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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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' Irish. World,' his friendship with Davitt, i. 244; 302 ; helps to prepare the No Bent Manifesto, 319; 371; his dislike of Parnell, 376
Forged letter, the, ii. 197 foil. Forster, Mr. Arnold, ii. 4 Forster, Mr. W. E., i. 226, 231, 247 ; his reasons for asking for powers to cripple the Land League, 268; writes to Mr. Gladstone on the Tyrone election, 305; suggests to Mr. Gladstone the arrest of Parnell, 307; nicknamed «Buckshot,' 311 and note] his disappointment at the failure of the Coercion Act, 324; his view of the negotiations for the release of Parnell, 339; his account of an interview with Captain O'Shea, 344, 345; on the Kilniainham compromise and the omnipotence of Parnell, 349 ; his resignation, 351; his indictment of Parnell with reference to the Phoenix Park murders, ii. 1, 4-7; helps Pigott, 203-206 ; his suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act commented upon by Mr. Gladstone in an interview with the author, 360 Foster, Sir John, Speaker of the
Irish Parliament, i. 9 * Freeman's Journal,' i. 67; controversy between Butt and Parnell in, 115-120 ; 299 ; death of its managing director, ii. 182; letter on the question of Parnell retaining the leadership of the Irish Party, 240; 340
GALBBAITH, Professor, i. 173; ii. 85 Galway (City), election of 1871 at,
L 67; Parnell's address on the
land   question   at,   239,   240;
election of 1886,121-128 Galway (County), election of 1872,
i. 67
Gay, the poet, his friendship with Thomas Parnell, the poet, i. 1
General Election (1874), return of Home Rulers at, i. 69; (1880) 213-223; (1885) ii. 38, 96, 110; (1886) 155-158
Gill, Mr., an Anti-Parnellite M.P., ii. 319,322, 323
Gill, Mr. Wilfrid A., his account of Parnell's being sent down at Cambridge, i. 42, 43
Gladstone, Mr., on the influence of Fenianism with   respect to Irish policy, i. 58, 59;  retires from   the   leadership    of   the Liberal party, 89; his allusions to Home Rule and local government   in   his   address   to   the electors of Midlothian, 210,211; Prime Minister, 226 ;   and the Compensation for   Disturbance Bill, 232 ; letter to Lord Cowper on the disturbances in Ireland, 260-261;   opposed to coercion, 266 ; motion with regard to the Coercion Bill  (1881), 276;  his Land Bill, 290-299 ; admits that the action of the Land League* brought about the  Land   Act, 293 ; two letters to Mr. Forster advocating a conciliatory policy towards Parnell and his followers, 303-305 ; announces at the Guildhall the imprisonment of Parnell, 316 ; his correspondence1 and negotiations preparatory to the   Kilmainham   treaty, 337-339, 345-348;  speeches of Mr. Gladstone and Pamell, 352, 353 ; correspondence     with    Parnell after the Phoenix Park murders, 357 ; Parnell's estimate of him, ii. 45, 46, 176 ; his resignation on   the   adverse   vote   on  the Budget Bill, 47; indications of his favouring Home Rule, 101-104; the Hawarden manifesto, 102;   second Midlothian   campaign, 107-109; his conversion to Home Rule,  115;  succeeds Lord Salisbury as Prime Minis-