu* to go upon. Let O'Brien come back.1' • nt tho t'ourt !!tiii«*i during that pnxtoHH who futoiutul to In* In butter huimutr or who look<ul anxious though Itu waUrlu«l ovo vory carefully twid                   on tlianlurt, than'it^ was a                                  andry to nil} you