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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell Vol - I"

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IK)                   CHAKLKS STK\VAUT   PAUMILI,                  .l*7<»
"English members, but even  brought   him   und«-r  the displeasure of the majority of his O\\M parly.
4 Whi^s, sir, Whi^s, rvery one of th*-m/ It*- vo«uM sav. speaking of his eollra^ue.-* in mnni»-nt • »«f tvl;i>.at i» *n, 'No Irish Nationalist, be il ,iiii, ean nj p!; it leo^ (»ppn»bri*»u-; epitlu-t to annthi-r than t«* *\»!t inia ,t \\*hi^. fI1o call him a T«»r\ u »ul»l b»- »f ?n«* t j i i v\ eompuristiii, In Irelaiiil the Ti r\ i r«- .u»l»*l *> ;nt
is  the   Whi^s.   not.   the Toii*   »  v«b»» I .i\«   lalj*»»n>
Kappetl the integrity *»f th«   hv-h repr   * 11! ui *i(     r> > *M Itntnt th<» Irish think, and in l^/*» thu«   *\**    i   .   »r«»« "in   in   the  ct»untr\   that   tl* •   In h   i.ut,   \^
tht*nuiflvt*s used souu-titnr.. to t*\u t < *h * tl »i     i* t! • Kuhji'ct.    * Von  know you an* a   \\isi*\'  t  1*   -i4 »j« Irish iwiuh<T say to anotht-r tit tlu* l*.4»i»)   in   I   *K |fl\» Iu* sun- I  am/ r-»aitl S., * aiut v»»u iti'i- a \Vtii|.% iiii»l your father  \v;ts a  \\'hi;s au«l  flutt  r»   a   \Vhu%  Hint Sullivan is a \\'lis»% an«! Mitrhrll Hmry i*. a \\tiij*    «'«• art* all \\'hi»:'<n>     I'«*«*r S, \va.nal«r.i  I'tn.  n^f u.h:i!i4»-.! He* hutl tlitlt'i'd hrrn th«- J*i"-.t «»rth*«.l.*\ nf \\ !HI;M all hn lift*, until 1^71, \vhrn ih«* fl*»\uji^ uJ** ^ttrpi  hua ui!»i Ituttut liulv,    Tlit*  Irij-Ji {uirlumrnfaiv j»:ufy  \va-. u»*t, !ic»wt*vc*r» as it \vhol»* a party of Winf^.  *tfhnT urn- HM dtmbt Whtg« in its ranks, turn \vlu» limt l*t-rn f^.*i**r4 hy thcnr eon«tit!tt*tit« to takr tin*  llmm^ Uu)«» j»lr*lf*r. la»i who did not helii*v«* iit it,    Tlu? tuuJMriiy «4 th«- j^rty, hcnvcvc.r, wen* triti* Nationalists, iiliirii jiinrrrrlv r^ii Htitutiotwl agitators.    * Wt* him)!            Kn^lniiti/ *.ur »4
them Haiti, "not with imilctH, iittt \vith bii!Iui-!«mi"^ ; and this WIIH practically tlu* rtvt«tt cif tlu* \vluilr l»**t|y, They believed that the. UOUH^ nf t^iiutttuttH             l««
convinced by reanon and  inudrrutton,          tin?