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VOL. 57 JANUARY. 2011 No. 1 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
Saviour of the world." (I John 4:14) 


Day by day and with each passing moment, 
Strength I find to meet my trials here; 
Trusting in my Father's wise bestowrnent, 
I've no cause for worry or for fear. 
He whose heart is kind beyond all measure 
Gives unto each day what He deems best 
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure, 
Mingling toil with peace and rest. 

Eveiy day the Lord Himself is near me, 

With a special mercy for each hour; 

All my cares He wants to bear, to cheer me, 

He whose name is Counselor and Power. 

The protection of His child and treasure 

Is a charge that on Himself He laid: 

"As your days, your strength shall be in measure," 

This the pledge to me He made. 

Help me then in every tribulation 

So to trust Thy promises, O Lord, 

That I lose not faith's sweet consolation 

Offered me within Thy holy Word. 

Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting, 

E'er to take, as from a father's hand, 

One by one, the days, the moments fleeting, 

Till I reach the promised land. —Carolina Sandell Berg 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
(Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Publishing editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


Another year lies before us as new snow with no tracks to 
mar it. It's a little like the man who thanked the Lord that so far 
this day he had made no mistakes and said no wrong words. 
But he was soon to get out of bed and then he would need help. 
I have finished filling a five year diary. It seems just a short 
time ago that I started it. In that five years I have had some 
surgeries and accidents. We have been privileged to attend 
school and church meetings and enjoy trips. We've welcomed 
seven more grandchildren. But these are small events when we 
consider the problems of our nation and the world. Wars 
continue, and a sinister threat of terrorism hangs over our 
country. Some years before 9-11, Billy Graham, speaking at 
the presidential breakfast, compared the world situation to the 
sword of Damocles. Damocles lived in the fourth century 
before Christ. He once insulted King Dionysius of Syracuse. 
The king condemned him to attend a royal banquet and sit 
beneath a naked sword that was suspended by a single hair. At 
any moment it could drop. 

We may not have a lot of involvement in world affairs, but 
we are told to pray. Only God knows the future. We hear of 
wars and earthquakes fulfilling Jesus' prophecies. (Matt. 24:6,7) 
More dangerous to us and our youth is the increase in 
technical devices: Facebook, cell phones and needless texting, 
Internet, and all it's various intriguing parts and divisions. 
(Regarding the newness of these, Facebook came up on my 
spell check on our old 3.1 computer as an error with "no 

We wonder, but we probably know, how our forefathers 
would have dealt with these marvels of our time. Anything that 


takes our time and attention must pass the test: Does it draw us 
closer to God? or move us in the other direction? Does it 
honor God} James Steiner, writing in Beside the Still Waters 
about heeding spiritual warning gauges, said this: "If our 
Bibles are collecting dust on the shelf while our cell phones 
are becoming well-worn or if we spend more time on e-mail 
than in Bible reading, we should be warned about our 
spiritual temperature." 

Time and attention. Time is important because it means 
opportunity, but it is limited. Believers and ungodly both will 
stand before God when their time is up. God gives no promise 
of life for the coming year. Our call may come suddenly or with 
warning like news of a terminal illness. We must realize we are 
not going to win every battle and will not reach perfection here 
in the flesh. But as believers we are ready now because our 
salvation depends on a faithful Redeemer. It is His 
righteousness we are given when we believe on Him, according 
to Paul in Romans 4:24. 

Our attention is important because we can fail simply by 
ignoring our duty. When we concentrate on the technical toys, 
we may neglect the needs around us. Milton Cook in the Bible 
Monitor lists some hopes for the coming year that should have 
our attention: "We would desire to see many accept Christ 
as their Savior. We would desire to see the Church both 
materially and spiritually prosper. We would like to see 
Brothers and Sisters united into a solid Brotherhood of 
like-hearted imitators of Christ. The way we represent 
Christ to this dying world may influence what events 
happen in this next year." Besides these noble goals there are 
the poor in other countries, and even in our own, who could use 
the funds we often lavish on ourselves. Our time and our 
attention belong to God. So do all the things we call "ours." 
May 2011 be a year of progress and victory for all our readers. 
It could be a short year if Jesus comes soon. — L.C. 



Spiritual singing is the need of the hour! If our 
congregations are to engage hi worship of this quality and 
dimension, then we must truly be, above any other 
consideration, a people of God. Our lives must support our 
singing. Spiritual singing must stem from spiritual lives— from 
hearts keenly aware of the presence of God. It is evident that 
such spiritual lives stem from a new birth, being born from 
above, born of the Spirit, filled with the Spirit of God, walking 
in the Sphit, walking in love, in true holiness, and in true 
Christian discipleship, Jn.3:3,5; Eph.5:18,2,8; Gal. 5: 16,25; 

To achieve spiritual singing is to achieve spirituality in the 
hearts of our people. And to obtain a new life in the Spirit there 
must be a discharging of our tremendous moral responsibility in 
repentance and faith to a moral Creator and God (Acts 20:21). 
This demands a return to sanity {resipiscentia: a growing wise 
again), a total change of mind, purpose, opinion, inclination, 
attitude, and direction, a thorough brokenness and yieldedness 
before God, and a casting of ourselves unreservedly in obedient 
faith upon Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, Ezek,14:6: 

By John Overholt in The Christian Hymnary, page vi 



Does the health of our school really depend on the quality 

of the homes that benefit from them? Absolutely! Our schools 

cannot compensate for the weaknesses in our homes. If we as 

parents fail in our responsibilities to our children, it will only 


make things more difficult for our schoolteachers and other 
school personnel. 

What are some qualities that our homes must possess if we 
want to have a healthy school? 

Children should feel wanted and loved. Do we truly see 
our children as gifts from God and "an heritage of the Lord"? 
Or do we act as if they are in the way or a bother sometimes? 
Children can sense whether their presence is appreciated or not. 
This feeling of belonging will then carry over into the school 

Our homes should also provide a sense of security for our 
children. Our children should feel safe at home with their 
parents. Here is a shelter from the various threats that life 
imposes upon them. At home is where children should leara to 
cope with their fears and disappointments that life brings. 

