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Trying to Kiipw, 160

-------make rfyself like things,


Try-your-strengths, Moral, 184
Tub, 384

Tuke, Mr. H. S., A.R.A., 243
Tune, It is a wise tune that

knows its own father, 122
Tuning Death flatter, 358

— Handel's Rules for, 128

— Virtue sharp, 27

Turk, The, and marriage, 285

Turnpikes, 342

Twelve Voluntaries and Fugues
by the celebrated Mr. Han-
del, 128

Two Deans, The, 379, 387

Two   Incomprehensibles,   323,


Two Writers, 235
Tylor, Mr. Alfred, 158
Tyndall, 232
Types of humanity, rich and

poor, 51, 52
" Tyrants now no more shall

dread/' 118

Ulysses, 6, 122, 377

Ulysses, 32, 194, 195, 199, 335

— and Penelope, 198
Umbrella, 51
Unburying Cities, 370
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 265
Unconscious,  The  Philosophy

of the, 3

— Theory of the, 59

— action, 53 et seq.

— association, 65

— humour and Dickens, 32
-------Myself and, 166

— memory, 59
Unconscious Memory, 3, 7, 8,

39, 42, 66, 368, 375
Understanding, 73

— The peace that passeth, 338

Undertakings, Abandoned, 96
Unimaginative,   The,   are   as

children, 307                   f

Union and Separation, 83

— Bank, The, 87, 88
Unity, 310

— and multitude, 84

— of nature, The, 88, 89
Universe, The, 314

-------the only true atom, 84

Universal Review, 5, 6,166, 181,

261, 369, 376
Universal substance, The, 67,


Universities, 292, 293, 335
University Calendar, 292
Unknown, God and the, 324-6
Unlucky, Lucky and, 220
Unorthodox, 374
Unpopular, Myself, 372
Unprofessional   Sermons,   200

et seq.

Unrest, 315
Unseen Kingdom, 320

— World, n, 168, 320, 347
Untuning the sky, 165
Unwritten law, The, 95
Usefulness, Art and, 173, 174
Useless knowledge, 293

Val Bregaglia, 264

— Leventina, 350

— Sesia, 280
Valentine, 85
Values, 290

Vanity of human wishes, 219
" Vanquished slaves," 119
Varallo-Sesia, 4, 5, 7, 198, 274,


Varese, 260

Vates Sacer, The, 363-5
Veal and calf, 279
Vegetarian, 361
Velasquez, 153, 179
Venice, 274