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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell Vol - I"

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180                CHARLES  STEWART PARNELL             [1879
go over I must come back again.    I will know tomorrow what I will do.
1 Yours ever sincerely,
Parnell and Butt came into conflict for the last time on February 5, 1879. It was at a public meeting in the Leinster Lecture Hall, Molesworth Street, Dublin. The old question of obstruction was again discussed. Butt again condemned the tactics of the forward party, and Parnell spoke once more of the inaction of Butt. Issue was joined on the following resolution, proposed by Mr. T. D. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Biggar:
i That this meeting highly approves of the declarations made by Mr. Butt at the National Conference of November 1873, to the following effect: that " the more every Irish member keeps aloof from all private communications with English ministers or English parties the better;" that "there is enmity between the English Government and the Irish nation;" and that" the representatives of the people must accept this position; " that "they should hold no private parley with the power which is at war with the Irish people, and with which, therefore, the Irish members should be at war." That this meeting respectfully but1 earnestly recommends all the Home Eule representatives to act in the spirit of the foregoing declarations, and re-affirms (as specially applicable to the present time) the following resolution adopted by the National Conference held in the Rotunda on January 15, 1878 : " That, in view of the present circumstances, we think it desirable in the interests of the Home Bule cause that more energetic action should be taken in Parlia-