As our children learn to feel secure, they shoidd also begin 
to develop a sense of stability in relating to life. As parents, 
we help to develop stability in our children by exhibiting 
stability ourselves. We seek for a church that is upholding the 
truth and then we support it. We do not hop from one job to 
another. We should be known as persons who know what they 
want and then stand for it. 

Our homes should be graced by a general respect for 
authority. Parents respect and obey God's authority, church 
authority, and civil authority. They also have a deep respect for 
the authority of the school. Parents who side with their children 
against school authority are doing then children a great 
disfavor. Children, in turn, should be taught to respect their 
parents' authority. 

At an early age our children need to learn that there are 
boundaries beyond which we may not go in how we speak and 
act. As parents, we establish these boundaries by consistent 
teaching and discipline. The sooner we can establish this in the 


minds of our little ones, the easier it will be for them and for the 
school as they enter school life. 

Order and schedule in our daily homelife is another 
essential for healthy schools. Activities must happen at certain 
times from day to day if we are to have order in our homes. A 
regular time for rising, mealtimes, going to bed, family worship, 
and doing chores will prepare children for school life. 

Another home quality that will contribute to a healthy 
school is being able to relate well with other people and with 
their feelings and goals. Each home must decide for itself what 
its goals will be and where the lines will be drawn. But then, 
there is the grace of relating to other families and their goals in 
a considerate way, even though the lines may be drawn at a 
slightly different place. Some people seem to be born with the 
talent of relating graciously to others, whereas others struggle 
more to relate in a Christlike way. But God calls all of us to be 
humble and meek in relating to each other, realizing that God 
has a place for each one in the work of His kingdom. As we 
learn to appreciate others and the good they can contribute to 
our lives, this attitude will be caught by our children and will 
help them relate to their peers at school. 

Our homes should promote a healthy attitude toward 
learning. Do you view study and learning as a necessary evil or 
is it something you love to do, realizing the value it will have in 
your life? If our children enter school life with a love for 
learning new things, they are well on the road to developing a 
lifelong appreciation for the value of learning. Also, the attitude 
we as parents take when our children come home with a 
difficult assignment will either help or hinder our child's 
appreciation for learning. Do we show an interest in the 
assignment, seeking to help where we can, or do we mutter 
something under our breath about why they have to study that? 

Developing in our children a healthy attitude toward work 
is another essential to healthy schools. Our children should 


know something about perseverance and the satisfaction of a 
job well done when they enter the classroom doors for the first 
time. The attitude we as parents take toward work has a great 
bearing on the attitude our children will develop. 

We should also instill in our children some stewardship 
principles at a young age. They should be learning to handle 
books with care and to take care of their toys. They should be 
learning that we do not let bicycles and other toys he around 
outside overnight or in the rain. As they know something about 
caring for their possessions, it will help them to be good 
stewards of school property as it becomes their responsibility. 

In all our homelife, we should promote and foster a 
healthy, spiritual atmosphere. If we want a proper atmosphere 
to prevail at school, we need to begin this at home. A general 
respect for God and the seriousness of life should prevail in all 
our homes and schools. 

God needs spiritually strong, stable homes to help to keep 
alive the vision for healthy Christian day schools. Will your 
home be one of them? 

By Melvin Detweiler 
in The Christian School Builder, September, 2002 


In past issues we have printed accounts of the Brethren in 
Europe. This selection is about their beginning in Colonial 
America— the first baptism and first communion in the New 

The Germantown Congregation 

Germantown, mother congregation in America, what a 
history is thine! 

There's a stormy voyage in 1719, a landing at Philadelphia, 
a procession to Germantown, a dispersion of the twenty families 
of German Baptist Brethren, and in 1722 a revival spirit; public 


preaching collects tlie scattered souls; in 1723, a strange thrill 
enraptured the membership at news of the coming of Elder 
Libe; people from the Schuylkill country travel to the city of 
Philadelphia to hear this man whose eloquence had made him 
famous in two continents; a meeting is held at Peter Becker's 
house; a missionary visit is undertaken; and six souls ask for 
baptism—this is the beginning of the church in America. (Elder 
Libe did not come, but they met anyway. L.C.) 

Doubly memorable Christmas Day, 1723! Christ's 
anniversary and the date of the birth of His church in America! 
There is an activity at Peter Becker's house in Germantown. 
The spindles are still; and the voice of praise is raised. Six 
persons, Martin Urner, his wife Catherine, Henry Landis, his 
wife, Frederick Lang, and John Mayle, all from what is now the 
Coventry district, were in the midst of seventeen members, and 
they were preparing to hold the first immersion in the church in 
America. There was no ordained minister this side of the 
Atlantic. The members hold a council. Peter Becker is chosen 
to act as elder. The preliminary examination is held, prayer is 
offered, and then these twenty-three souls walk out into the 
winter afternoon, in single file, headed by Peter Becker. They 
journey to the Wissahickon Creek. The group kneels. 
Overhead the solemn sentinels of the forest fastness— the pines 
and hemlock— are stilled. The ice-bound stream utters strangely 
solemn music. Curious eyes from the Kelpianites rest reverently 
upon the group. Peter Becker's voice breaks the stillness. The 
prayer is ended. The six candidates for membership in God's 
family are led one by one into the water and are baptized by 
trine immersion. The procession returns to Germantown. They 
assembled in the house of John Gomorry. It is evening now. 
The old-time tallow- dips are lighted. They gather around a 
long table, a hymn is sung, and in the silent evening hour, with 
no witness but God and curious children, these people begin the 
observation of the ordinances of God's house on Christmas 


evening, 1723. The sisters on one side, the brethren on the 
other, arise and wash one another's feet. Then they eat the 
Lord's Supper, pass the kiss of charity with the right hand of 
fellowship, partake of the Holy Communion, sing a hymn, and 
go out. It is night! But under God's guidance their acts have 
been repeated in a thousand twilights, in all parts of this country 
in all the years that have come and gone; and, please God, we 
will repeat them again and again until He shall say, "It is 
enough. Come up higher." 

