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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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\Vw havo now pursued our inquiry over a sufficiently oxtondod period to enable UH to report upon tho several charges and allegations which havo been made against the
respondenti-i, and \vo havo indicated in tho course of this statement our findings upon those charges and allegations, but it will he convenient to repeat seriatim tho conclusiors we have arrived at upon tho issues which have been raised for our consideration.
I.  We find that the respondent Members of Parliament collectively were not members of a conspiracy having for its object to establish the absolute independence of Ireland, but we find that some of them, together with Mr. Davitt, established and joined in the  Land  League organisation with tho intention by its means to bring about the absolute indopondonco of Ireland as a separate nation.
II.  Wo find that tho respondents did enter into a conspiracy by a system of coercion and intimidation to promote an agrarian agitation against tho payment of agricultural rents, for tho purpose of impoverishing and expelling from the country tho Irish landlords, who were styled the * English Garrison/
VOL. IL                                                          B Bot toll you how much I think about him, and what an interest I take in everything concerning him. A marvellous man, a terrible fall,*