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Full text of "The Loom Of Language"

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voice, 119-21

voiced and voiceless consonants, 81,


Volapdk, 454,455-60
vowel change, German, 207
vowel change, Semitic, 424-5
vowel symbols, phonetic, 84
vowels, 56,62,700*581
vowels, English, 233 ff
vowels, French, 256
vowels, in interlanguage, 508-9
vowels, Romance, 256
Vulgate, 311,324,362

Wade, Sir T, 437

war, and interlanguage, 511

weak verbs, 104

Welsh, 102-3,19351943 41?

Wilkins, Bishop, 87,4445,494

word-economy, 499-506

word-lists, how to learn, 219 ff

word-lists, making, 33 ff

word-order, 40,153 ff, 273,492 ff
word-order, Anglo-American, 492-3
word-order, Chinese, 430-1
word-order, conjunctions and, 162-6
word-order, German-Dutch, 163-6,

286 ff

word-order, Latin, 323-4
word-order, Scandinavian, 162,277
word-similarity, 182-4
writing and speech, 174-5
writing, good, 170 ff
writing, kinds of, 48
writing, separation of words in, 50

Yiddish, 406

Zamenhof, L L,46off
Zend, 407
Zoological Nomenclature, Interna-
tional Commission on, 484
Zulu, 193,195