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Sparks, 219

Speaking  voice,   Handel  and

the, 117
Specialism     and   Generalism,


Spectator, 3, 161, 380
Speculation, 229

— An Astronomical, 232
Spencer, Herbert, 138, 230
Spenlow and Jorkins, 334
Spermatozoa, 16, 17
Spider, 305, 306
Spiritual, Physical and, 96

— Treadmill, 338
Spoiled Tarts, 9
Spontaneity, 319, 323
Spontaneous Generation, 323
Sports, 16

Spurgeon, Mr., 388, 389

Squandering, 13

Squaring accounts, 160, 161

— the account and Karma, 15
Stagnation, 29

Stars ahead of and behind us,

232, 233
Starting   again   ad   infinitum,

361, 362
Statical, 67, 68
Statues,  Sacred and profane,


Stead, Mr., 190
Stealing (Music),  122
Steamboat, 229
Steam Engine, 325
Steam Engines, A fertile union

between two, 46
Steps in ice, 312
Sterility of hybrids, 66
Stevens, Alfred, 199
Stevenson, R. L., 187
Still-born   on   reaching  birth,

Stomach, 82, 310

— Our mental, 310
Stone, vivo, 279

Stop, I had bettfr, 378 "

— Where to, 135
Stories, Unwritten articles,

essays, 229
" Stowed away in a Montreal

lumber-room," 388
Strad, 241

Straightforwardness, 352
Strand, The, 237
Strange flesh, 30
Street preachers, 222

— The Man in the, 121
Streatfeild, Mr.R. A., 6, 7, 8, 40
String and Knife, 21
Struldbrugs, Literary, 229
Studied Ambiguity, 290
Study, Action and, 139

— and Research, 375
Studying from nature, 136
Stuff, 68

Stygian shore, 397
Style, 107, 186, 187
Subdivisible matter, 82
Subject and Treatment, 108

— Choice of, 105
Subjects, Familiar, 277

— Titles and, 229 et seq.
Sub-vicious, 25
Substance, 67-9

— An   eternal,   unchangeable,
underlying, 75

— The Universal, 67, 68
Success, Bored by, 371

— Capping a, 156

— Ephemeral and Permanent,
180 et seq.

— Financial, 373

— My own, 157
Successors, Who will be man's,


Suffering, Mental, 370
Sugar, 178
Suicide, 232
Suite de Pieces, 101
Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 128, 130