Let us look yet more closely at this company. Who are 
they? Six are already named. They are babes in Christ. But the 
other seventeen are warriors of two continents. They had a 
remarkable career. At the head sat Peter Becker, pioneer 
preacher in America. He could have told of blessed meetings in 
Creyfelt and of sermons by Elders Mack, Libe, and Naas. He is 
not a gifted preacher, but he leads the sacred music that fills the 
dimly- lighted room with echoes of heaven's choir. His prayers 
are eloquent and overmastering. He loved God and talked with 
Him in the full faith of an expectant child of the King. 

To his right sat John Jacob Price, who had prayed and 
preached in the Rhine Valley with Elder Naas. He was not 
large in body, but fervent in spirit. There was Stephen Koch, 
John HQdebrand, Henry Traut and Henry Holsapple. They 
were rich in experiences with God's people in Germany. There 
was John Gomony, in whose house they sat; near him were 
Jeremiah and Balser Traut, Daniel Ritter, John Kempfer, Jacob 
Koch, and George Balser Gans, all sterling men of God. 

To the left of Peter Becker sat Maria Hildebrand, whose 
daughter was destined to wed a son of founder Mack. By her 
side sat Magdalene Traut, Anna Gomorry, and Joanna Gans. 
Seated in their midst were the six new members- twenty- three 
in all. Who can lift the veil and record this hour's holy service? 
What thoughts, what emotions, what religious experiences, 
what covenanted pledges, what rejoicings moved lips and heart 


and head! To God only is known the ecstasy of that 
communion. "Ye know not now; but ye shall know hereafter." 
Blessed beginning of the church in America; may her latter days 
be like her first! 

Fromv4 History of The German Baptist Brethren in Europe 
and America by Martin Grove Brumbaugh 


The Lord receives His highest praise 
From humble minds and hearts sincere; 
While all the loud professor says 
Offends the righteous Judge's ear. 

To walk as children of the day, 
To mark the precepts' holy light, 
To wage the warfare, watch, and pray, 
Show who are pleasing in His sight. 

Not words alone it cost the Lord, 
To purchase pardon for His own; 
Nor will a soul by grace restored 
Return the Saviour words alone. 

With golden bells, the priestly vest, 
And rich pomegranates bordered round, 
The need of holiness expressed, 
And called for fruit as well as sound. 

Easy indeed it were to reach 
A mansion in the courts above, 
If swelling words and fluent speech 
Might serve instead of faith and love. 


But none shall gain the blissful place, 
Or God's unclouded glory see, 
Who talks of free and sovereign grace, 
Unless that grace has made him free! 
William Cowper 
Selected by Lloyd Wagner 


A Parable of the Tools 

The Hammer was presiding at 
A meeting of the tools. 
The meeting started out just right- 
Exactly like the rales. 

But when the tools could not agree, 
One voice was clearly heard, 
"It's time that pounding Hammer goes- 
He knocks with every word!" 

"And Brother Plane must go," said one. 
"He never does go deep. 
He skims the surface; shavings fall- 
True worth he'll never keep!" 

Another spoke, "Sandpaper too 
Must surely go today; 
He's rough and tactless, makes such dust- 
Hell rub the truth away! " 

"But Brother Saw," Sandpaper flared, 
"Just cuts the whole way through. 
He makes divisions everywhere 
And scatters sawdust too!" 


"And when Screwdriver does a job, 
You're sure lie will get dizzy; 
He just stays stiff and turns around, 
And yet he thinks he's busy! " 

"The Square keeps others well in line- 
He knows he's straight and right." 
"The Wrench insists on perfect fit." 
"The Pliers pinches tight." 

The Carpenter of Nazareth 
Came walking slowly through; 
He softly spoke, "There's work today, 
And I need all of you." 

Without delay in unison, 
They chorused, "Here am I; 
Just use me, Lord, as You see best; 
For what You say, I'll try." 

Then with cooperation prompt, 
Those various humble tools, 
Submitting to the Master's skill, 
Built churches, homes, and schools. 

Compiled by Regina Horst 
From The Christian School Builder, May, 1990 


MILLER - A son, Elijah Gary, born January 4 to Gary and 
Hannah Miller of Marble Falls, Arkansas. 

There is in the world far more hunger for love and 
appreciation than there is for bread. —Selected 



Let us draw near the Mercy Seat, 
The throne of God on high; 
Comnmunication be complete 
Between the earth and sky. 

Let us draw near in humble prayer, 
Confess our wandering ways; 
Cast on the Lord our every care 
And bow to Him in praise. 

Let us draw near to Him who hears 
The groanings of each heart; 
Oh, take away our cares and fears 
For just and kind Thou art. 

Let us draw near, for round His throne 
Others are bending low. 
How sweet to be with those who know 
From where their blessings flow. 

Let us draw near that we be one, 
United heart to heart; 
Content to say, "Thy will be done," 
Thy blessings to impart. 

Let us draw near while here below, 
For soon the day will come; 
God grant we then Thy grace may know 
And all be gathered home. 
Joseph I. Cover 
December 4, 1963 



Honest Tom 

Tom blew into his hands and stamped his feet to try to 
warm them, for he had no mittens, and the soles of his shoes 
were badly worn. "Latest news! Read all about it! " he shouted, 
holding up his last newspaper. Nobody seemed to notice or 
even hear the shabby little newsboy on the corner. 

It was getting dark; Tom was hungry and cold. He had to 
sell his last paper before he could go home. 

People were hurrying past him on their way home from 
work or with arms full of packages. Tom noticed these because 
he was cold and hungry. He and his grandmother lived in two 
wee, dark rooms up on the top floor of a shabby house in a 
poor neighborhood. His grandmother sewed buttons on little 
cards, hundreds of cards and thousands of buttons, but they 
brought only a few cents a day for the tiresome work. Those 
few cents and what Tom earned selling papers was not enough 
to buy chicken and not even a little roast, for there was rent to 
pay, coal and wood to buy to keep the fire burning, and 
medicine to buy for Grandmother. 

"I wish I could buy something 'specially good to eat. 
Wouldn't Grandmother be surprised!" thought Tom. "But I 
haven't even enough money to buy sausage." 

Tom waved his paper in front of a gentleman passing by. 
"Paper, Mister?" he shouted. 

