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PromontognotL 264
Prophets, Goers and, 333
Prophets,  stoning them   157,


Property, 309
Proposing, The art of, 289
Prose, 193, 264

— Poetical, 197

— Translations from verse into,

Proselyte, 82

Proselytising, eating and, 81

Protoplasm, 58

— and Reproduction, 69

— Viscid, 69, 70
Providence, 322

— and Improvidence, 223

— and Othello, 223

— Genius and, 180

— Tempting, 99
Proverbi Toscani, 379
Proverbs, The, 201, 203
Psalmist, The, 27, 212

" Psalm of Montreal," A, 3, 4,

6, 379, 388

Psalm, A penitential, 230
Psalms, The, 202
Public, Catering for the, 372

— ear, The, 162

— Handel and the British, 113

— Hoodwinking the, 162

— life, 367

— My, a declining one, 369

— opinion, 108, 261

— Wooing the, 371
Publisher, 364

Publishers' antechambers  dis-
tasteful, 373

Publishers, Myself and my, 166
Publishing at my own risk, 373
Pulling strings, 396
Punch, 208
Punishment, 343
Punishments, Rewards and, 362
Pupils, 173

Pupils,  The old masters and

their, 135                        t

Purcell, 122, 127, 128, 188
Purgatory, 219
Purse, Atrophy of the, 231
Purses, Things and, 224
Puzzled atoms, 84
Puzzled to death, 206

Quails, 307

Quarrelling, The art of, 229

Queen, The, 316

— of Heaven, The, 334
Quick people, 294

Quick, The, and the dead, 279
Quickly, Mrs., 264
Quickness in seeing, 139

" Quis Desiderio------? " 166

Quixote, Don, Hamlet, Mr.
Pickwick and, 217

Raccolta  di Proverbi   Toscani,

Race, The, and the individual,


Rachel, Madame, 184
Raffaelle, 256, 257, 324

— the Ansidei, 145 et seq.
Railway,   Line   of,   The   last

six inches of a, 380

Rain, 326

Rain-drops of new experience,

Rain, Handel's shower of, 120

Rakaia, 288

" Ramblings in Cheapside," 261

Rangitata, 268, 288

Rape of Lucrece, The, 192

Rapson, Mr. E. J., 165

Rarity, 365

Rassegna della Letteratuva Sid-
liana, 5

Rattlesnake, An intellectual,

Ravens, 253