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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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354                CHARLES STEWART PAEXELL
1 5. May 1 ask whether you inquired or whether he caused to bo made known to you 'his views of the Bill of 1886?
1 6. Have you had many interviews with Mr. Parnoll ? and might I ask how many and tinder what circumstances, particularly anything you fool at liberty to say about the interview at Hawarden ?
* 7, May I ask whether you fool at liberty to express any opinion as to tho legitimate effect on people's minds of the moral conduct attributed fco Mr. Parnoll at the time of tho proceedings in tho Divorce Court, and what amount of difference was duo to the supposed popular feeling; and generally as to the Bum of tho impression made upon you by him, and as to tho plaeo you think he will hold, (1) in parliamentary history; (2) in British history ; (ft) in Irish history ? '
Mr. Gladstone replied:
'Hawavden Castle, Chester: Dee. 11, l.Hlhl
4 My answers are as follows :
' 1,'2. During tho early years of Mr. Parnell'H distinction I was absorbed in the Kastern Question, and in tho main unaware of what was going on in Ireland. My real knowledge begins with the Parliament of 1880.
* 3, 4. This is rather too much a question of opinion ; but 1 will Bay to strength of will,solf-rolianeo, and nolf-command, clear knowledge of his own mind, no wanto iti word or act, advantages of birth and education. His knowledge seemed small I never saw a sign of liw knowing Irish, history. I have no recollection of any letters except when, after the assassination, ho wrote to offering to retire from Parliament, i replied, • iissmding him- from it. prefer to let the only Englishman who was worthy of his steel bear witness to his greatness., bearing no traces of severe illness or Buffering    I  answered the hitter immediately, but, 1 think, when   it  reached Brighton Parnell was  dead.* Throughout Tiuwlay,   October   0,    '1 'arnell    suffered much.   The  rheumatic  pains flew  to  his  heart, ho        of the «ame kind.    Mostntnl i "Sing it* it.*1 Of nmrxtt ! rtiltwett* but hit kept {Hiking tit** it$ ttw I'Uw mil this litn**, Nnying: '* Hing It/1 iittcl n nuntht>r c»f ffilltiw* rut ttin tihttforin,             Iw t«»nlt»n it, jttimui him. lUit 1 hcltl