"I'll take a paper, Sonny." said the gentleman, reaching in 
his pocket and dropping the money into Tom's hand. 

"Thanks a lot," Tom said. 
Now he could go home and get warm by the little stove and tell 
Grandmother about the shoppers. He was about to put the 
money into his pocket when a ray of light from the street light 
flashed on one of the coins. "It certainly is a bright coin, like 
somebody had polished it," mused Tom. He went beside a 


store window where he could see better and looked at the 
bright coin, "It is different from the others," said Tom to 
himself. "It must be a gold coin. Why, if it is, I'm rich! I can 
buy all kinds of things with it. I can buy sausages for dinner." 

But all the joy was wrung out of Tom's heart as quick as it 
had come because he remembered his grandmother's words, "It 
pays to be honest." He could not forget a verse from Proverbs 
she had made him learn once, "In the house of the righteous is 
much treasure; but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble." "It 
would not be honest for me to keep this money. The man gave 
it to me by mistake." 

Tom was suddenly missing from the street comer. He 
dashed down the sidewalk, dodging the last-minute shoppers, in 
search of the gentleman who had bought his last paper. He 
eyed eveiy man that he passed, wondered at every comer if he 
might have turned there. His feet were warmer now from 
running, but he was cold with fear that he would not find him. 

Tom was about to give up his search and go home when he 
saw a man at the curb getting into his car. "There—there he is! 
The man who bought my last paper!" cried Tom aloud, too 
loud, for a policeman put a hand on Tom's shoulder and said, 
"Son, you seem terribly excited. What did this man do?" 

"Oh, nothing," answered Tom. "Just bought a paper." 
Then he pulled away from the policeman. "I'll miss him if I 
don't hurry." 

The policeman followed close after Tom, a puzzled 
expression on his face. 

Tom nearly did miss the man. He was just starting to drive 
away from the curb as Tom jumped on the running board. 
"Wait a minute, Mister!" 

The car stopped and the driver rolled down the window as 
Tom explained, "You bought my last paper and you paid me 
with this bright com. I know it must be valuable and you made 
a mistake when you gave it to me, so I've brought it back." 

"My gold coin! That is worth a great d?*> .* me," said the 
gentleman. "You are a fine boy to bring it back." 

"I was afraid I wouldn't find you," said Tom as he dropped 
the coin into its owner's hand, and with it he saw all Ms bright 
hopes for the good hot dinner vanish. He was about to turi 
sadly from the car when the man spoke again. "I appreciafg 
your honesty, my boy. Here is something to repay you." g 

The car drove away. Tom stood on the curb staling at thf 
money in his hand, trying to realize that it was true. "It's mirig 
all mine! I can buy sausages and potatoes for dinner. WoiTl 
Grandmother be surprised! " jS 

The policeman was still near by. He had seen and heanf 
what had happened. The puzzled expression was gone now aiS 
a smile was on his face instead as he moved across the sidewafig 
toward Tom. "Here Son, is another reward. Get yourself =5 
new p air of shoes and wann mittens. " ~ 

By Hilda I. Richardson Jjj 

in Sunbeams, November 7, 1948 IS 



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VOL. 58 FEBRUARY, 2011 No.2 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 

Saviour of the world" (I John 4: 14) 


Lord, Thou hast searched and seen me through: 
Thine eye commands, with piercing view, 
My rising and my resting hours, 
My heart and flesh with all their powers. 

My thoughts, before they are my own 
Are to my God distinctly known; 
He knows the words I mean to speak, 
Ere from my opening lips they break. 

Within Thy circling power I stand; 
On every side I find Thy hand; 
Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, 
I am surrounded still with God. 

O may these thoughts possess my breast, 
Where'er I rove, where'er I rest; 
Nor let my weaker passions dare 
Consent to sin, for God is there. Amen. 

Isaac Watts, 1719 

From the Church Hymnal 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Publishing editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


"Shame is a bold fellow!" He elbows in when we don't 
welcome him. But hear Jesus' warning: "For whosoever shall 
be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man 
be ashamed, when he eometh in his own glory, and in his 
Father's, and of the holy angels." 

We are ashamed in public if we neglect to dress properly, or 
if we are unprepared when called on to testify, or not ready to 
help someone in need. We make our wives ashamed if our 
clothes are not pressed or cleaned properly. But these times are 
of little consequence compared to our duty to represent the One 
who has saved us. He suffered untold shame for us when He 
was crucified with two criminals and the soldiers gamboled for 
His clothes. His place of crucifixion apparently was near a 
thoroughfare as the prophet had asked, "Is it nothing to you, all 
ye who pass by?" 

Joseph Grigg has written a soul-searching poem of five 
verses, also set to music: 

Jesus, and shall it ever be 

A mortal man ashamed of Thee? 

Ashamed of Thee whom angels praise 

Whose glories shine through endless days? 

Could a mortal (dying) man be ashamed of the Author of 
life and One so glorious? Angels are pictured in God's Word as 
powerful, able to travel quickly, clothed in white, shining 
garments, with a countenance like lightning. Men in the 
presence of angels "did fear and quake, and became as dead 
men." If such creatures as these praise the Savior, could we 
mortals ever be ashamed of Him? 


Ashamed ofJesas! sooner far 

Let evening blush to own a star; 

He sheds the beams of light divine 

O'er this benighted soul of mine. 
John wrote of Jesus (1:9): "That was the true Light, which 
lighteth every man that cometh into the world." Can "our 
benighted souls" blush in the presence of true Light? Even the 
created sun dispels physical darkness; we welcome the morning. 
How much more should we be glad when the Son rises in our 

Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon 

Let midnight be ashamed of noon; 

Tis midnight in my soul till He, 

Bright morning star, bid darkness flee. 
This author says we are in the darkness of midnight until the 
Morning Star arise in our hearts. Could we be ashamed of that 
incomparable benefit? Malachi 4:2 describes the Sun of 
righteousness with healing in his wings. Doctors are honored as 
healers, but the Christian doctors acknowledge that all healing 
is from God. Jesus healed all who came to Him in faith. 

Ashamed of Jesus! that dear Friend 

On whom my hopes of heaven depend! 

