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324               CHARLES  STEWART PAUNKLL            [1891
the influence of a misunderstanding for which there is not the smallest shred or shadow of foundation/'' speaking of the * atrocious calumnies' to which he had been subj acted for trying to 'preserve you from humiliation/ deploring the (unspeakably sad and tragic' turn affaira had taken, and weeping over the ' terrible state of things that is before the country/ The Chief replied impassively:
Parncll to Mr. O'Brien
February 10, '01.
' MY BEAU O'BunsN,—I have received your kind notes of the 8th and 9th instant, and 1 fully join with you in the expression regarding the unhappy situation that would be created if the negotiations were to be
broken off owing to any misunderstanding. But 1 have been much desirous since Wednesday of ascertaining the nature of the alleged misunderstanding, with a view to its removal, and up to the present have entirely failed in obtaining any light, either from your letters or those of Gill. Perhaps, however, 1 can facilitate matters by relating as clearly as possible what it was that fell from the latter at our second interview on Wednesday, which gave me to my letter of Thursday. You will remember that as requested by your telegram of Friday week, advising mo that you had obtained the materials for a final decision, I mot you at Calais on Monday week for the purpose of joining you in coining to a decision as to whether the intentions of Mr, Gladstone and his colleagues were in accordance with the views expressed in my original memorandum of agreement with you. You then showed mo a memorandum which you stated was the substance of a public letter which Mr. Gladstone was willing to write, con-r independence and proved their devotion to the Liberal loaders, it is considered desirable to keop them jwiiiaiicinily at Westminster for the