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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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J2x. 4f>]                    AT THE TIIEATKE                             343
'He sooniod quite unconscious of all this. There was no cheering, but a murmur of satisfaction and great curiosity. When the opera was over a tremendous crowd collected outside to watch him leave. He said to me: " Now we shall go away." He had not the most remote conception of the excitement whieli his presence caused, and he thought he might walk away as an ordinary spectator; but the truth was all the passages were blocked, and the street was simply impassable in front.
* 1 said : s< Well, the fact is, Mr. Parnoll, you cannot get away unless you walk on the heads of the people outside."
'Ho smiled and Haiti, ** Oh, very well, we will "wait if you like, or perhaps may bo a secret way by which wo can get out."
1 There wan a secret way, and the officials of the theatre got UK out by a Bide door, and BO wo escaped tho throng. AH we walked along Graf ton Street ho said : ** 1 remember there used to bo a very good oyster shop Homowhoro hare; lot u» go and have some oysteiu1* We could not find out tho shop, though 1 discovered aftorwardH it wan Baikiy'n, However, I knew another supper place, and wo wont there. Tho manager of the place was delighted to BOO Parnell. Wo walked upstair**, and had a room to ourselves. Tho manager naked Pitrnoll to put hit* name in his autograph book, Parnoll said, " Certainly/* and "when he opened tho book tho firafc name that caught his cyo, arnid a himt of celebrities, wan bin mothor'B. u Oh/1 said ho, ** haH my mother boon horo too ? " as ho nignod his nanio.
1 W« roinaiiiod until two in tho morning.
4 We then walked to MorriBon'H, and I bade   him do, I nhould liko you to with inn, n» I fijol lonoly." 1 tbiin mill: ** W«H, th« fact IB, Mr. r»nu>ll, 1 am thinking of           to tho tluuitru."                     ^