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234               CHARLES  STEWART' PARNELL             [i860
inflicted upon this country, and who wish to give the Government good value for their secret service money/
An amendment was moved by an ' advanced man/ Mr. 0'Sullivan, who protested against the right of the League to interfere with any other organisation. Mr. 0'Sullivan was, however, in a hopeless minority on that day, and the resolution was triumphantly carried. But the Fenians were resolved to teach the Constitutionalists in the League a lesson which should not be forgotten. The matter was at once brought under the notice of the central body in Dublin, when, on August 17, Mr. Brennan, himself a Fenian, condemned the action of the Cork branch, saying that they had no more right to consider the subject of the ' Juno' raid than they had to discuss the relative merits of the candidates for the presidency of the United States. Mr. Dillon, who was the chairman on the occasion, agreed with Mr. Brennan, and said that ' the meeting entirely disclaimed the resolution passed by the Cork branch.' On August 21 there was another meeting of the Cork branch. Mr. John O'Connor attended. Mr. 0'Sullivan was again in evidence. He proposed that the resolution of August 13 should be expunged, and it was expunged nem. con. However, the incident was not yet closed. On October 3 Parnell visited Cork. As he approached the city an armed party of Fenians stopped the procession, seized Mr. Cronin and Mr. J. O'Brien, who were in the carriage by his side, carried them off, and detained them for the day. They were resolved that no man who had struck at Fenianism should join in the welcome to Parnell. Soon afterwards the Cork branch of the League was c reconstructed/
Meanwhile Parnell had made up his mind to wage