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Inarticulate Touches, 137
Incense across the dining-room

table, 274

Increateness of Matter, 314
Increment of knowledge, 312
Incoherency of New Ideas, 216
Incomprehensions,  Two,  323,


Indifference   to   death   unde-
sirable, 214
Indigestion, 82
Individual, 358

— The, and the race, 15

— The,   and   the   world,   an-
tagonism between, 12

Individuality, 319
Infamy   after   death,    Unde-
served, 361
Influence, Moral, Si
Influenza, Severe, 75
Ingenuity, 305
In Memoriam, 263
" In Memoriam to H. R. F.,"


Innocents, Massacre of, 270
Inoculation, 227
Inorganic, Organic and, 19,77-8
Inscription on chapel, 341
Inspiration, 179
Instinct, 266
Insults, Fancied, 61
Intellectual Rattlesnake, 268

— Self-indulgence, 27
Intelligence, 77, 78

— The, Omnipresence of, 77
Intentions of parties to a deed,


Intoxication, 343
Introduction of Foreign Plants,


Intuition, 315
Ionian mode, 129
Iphis, 398

Irreligion of Orthodoxy, The, 350
Irving, Washington, 265

" Is," 315        A

" Is not/' 315 •

Isaac, 231

Ishmael, 231

Ismail Gusbashi, 283-7

Italian peasant, 36

— Priesthood, On the, 379
Italians and Englishmen, 207

— The, 207

— The early composers, 115,127
Italian trips, 371

Italy, i, 2, in, 342

Ithaca, 5

Ivanhoe, 279

Ivy Hatch, 311

Ivy on Christmas Eve, 61

Japanese Gentleman, The, 245,


Jephtha, 120

Jesus Christ, 341, 352, 375
Jewels in pictures, 147
Jews, The, 200-4

— The return of the, 239
Jig in G. Minor, Handel's, 101
Job, 202-4

Johnians, 384, 385

John's, St., College, Cambridge,

i> 3, 6, 7, 379
Joining, 21
Jones, Henry Festing, 3, 4, 5,

7, 8, 65, 114, 121, 132, 133,

153, 219, 237, 239, 246, 250,

253, 3?6

Jones, Tom, 364
Jones, Tom, 202
Jordan, 398
Joseph Andrews, 190
Joshua, 120

Journal of Philology, 195
Jove, 345

Jubilee Sixpence, 136
Judas Maccab&us, 117, 118,120
Judging the Dead, 365
Juggles, Words are, 95