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/El. 31]                    PARNELL AND X.                           127
crotchets on the part of Liberal newspapers did not manifest itself when a Liberal Home Euler was elected for Manchester ? Verily nothing succeeds like success/
'Kay lost the seat/ says X.,'by a small majority, and then there was a great howl among the Liberals against Home Eule. They never howled when Liberals got in on the Home Bule ticket; but the moment
they lost, then it was the " d------d Irish." But we
stuck to our guns. When Waddy stood for Sheffield some time later we made him take the pledge, and put him in. Then there was no howl against the Irish. We showed them our power. We had to be conciliated, and the only way to conciliate us—the only way to get the Irish vote—was to take the Home Eule pledge. That was the root of the matter.'
In 1877 the Home Eule Confederation of Great Britain was, then, a formidable body, and to it Parnell came when his struggle with Butt had reached a* crisis. X. and the Fenians within the Confederation* though warmly attached to Butt, were thoroughly out of spnpathy with his conciliatory tactics. They believed not in soft words, but in hard blows. I have already said that the Irishman who carries out a fighting policy against England in any shape or form is bound to command the sympathy of the rank and file of the Fenian organisation.
Throughout 1877 X. saw Parnell frequently in London. Parnell said that in order to keep up the fight in Parliament he should be supported in the country. f You must get me a platform/ he said to X. in the summer of 1877. 'You must organise meetings in England. I must show that I have something at my back. A few men in the House of Commons