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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell Vol - I"

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H:>                 CIIAELES STEWART PARNELL            [1877
The Irish people were steadily losing faith in parliamentary agitation; but they watched the career of Parnell with interest and curiosity. "What would become of him? Would he remain in Parliament or would ho. glide into revolution? That was the question which many men in Ireland asked themselves in 1877.
On August 25 Parnell and Biggar attended a great mooting at the Botunda, Dublin. ' About this time/ says one who was present, ' it was a question among advanced men whether Parnell or Biggar would take foremoRt place. The Eotunda meeting settled it. The gathering was practically got up by the Fenians. Biggar and Parnell both spoke. Biggar made a very long Rpoech and produced no effect.
1 Parnell then came forward. He made a short, quiet Rpooch, badly delivered; but it produced great cffoot. We said, talking the matter over afterwards: " Biggar haa said all he had to say, but Parnell has Imrely opened his mind to us; there is a lot behind." '
NovortholoBfl, Parnell stated his views with characteristic elearnesB, and in the language best suited to the audience ho addressed. ' I care nothing,' he said,
* for this English Parliament and its outcries.   I care nothing   for  its  existence,  if   that   existence  is  to continue a source of tyranny and destruction to my country/
On September 1 the inost remarkable event which had yet taken place in the life of Parnell occurred. On itmiVtay the Home Ilule Confederation of Great Britain held their annual meeting at Liverpool. I must again full hack «<m X. for an account of what happened:
*  Butt was at thin time our president, but many of our pooplf  huil   lost confidence  in  him.     We all were warmly ftttiu'hwl to him ; for he was one of the most