No, when I blush, be this my shame: 

That I no more revere His name. 
We are not ashamed of dear friends— especially those who 
have helped us financially or those who taught us in the Word. 
We are glad to be identified with them. But this dear Friend 
holds our hopes of heaven. According to the poem, there is a 
time when we should blush with shame. That is if we do not 
honor the dear name of Jesus. 

Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may 

When I've no guilt to wash away; 

No tear to wipe, no good to crave, 

No fears to quell, no sold to save. 


In this last verse the poet lists some of our needs that only 
Jesus can supply. In His grace He washes away our guilt. 
When we grieve, He wipes away our tears. He tells us of a time 
when there will be no more crying or tears. To John He said, 
"Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and 
was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and 
have the keys of hell and of death " 
Can He save our souls? 
Is He worthy of our eternal praise? 

May we never be ashamed of the One who suffered shame 
that we might live. --L.C. 

I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, 
Or to defend His cause, 
Maintain the honor of His word, 
The glory of His cross. 


"You do certain things, you get certain results." I well 
remember these words of Brother Dan Wolf after he and I had 
been to visit a member who was challenging the Church Order. 
Having made some study of Church history, particularly relating 
to the Brethren (Dunkard People), I believe that, with very few 
exceptions, decisions made, considering the context of the time 
and setting, were reasonable. Do we need Church authority and 
(or) discipline? Some think not. Some believe the leading of 
the Holy Spirit in the individual experience is all sufficient. The 
Bible is all we need; no man-made laws or order wanted or 

It is challenging to observe the results and patterns that have 
evolved in the "Plain Churches." One extreme is those who are 
allowing people to commune who are living in moral sin and 
disregarding God's order in attire. This is the result of decisions 


and practices based on premises other than Biblical instruction. 
Are Church decisions made to encourage righteous thoughts 
and practices or do they reflect compromise with the world and 
emphasize political and social control? (I Cor. 11:2) 

At the root of this dilemma is the conflict of the ages: the 
result of the fall in Eden and the effects of sin. Satan would 
have us believe that we can be our own boss and make our own 
decisions. We are number one— no God or laws necessary. The 
answer to this path to Hell is found in God's Word. Jesus came 
as a servant, giving the plan of salvation, doing good and giving 
instruction for dealing with others. The primary issue is to get 
ones self out of the way. This can only be done by yielding to 
the leading of the Spirit of God. Christians can also be subject 
to the temptations of selfish desires, but we know that through 
the power of God we can "resist the devil and he will flee from 
us." (James 4:7) 

It is presumptuous to discredit traditions and say we do not 
need rules. When we have traditions and order which are 
Biblical, they warrant our respect. "Therefore, brethren, stand 
fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether 
by word, or our epistle." (11 Thess, 2:15) Try to imagine what 
life and society would be like if there were no traditions and 
rules. Chaos! The same is true in the Spiritual experience. 

Respecting God's Word and the sound faith of our ancestry 
will reap righteous results. 

Joseph E. Wagner Modesto, California 


The Church and the World walked far apart 
On the changing shore of time; 
The World was singing a giddy song, 
And the Church a hymn sublime. 


"Come give me your hand, " said the merry World, 
"And then walk with me this way. " 
But the Church hid her snowy hand 
And solemnly answered, "Nay." 

"I will not give my hand at all, 
And I will not walk with you; 
Your way is the way of eternal death, 
And your words are all untrue." 
"Nay, walk with me a little space, " 
Said the World with a kindly air. 
"The road I walk is a pleasant road, 
And the sun shines always there. 

"Your way is narrow and thorny and rough, 

While mine isfloweiy and smooth; 

Your lot is sad with reproach and toil, 

But in rounds of joy I move. 

My way you can see, is a broad, fair one, 

And my gate is high and wide; 

There is room enough for you and me, 

And well travel side by side. " 

Half shyly the Church approached the World, 

And gave him her hand of snow; 

And the false World grasped it, and walked along 

And whispered in accents low, 

"Your dress is too simple to please my taste; 

I have gold and pearls to wear; 

Rich velvets and silks for your graceful form, 

And diamonds to deck your hair, " 

The Church looked down at the plain white robes, 
And then at the dazzling World, 


And blushed as she saw his handsome Up 
With a smile contemptuous curled; 
"I will change my dress for a costlier one." 
Said the Church with a smile of grace. 
Then her pure white garments drifted away, 
And the World gave in their place 

Beautiful satins and fashionable silks 

And roses and gems and pearls; 

And over her forehead her bright hair fell 

And waved in a thousand curls. 

"Your house is too plain, " said the proud old World. 

"Let us build you one like mine, 

With kitchen for feasting and parlor for play, 

And furniture ever so fine. " 

So be built her a costly and beautiful house, 

Splendid it was to behold; 

Her sons and daughters met frequently there, 

Shining in purple and gold. 

And fair and festival— frolics untold 

Were held in the place of prayer, 

And maidens bewitching as sirens of old, 

With world-winning graces rare 

Bedecked with fair jewels and hair all curled 

Untrammeled by Gospel or Laws, 

To beguile and amuse and win from the World, 

Some help for the righteous cause. 

The Angel of mercy rebuked the Church, 

And whispered, "I know thy sin." 

And the Church looked sad and anxiously longed 

To gather the children in. 


But some were away at the midnight ball, 

And others were at the play; 

And some were drinking in gay saloons, 

And the angel went away, j 

And then said the World in soothing tones, 

"Your much loved ones mean no harm, 

Merely indulging in innocent sports. " 

So she leaned still on his proffered arm. 

And smiled and chatted, and gathered flowers, 

And walked along with the World: 

While countless millions of precious souls 

Were hungering for truth untold. 

n Y our preachers are all too old and plain, " 

Said the gay World with a sneer. 

"They frighten my children with dreadful tales 

Which I do not like to hear. 

"They talk of judgments and fire and pain, 
And the gloom of darkest night 
They warn of a place that should not be 
Thus spoken to ears polite! 
I will send you some— a better stamp- 
More brilliant and gay and fast, 
Who will show how men may live as they list 
And go to heaven at last. 

"The Father is merciful, great, and good, 

Loving and tender and kind. 

