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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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340                CIlAttLKtf  STKWAHT  PAHNKLL             [1891
keep pounding away and to take care that they do not go back. They will not work it out in the way you think. They will find Ireland impossible to govern, and then they will give us what wo want. That IB what will happen. We must show them our power. They will bow to nothing but power, 1 asHuro you. If wo hold together there is nothing that wo cannot do in that House.1
I said : * Hold together ! There is an end to that for a long time. It will take you ten years to pull tho country together again/
' No/ he rejoined very quietly; * I will do it in five years—that is what I calculate/
< Well, Gladstone will be dead then/ I said, < The whole question to me is, you and Mr. Gladstone. If yon both go, Homo Bule will go with you for this generation/
* But I will not go/ ho answered angrily; * I am a young man, and 1 will not go/ And there was a fierce flash in his eyes which was not pleasant to look at.
Tho fight went on, and not a ray of hope shono upon ParnoH's path. In Ireland tho Fenians rallied everywhere to his standard, but the whole power of tho Church was used to crush him. In June ho married Mrs. O'Shoa, and a few weeks later * young* Mr, Gray/ of tho * Freeman's Journal/seized upon tho marriage as a pretext for going over to the enemy, bocaiiKo it was against the law of tho Catholic Church to marry a divorced woman. But Paradl, amid all ruvormm, nover lost heart. On tho defection of the * Freeman's Journal' he set immediately to work to found a new morning paper—< Tho Irish Daily Independent.9 He still continued to                the country, * Bon of Mr. Bwyet Gray, M.PM who died la 1B8B.torlay has any following in tho country/