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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell Vol - I"

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THOMAS MOORE                              19
branches the poet sat, it is said, when he penned his famous song—is still shown as one of the sights of Avondale. But there has always been uncertainty and mystery on the subject—uncertainty and mystery which, even at the request of William Parnell, Moore declined to clear up. Fourteen years after ParnelPs death he revisited the scene, and notes with a touch of pardonable vanity in his journal: 'August 2;>, 1835. After breakfast the landau and four was again at the door, and with a most clear morning, promising a delicious day, we set out for the Vale of Avoca and the meeting of the waters, I had not been in this beautiful region since the visit (ages ago it seems) which gave birth to the now memorable song, "There in not in the wide world." I Tow wise it was of Hcott to connect his poetry with the beautiful scenery of his country. Kvon Indifferent verses derived from such an association obtain a degree of vitality which nothing else could impart to them. .1 felt this strongly to-day while my companions talked ot% the different discussions there were afloat as to the particular spot from which 1 viewed the scene; whether it was the first or second meeting of the waters I meant to describe. I told them that I meant to leave all. that in the mystery best suited to such questions. Poor William Parnell, who now no longer looks upon those waters, wrote to me many years since on the subject of those, doubts, and, .menturning a seat in the Abbey churchyard belonging to him whore it wan said 1 sat while writing the verses, begged me to give him two lines to that effect to bo put OH the seat. " If you can't tell a lit*, for me," said he, " in prose, you will, perhapB, to oblige an old friend, do it in verse." f
But Moore did not comply with the request.