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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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Lucas, Mr. Frederick, L 229 Lynch, Mr., candidate for Galway (1886), ii/123,128
.MAAMTBASNA murderera, Inquiry into the trials of, ii. 49
MacDermott, Mr., i. 30
Macdonald, Mr. J. 0., manager of the' Times,' ii. 208 note, 209, 310
Magdalene College, Cambridge, incidents in Parnell's life at, i. 40-48
Maguire, Dr., and the Pigott letters, ii. 20ft, 209, 215 note
Mahon, The O'Gorman, ii, 16*2
Mahon, Patrick, i. 109
Mahony, Mr. Pierce, ii, 249; an account of a visit by Parnell to, 344, 845
Mallon, Mr., superintendent of police, i. 118
Manchester; rescue of Fenian prisoners and death of Sergeant Brett, i, 48 ; conviction and cution of Allen, Lark in and O'Brien, 48, 49; demonstration* of sympathy with the condemned Fenians, 49, 50; Par-nell's view of the case of the ' martyrs,' 50, 51, 58; allusion ' by Sir Michaal Hioks-Beaoh to the ' Manchester murderer*,'93; John Bright on the Manchester executions, 96 note; Parnell addresses a great Home Bukt meeting, 129, ISO
Manifesto of Messrs. Dillon, O'Brien, O'Connor, &o., announcing their withdraw^ from Parnell's leadership, ii W7
Manifesto of Parnell to the people of Ireland, ii. 258-266
Manifesto signed by Parnell, Dillon, and Davitt after the Phoinix Park murders, L MB
Manifesto, the Baw&rdoft, ii 102
Manning, Cardinal, ii. 26,18ft
Marine Mutiny Bill, i. 118
Marlborough, Duke of, Lord Lieutenant, 1197, 209
* Martin, Jamtw,' alui* of a P<*niaa Iwutor, i- US and wo/«*» 1110 mi/i»
Martin » John, vlt»i«t«»tl fur M*nUh» L t>7 ; hitt Uoath, 77
Martin,  Mr., hu  mUtlnm on the
Manohtwtt*r fxrcnitumu, L SO *» 7S
Maryltorouith, Lan«t titmgtitj eati-
\«>ntion at, i. HtW Matthuw, (itttu^iil, L Ui
CnnitttaL i. »J ; ii. m , Mr, J«»hn Clittjrgi*. i. *JtO y, Mr, Jtu*tt!t» t, irttt w»l«; on  I*tirin»irrt AHiH«ntiMK*yt        ;
tho latt^r'tt rt4ripu* fn»tu prison, aay a-$a, aft? ; it, H ;
of t*itnit»ir?* t»l4»i'„ii*w with
Cnrtmrvtm.&t Wl ; MM, US,
iium ot m    *iiriii*II ttft«*r tin* til-
v«>r«?« rtwt^'JIIl; imt'i'%kw with
Mr. Otjiii'ttttitr t»ii of I*iiii
dtHU|ipr«m4M of I*ar-»itti» i^H ; wttltdraws
frtmi   Puriii'II    with   forty loar
i»l«'4itii»ii to tltp rtitiif'ttiitltltlii|* of tin* |«wiy <U:uutM»fti ilitrhig tint ttMmttaU JUtt; y rt«t)ititmH with him III till* t»«l iiiiiiiliirt of IHUI, $45; 1164, 3110
y, Mr. Jmilai iiuutly, ii,
from |»riHott, i, 1S*J; t*k tmddtm tltmth, I!»*J
Mol)i»rttiott, TI«% IL 345
MoNfill, Mr* Hwifl, Ii,  WIt l«7»
Mmth (County), i4fTtIt«i »f IK71 at, L 07; Hir Oiivmi Huffy in-vitotl to Htiuitl fur* 77; otrotiao
of Fitfiwll fur, 7H Mftlh0urn»» !«ort), wRku hrtii  by
J$ir IL I*iirfii»ll in th» CJowrn* iiu.iif «,f, I, 14 ; ||ig Aitwiwt wiili l, i IKm note Love of fatherland in Irishmen, i.