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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell Vol - I"

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COERCION                                      13
Sir Henry Parnell meant to oppose it too, I waited for him to rise, as he meant to do. But the question having been put hastily, it was declared by the Speaker to be carried before he had risen; and it was therefore passed without opposition.
'May 23.—I opposed on the second reading the further progress of the Bill for continuing the Irish Insurrection Act, on the ground that a measure of such extraordinary severity ought not to be continued, but in case of absolute necessity ; and that that necessity could not be apparent without an inquiry into the state of Ireland. That it was quite unjustifiable to persevere in such a system, upon no better grounds than the mere statements of the Irish Secretary. None of the members for Ireland supported me in this opposition except Sir Henry Parnell and General Matthew.
' June 13.—On a motion for going into committee on the Irish Insurrection Bill I again resisted the further progress of it, and supported a motion of Sir Henry Parnell for an inquiry into the facts which were stated as the grounds of proposing the measure. General Matthew and Sir William Burroughs were the only other members who opposed the Bill now, as they were the only members who had, together with myself and Sir Henry Parnell, opposed the second reading.*
In 1825 Parnell opposed the Bill for the suppression of the Catholic Association, urging that Ministers should adopt not a policy of coercion, but of redress.
After the concession of Catholic Emancipation in 1829, Parnell co-operated with the Liberal party; and, indeed, it was on his motion to refer the Civil List to a Select Committee that the Government of the Duke of