Do you think He'd take one child to heaven 

And leave another behind?" 

So she called for pleasing and gay divines, 

Deemed gifted and great and learned; 


And the plain old men that had preached the cross 
Were out of her pulpits turned. 

The Mammon came in and supported the Church, 

And rented a prominent pew; 

And preaching and singing and floral display 

Soon proclaimed a gospel new. 

"You give too much to the poor, " said the World, 

"Far more than you ought to do; 

Though the poor need shelter, food, and clothes, 

Why thus need it trouble you? 

"Go take your money and buy rich robes 

And horses and carriages fine; 

And pearls and jewels and dainty food, 

The rarest and costliest wine. 

My children they dote on all such things, 

And if you their love would win, 

You must do as they do and walk in the way, 

The flowery way they're in. " 

Then the Church her purse-strings tightly held 

And gracefully lowered her head, 

And simpered, "I've given too much away; 

I will do, sir, as you have said." 

So the poor were turned from the door in scorn; 

She heard not the orphans' cry; 

And she drew her beautiful robes aside 

As the widows went weeping by. 

And they of the Church and they of the World 
Journeyed closely, hand and heart, 
And none but the Master, who knoweth all, 
Could discern the two apart. 


Then the Church sat down at her ease and said, 

"I'm rich and in goods increased; 

I have need of nothing, and naught to do 

But to laugh and dance and feast." 

The sly World heard her and laughed within, 

And mockingly said aside, 

"The Church has fallen— the beautiful Church; 

Her shame is her boast and pride, " 

Thus her witnessing power, alas, was lost, 

And perilous times came in; 

The times of the end, so often foretold, 

Of form and pleasure and sin. 

Then the Angel drew near the mercy-seat 

And whispered in sighs her name, 

And the saints their anthems of rapture hushed 

And covered their heads with shame. 

A voice came down from the hush of heaven, 

From Him who sat on the throne; 

"I know thy works and what thou hast said, 

But alas! thou hast not known 

That thou art poor and naked and blind 

With pride and ruin enthralled; 

The expectant Bride of a heavenly Groom 

Is the harlot of the World! 

Thou hast ceased to watch for that blessed hope, 

Hast fallen from zeal and grace; 

So now, alas! I must cast thee out, 

And blot thy name from its place." 

Matilda C. Edwards 

Grape Hill, Va,, January 3, 1874 



If you are not saved— you are lost. 

If you do not pray—you have no power. 

If you are not meek—you are haughty. 

If you are not humble— you are proud. 

If you have no peace— you have no rest. 

If you have no rest— you have worries. 

If you have no joy— you get despondent. 

If you have no hope— you are discouraged. 

If you are not honest— you are deceitful. 

If you lose your temper— you commit sin. 

If you are not merciful— you are hard-hearted. 

If you have no forbearance— you lack patience. 

If you are discourteous— you are inconsiderate. 

If you use profanity— Satan uses you tongue. 

If you have hate in your heart— you are a murderer. 

If you don't love the brethren—you don't love God. 

If you are not consecrated— you are not separated. 

If you are not submissive to God— you are rebellious. 

If you are not going to heaven— you are going to hell 

If you are not pure in heart— you are impure in thought. 

If you are not spiritually minded— you are worldly minded. 

If you do not bear the cross— you become a stumbling block. 

If you love the world— you don't love spiritual things. 

If you are not born again— you are not in the kingdom of God. 

If you can't control your mind— you can't control your tongue. 

If you take the name of the Lord in vain— you are not guiltless. 

If you are not in touch with God— you are in touch with Satan. 

If you have an unforgiving spirit— your sins are not forgiven. 

If you are not filled with the Spirit— you are filled with self. 

If you are not walking in the light— you are walking in the dark. 

If you haven't grace in your heart— you have hell in your heart. 


If yon are not witnessing for Jesus— yon are witnessing for 


If you are not led by the Spirit of God— you are led by the devil 

If you are not wise unto salvation— you are unwise unto 


If you haven't God's love in your heart— you are uncharitable 

towards others. 

If you are not carrying burdens for others— you are making 

burdens for others. 

If you are not sowing the seed of the kingdom— you are sowing 

tares of the devil —Selected 


Self is your enemy. Self will gnaw out the best in your soul. 
"Myself' framed and hanging in your picture gallery will make 
you miserable, cross, discontented. It will narrow your life. It 
will rob you of friends. It will hinder achievement and ascent. 
Self will obscure the glory of God's presence. Self is 
pusillanimous (cowardly) and does not like company or a 
crowd. Just concentrate your thoughts lovingly on somebody, 
or two or three somebodies, and Self will run like mad. Our 
Christ was bom in a manger. —Selected 


Wells - A daughter, Marie Yvonne, born January 3 1 to Glenn 
and Sharon Wells of Bradford, Ohio. 


While Abraham Lincoln was cutting wood he often had a 
book with him, and his odd moments were spent in study. 

One day while he was sitting on the ground intently reading 
a law book, a pompous squire, on passing, called out, "Hello, 
Abe! What, studying law? Expect to be President some day?" 


"Don't know," said Lincoln, "but I am going to get ready for 

anything God may have for me to do." 

Boys, this is your get ready time for what God has for you 

to do. It may be to farm, to work in wood, stone, brick, or 

iron; to be a mechanic, merchant, minister, or missionary. 

Leave that with God to guide. But make good use of your 

boyhood days. 

-Presbyterian Record 

How Do You Act? 

What do you do if you accidentally bump into someone in a 
doorway? What do you do if someone drops an armload of 
papers near you? Do you turn away and pretend not to notice? 
Do you point your finger and giggle? What is the courteous 
thing to do in cases like these? 

Courtesy and good manners are rules for getting along with 
others, rules to make life more pleasant for them and for you. 
Courtesy is the working out of the Golden Rule: "Do unto 
others as you would have them do unto you." It means being 
considerate, considering how the other person must feel, and 
trying to make him comfortable and at ease. 

