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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell Vol - I"

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Halfortl in April 1H77* Of «'our*ti* uv utrant Hoim* Kulo by tht* |*b*dj***. It \\;is tit** tliiii t»dj;o of th«« •wedge. It WUH tin fur tin wo rutild th*»tt &o. Hut I don't know that Kay m«»ant Hoinr Huh*. lit* probably mount exactly what th«« plrdfft* wit id, itit tmittiry.'
JoHoph Kuy, <%V(\, WIH tlti* author «»f twti ri'umi'Unbh* bookH, * Kduoulion of tin* Poor in Kn>*hind atul Kur(UH\* puhli^lH*«l in IHIli, and * Soria! Condition and 'Education in Knjtluud und Kttrnpt*/ pttblt^tuHl in |H*VK In tho latter \v*»rk Mr. Kits ?»h«»wt'd u Ki »'M apprrriuftun of thtH*vil« prodtirt*d by th«* Iri/'h !*>*ti tit M! l;tntl fruttm In fact !»' wu'i an advamvd ri-fonurr *»u all '.tibj*vt-i, and ft'H u d«*rp jiyuipufhv f»»r Irrlaiid and tin* Iri'*!i. Ilo inarritnt in I^««.l. ti$«* i*Id»"(t diot^htt-r of 11ii>«tiii Prununond, whu'»»* iitUtunt^tratiitn »*f hrl.ind tttitiitfj the Mi*H«>urn«' ib>%rnnurttt <J^^i |u» bjt», |fiv»*!i iiiiii tin abiding pbu*** ui lli^ iitf«*i*ii<*i}*5 of thi« prnph*, A-i X. waitl, Kay ui                of it$i *               *
Binipli*; It** mi?di**d t«i *H4*«                                   4if it*    tin
not        that §1                      h*                       ; but tit*
did think            it                        to tut
a                of                                                       ubviutt) tlio
n«kci)HHtty «f Iltiiii** itult*. !b*w**vt»r, ht<* *aippfir{rni in Halfoni ttiul in                                  t'hittfly «»f tin* Irihh
With tlu»$ii f!i« t|uoMtuin uu** to n**t lint tiilM*rut att^ in,
Home                  front I^fttm written by intlu»*titml
at tho tini«             tlu«               flrrticni \vtlt
xnako thin Vi*ry ch*tir.     Tluirt, run*                fttnii tbo
of CammoitH nit Ajiril 4: *I             limd n cott*
thin                  libmit flu* Hnsm*                   It i**
moHt oHHi»nttaI         tin1*                tti         fur Mr. iliitt1^
motion Hhoulct In*                             [by Mr. KnyJ and iti
ccs AK both Mr.