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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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Jvr. 4(3]               CONTINUANCE OF  WAR                       $29
want peace you must bo ready for war. Wo must show thoBo people that wo arc not afraid to fight/
Another evening at KiiBton 1 said to him: * You want a definite statement from Mr. Gladstone about the next Home Itulo Bill—.* * In writing/ ho interpolated. * Suppose you get it, what will you do ? * 4 I will tell you that when I read the ntatement/ I said : 1 It is difficult for you to retire now. You might have retired of your own aotuml—you might havo retired at tho request of your own people; you cannot retire at the demand of an Knglinhman. The divorce case IB not the issue now, Tho issue in, whether an Englishman, no matter low friendly, can veto the decision of an Irish party, whether the* derision is right or wrong/ * That is the issue/ ho said.
I Huid : * You have contracted fresh obligations too. Men who do not belong to your party havo come in to help you to fight out this issue; you cannot treat over their heads/ lie annwered; 41 will consider every who holpctl mo in whatavor I do/ Afterwards lie added : * Some may          out of ihotso negotia-
tions. We may pin tho Liberals to something dofmito yot/d O'Brien and Dillon were to be kept out of his hands. The Liberals ultimately succeeded in drawing Dillon and O'Brien out of Paniell's hands, though in so doing they wuro forcod to give assurances which would certainly never have been obtained but for the skilful operations of the Chief.