There is nothing insincere or worldly about good manners. 
They are not artificial or unmanly; they are not just for girls. In 
fact, the truly big people are those who are considerate of the 
little people! Good manners simply mean that you are mature 
enough to show interest and concern for those about you. 
People who are all wrapped up in themselves-with no time for 
others-are people who will have no time for courtesy and good 

Basic to good manners is greeting people when you meet 
them, or answering their greeting to you. If someone says hello 
or good morning, be prompt to reply. For that matter, why not 


greet them first? Do not wait; say "Good morning, how are you 
today?" That's just common courtesy! 

People speak often of the magic words: please, thank you, 
excuse me, and I'm sorry. Of course, they are not magic, but it 
is surprising what wonderful things they can do! Use them; try 
them on your fiiends, family, and schoolmates and see what a 
difference they will make. Saying please, thank you, excuse me, 
or I'm sorry is just a matter of showing concern for others; it is 
just a matter of courtesy and good manners. 

By Robert Darrow in 

The Christian School Builder 

Don't! Don't! Don't! 

Harry was making a sandwich when Mother came running 
into the kitchen. 

"Don't use the butcher knife," she exclaimed, taking the 
knife away from him. "You will cut yourself. " 

She gave him a dull knife that spread butter much easier. 
Harry put a great big piece of cheese between two small pieces 

"Don't eat so much cheese," Mother advised. "You may get 

He sat on a high stool so he could watch Mother make 
chocolate cookies, and ate the sandwich. 

"Don't wiggle; you will fall," she told him. 

Don't, don't, don't, he thought gloomily. Sometimes it 
seemed as though that was the only word his mother knew. He 
decided to go outdoors where she couldn't tell him don't 

"Don't slam the door," she called. "You will wake up the 


Harry sighed. He would be glad when he was grown up. 
Then people wouldn't always be saying don't 

Princess and her four golden puppies were down by the 
gate. When Harry opened the gate one of the puppies waddled 
out onto the road. A car was coming. Harry ran to get the 
puppy, but Princess was there first. She cuffed her child, then 
picked him up gently with her teeth and carried him off the road 
just as the car whizzed by. 

"Wheee, that was close," Harry said watching Princess 
nuzzle her puppy as though telling how much he had frightened 

He walked down the road to the meadow. There was a 
gurgling river running along one side of the meadow. Harry 
liked to wade in the river. But this afternoon some baby ducks 
were swimming with their mother. Harry lay on his tummy in 
the bushes and watched. All at once he had to sneeze. As soon 
as he sneezed the mother duck gathered her brood together and 
hurried them into the tall grass. One little duckling didn't want 
to stop swimming. He kept ducking his head under the water 
and having fun. The duck gave him a peck that sent him 
scurrying into the tall grass. 

"I wish she knew I wouldn't hurt her babies," Harry thought. 
But the mother duck didn't know, so with soft quacks she 
gathered her downy ducklings close to her. 

Harry decided not to go wading. He knew a doe sometimes 
fed in the meadow. Daddy said she had a fawn. Harry decided 
to find the fawn. He crept through the grass as quietly as he 
could. And sure enough, there in a thicket was the mother 
deer. She was standing with her head high as though smelling 
the air. 

"Maybe she smells me," Harry thought. He hoped not, 
because then she might run away. She wouldn't understand that 
he only wanted to see her child and not hurt them. He sat in the 
tall grass and watched. He didn't have to watch long. In just a 

minute the little fawn came scampering from the bushes. He 
kicked up his heels and pranced on his thin legs. 

Mother deer gave him a nip and sent Mm back into the 
bushes. She continued to sniff the air. Harry decided she was 
worried about his being so close to her baby, so he started 

"Animals take good care of their babies," he decided. "So 
do ducks. Guess all mothers take good care of their children. 
He kicked a rock and watched it bounce down the road ahead 
of him. "My mother takes good care of me, too," he decided. 
"She doesn't want me to get hurt. Guess she doesn't say don't 
any more than animal mothers do. Guess all mothers have to 
say don't to keep their children from getting hurt. 

And Harry started running. He wanted to tell mother how 
much he loved her for taking such good care of Mm and baby 
brother. He wanted to thank her for making chocolate cookies. 
He liked chocolate cookies best of all. * 

By Billie Avis Hoy in Sunbeams March 14,1954 


* 3h 






b^ ^ H 


VOL. 58 MARCH. 20 11 N o, 3 

" And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
Saviour of the world." (I John 4:14) 


Through the furnace, through the heat, 
There, beneath the hammer's beat; 
Through temptations manifold, 
Comes my soul like burnished gold. 

Through the fires that purge the dross, 
Through the anguish of the cross; 
Buried with my Saviour slain, 
So with Him I live again. 

Lord, through furnace or through flood, 
Still I come to Thee, my God; 
f Mid affliction's burning flame, 
Yet I glory in Thy name. 

When my soul is purified, 
Saviour, take me to Thy side; 
There, from every trial free, 
May I sweetly rest with Thee. 

Author unknown 
From Spiritual Songs and Hymns 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Ribhshing editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


During the night of Thursday, February 17, we were 
dismayed to hear the crack of breaking limbs and falling trees. 
In the morning trees were broken off and uprooted every 
where. Wet, dense snow had stuck to the leafy live oaks and 
destroyed many. Thousands were without electricity from 
branches and trees fallen across power lines. 

I am reminded of the heavy weight that some people carry 
and the damage that can be done. Many have a load of sin; 
others are burdened by physical or emotional heaviness. There 
is only one remedy. Jesus calls, "Come unto me, all ye that 
labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Our 
Heavenly Father in His love provided relief in His only Son and 
His atoning blood. 

John Bunyan in Pilgrim's Progress described this burden 
and the answer to it: 

"Now I saw in my dream that the highway, up which 
Christian was to go, was fenced on either side with a wall, and 
that was called Salvation. Up this way therefore did burdened 
Christian run, but not without great difficulty, because of the 
load on his back. 

"He ran thus till he came at a place somewhat ascending and 
upon that place stood a cross, and a little below in the bottom a 
sepulchre. So I saw in my dream, that just as Christian came up 
with the cross, his burden loosed from off his shoulders, and fell 
from off his back, and began to tumble, and so continued to do 
till it came to the mouth of the sepulchre, where it fell in, and I 
saw it no more. 

