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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell Vol - I"

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SO                     CHARLES  STEWART PARNELL
Stewart Parnell, there were mental traits of likeness which could not be mistaken, and the opinions and sentiments of the mother were certainly the opinions and sentiments of the son.
The living members of the Parnell family are—
John Howard, who now resides at Avondale;
Henry Tudor;
Emily, who married Captain Dickinson ;
Theodosia, who married Lieutenant Paget, R.N.;
Anna, who played an important part in the Land League agitation.
Those who have passed away are Fanny, a poetess of considerable ability; "William ; Hayes ; Delia, who married Mr. Livingston Thomson; Sophia, who married Mr. MacDerinott, and Charles Stewart, the story of whose life I have now to tell.