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Maori, 194

Marathi, 407, 411

Maya writing, 54

meaning, changes of, 239

metaphor, 502-3

metaphorical extension, 65

missionaries and script systems, 203

Moabitic, 421

Mongolian, 193

monosyllabic languages, 426 ff, 441

monosyllables, 63, 122

mood, 119-21

mood, Latin, 322

mood, Romance, 394-9

Morse code, 76, 78

motion, directives of, 144

motion,  expression of, in German,

262, 304

Mundohngue, 460
Museums, language, 23
Muslims in Spain, 343

nasals, French, 257-8

negation, 159-61

negation, double, 399

negation, Latin and Romance, 339-


negation, Romance, 399-400
negation, Scandinavian, 281
Nestonan stone, 422
neuter, Latin, disappearance of, 328
Nobilibus, Robertus de, 180
nominatives 115, 117, 261, 314
Norwegian, 276 ff, see also Scandi-
Norwegian spelling, 237

Novial, 470-2, 495

noun, Dutch, 285

noun, Finnish., 198

noun, German, 266-8, 290-3

noun, Latin, 314$

noun, Old Engksh, 266-8

noun, Romance, 350-8

noun, Scandinavian, 279

number, 96, 108-10, 489

number, in Romance, 350-2

number, Latin, 316

number of languages, 405

number symbols, 58-9

numerals, 192

numerals, Russian, 415

numeratives, 211

numeratives, Chinese, 435-6

>bject, 117, 149,170
Dbject, indirect, 118, 153-6

ibjective, 115-16, 261

>bjective, genitive, 316

>blique case, 115, 326
Occidental, 468
Ogam script, 75, 417
Ogden, C   K, 20, 30, 139, 4731!,

494. 499
Aerators, 503
•ral recognition of language, difficulty

in, 25-26

irigtns of language, 89-90
Oscan writing, 325

Pah, 407
'alias, 179
?aniru, 408
Panjabi, 407, 411
Papuan, 194, 212, 213
participle, 104, 120, 139, 171
participle, past, 264
participle, past, Dutch and German,
participle, present, Romance, 387-9
particles, 32-3, 134 ff
particles, interrogative, 158, 161
partitive article, 361-2
partitive genitive, 316
parts of speech, 129
Pasihngua, 221, 442
passive, 117,120-1, 150, 171
passive, French, 386
passive, German, 298
passive, Latin, 322
passive, Latin and Romance, 337-8
passive, Scandinavian, 120, 278
past definite, 292-3, 392
past,   immediate,   in   French   and
Spanish, 391
patois, French, 441-2
Peano, G., 450, 467-70
Pehlevi, 407
perfect, 103
perfect and imperfect, 321-2, 338
perfect, synthetic, disuse of, 338
Persian, 188, 190, 194, 406, 407, 408,
Persian, Old, 407
person, 95 ff
person, in Celtic languages, 100
personal pronouns, see pronquns, per-