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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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AN APPRECIATION                           t'Wl-
1 will," and I did.   Now that is an instance of how
little Fornter know about tho Habeas Corpun Act. in fact, Forstor (with a laugh), like a good many .Radicals, had no adequate) conception of public liberty.'
1 May I ask under what circumstances wan 1'arnoil released from Kilmainham? *
Mr. Gladstone. * YOB, that is another point. What is thin they call it? The Kilmainham treaty. How ridiculous ! There wan no treaty* There could not bo a treaty. Just think what tins Habeas Corpus Act means, You put a man into gaol on suspicion. You are bound to let him out when the circumstances justifying your suspicion have changed. And that was tho cane with I'arnell,1
* When   was  your  next  communication  with  Mr.
Mr. (it«tlst<>nt\ ' In iKSvJ, aflrr tho .1'lwmix Park murdttrs. 1'arncll was, you know, greatly attoeictl by those) murders. Thoy wiw a great blow to hint, Thoso murders wort* committed on a Saturday. On Sunday,
whilii t was itt lunch, a luttor wan brought to mo from 1'urnolK I was innch touched by it. lie wrotiuivitluntly unctor Htrong ^motions. JI.o did not link me whother I would udviso him to rotiro from pnbltc lifts or not. That wan not how lit' put it, J In linked mo rather what effect I thouglitthoinut'clitrwtiuldhavoon Knglish public opinion in filiation to IIIH ltmdt*mhip c»f tho Irish party, Well, I wroto <sxj»ri»HHiny my own opinion* and what 1 thought wcititil bis tliii opinions of other*, that his rotiroment frctitt jnibtit; lift* wtniltl tin no good ; on thocontrary* would do htirin. I, thought hi« conduct in tho whole nmttot* pmitujworthy. I had a communication from Mrs. O'Bhun iiliinit tin*          tinm. Sites wroto to ma to
hur.    Wtill,        told inn that «hci wiw a nieetited, 1 felt that If I ilitt not **top liiiti lit: \\oul*i htt\e nlfippitd tho Act.ctober   0,    '1 'arnell    suffered much.   The  rheumatic  pains flew  to  his  heart, ho        of the «ame kind.    Mostntnl i "Sing it* it.*1 Of nmrxtt ! rtiltwett* but hit kept {Hiking tit** it$ ttw I'Uw mil this litn**, Nnying: '* Hing It/1 iittcl n nuntht>r c»f ffilltiw* rut ttin tihttforin,             Iw t«»nlt»n it, jttimui him. lUit 1 hcltl