"Then was Christian glad and lightsome, and said with a 
merry heart, He hath given me rest by his sorrow, and life by his 


death, Then he stood still awhile to look and wonder; for it was 
very surprising to him, that the sight of the cross should thus 
ease him of his burden. He looked, therefore, and looked again, 
even till the springs that were in his head sent the waters down 
his cheeks. Now, as he stood looking and weeping, behold 
three shining ones came to him and saluted him with "peace be 
to thee;" so the first said to him, "Thy sins be forgiven;" the 
second stripped him of his rags, and clothed him with change of 
raiment; the third also set a mark upon his forehead, and gave 
him a roll with a seal upon it, which he bid him look on as he 
ran, and that he should give it in at the celestial gate; so they 
went their way. Then Christian gave three leaps for joy, and 
went on singing: 

"Thus far did I come loaden with my sin, 
Nor could aught ease the grief that I was in, 
Till I came hither: what a place is this! 
Must here be the beginning of my bliss? 
Must here the burden fall from off my back? 
Must here the strings that bound it to me crack? 
Blest cross! blest sepidchre! blest rather be 
The Man that there was put to shame for me!" 

I have no idea how many have read this or how many 
burdens have been lifted this way. Pilgrim's Progress used to 
be one of the few books people owned. Now good books seem 
to be nearly obscured by the flood the dragon casts out of his 
mouth as described in Revelation 12:15,16. But as Christians, 
let us take advantage of the edifying books that are being 
written even now. Neither Pilgrim's Progress nor any other 
book can replace God's Holy Word, but we can be encouraged 
by men of God testifying to loads lifted and souls saved by the 
all-sufficient grace of our Savior. --L.C. 


Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. 

Psalm 55:22 
Two travelers toiled up a steep ascent. One stood erect, 
strong, seemingly tireless. The other staggered under a load 
that seemed to grow larger and heavier with each step. 
Suddenly the weary one stopped and transferred his entire load 
to his friend's strong shoulders. The friend not only accepted it 
gladly, but reached out a strong arm for the exhausted one to 
lean on. Who were those two? My Lord and L--H. G. Mackay 
"I know your burden, child; I shaped it, 
And even as I laid it on you, I said, 
"I shall be near, and while he leans on Me, 
This burden shall be Mine, not his." —P. Pastnor 


In Luke 16, the last verse catches my attention. "If they 
hear not Moses, and the prophets, neither will they be 
persuaded though one rose from the dead." Jesus was referring 
to the rich man's five brothers. They evidently were a stiff- 
necked, hard of hearing lot. 

What does it take for us to "hear," or "be persuaded"? God 
has a will for our lives. Would physical miracles help persuade 
us of it? The accounts of Dorcas and Lazarus being raised from 
the dead persuaded many, though we're not told how lasting it 
was. Having our fleshly desires fed is usually not an eternal 
benefit. God wants men to serve Him by faith. If the physical 
demonstrations of His power were always overwhelming, 
wouldn't men's response be automatic? 

It is God's will that all be saved. No doubt He knows what 
methods will best achieve those results. After all, He's the one 
who made us people of free choice. It seems that being 
persuaded depends much more on the one receiving the good 


news than on the one giving it. Ultimately it's God's message, 
but He uses various methods and vessels to deliver it. It is 
perfect news, a perfect plan, and the most effective methods. 
Another sign is not what we need. We simply need to hear! 

Have you ever met a Christian who said, "I will not hear 
Christ"? I haven't! Jesus told the Jews in John 5:45, "There is 
one that accuseth you, even Moses in whom ye trust." It was 
because they wouldn't believe the things he wrote. The same 
principle, no doubt, applies to Christians today. They claim 
faith in Christ, yet they will not obey His Word. Jesus says His 
Word is the very thing we will be judged by in the last day. We 
have His Word to guide us, and if that gospel doesn't persuade 
us, probably nothing else will either. True Christianity is 
voluntary, and since the true message has been given, it's up to 
men's hearts to respond. 

How do we respond to God's clear messages or "Moses and 
the prophets"? For example, "Children, obey your parents" 
(Eph. 6:1, Col. 3:20), or "Hear the church" (Matt. 18:17). Are 
we persuaded? How do we respond? 

We could be like the lawyer in Luke 10 and try to justify 
ourselves saying, "And who is the church?" or "in what areas, 
or for how long must we honor our parents?" The Bible does 
have answers for those questions. But remember, it says 
"Children, obey your parents" and it gives condemnation to 
those who will not hear the church. Those two requirements 
seem to raise many people's ire; yet they are given by God and 
offer great blessing. 

Would we be more willing to hear if one of our ancestors 
rose from the dead? Jesus says not. Let's honestly look at 
God's Word and practically apply it to our lives. Eternal life 
depends on it. If we don't reverence Jesus enough to obey, we 
are not His. 

Neil Martin, New Paris, Indiana 



Here are twelve ways to worry if you like to worry and are 
entertained by worrying— or even if you don't like to worry, but 
do it anyway. These twelve ways will help you worry if you 
like to and also help you to get away from worrying if you so 
desire, and turu things over to the Lord! 

1. Never worry over rumors or what "they" say. First get 
the facts. 

2. Know definitely your worry problem. Write it down. 
Face it. 

3. Worry about only one problem at a time. 

4. Set a definite day, afternoon, or night for worrying. 

5. Never worry in bed, in the dining room, living room, or 
at church. 

6. Select an air-conditioned room. Lean back in an easy 

7. Set a time limit. If you must go beyond it, give yourself 
credit for time and a half. 

8. Never worry with a frowning face. Smile, sing, or 

9. Never worry when you are tired, sick, angry, or 

10. Never worry while working, playing, visiting, or 

11. Two times never to worry: A. When you can help the 
situation. B. When you cannot. 

12. Never worry alone. Take it to the Lord. (Proverbs 
25:19, Philippians 4:6,7) 

After reading these, is it going to be easier to worry or 
should you? It is said it's okay to have a righteous concern, but 
to worry or stew over something shows a lack of trust and/or 
faith. The Bible says to fret not; sit down and count the cost. 


We are a part of a better covenant with many better things to 
come. Better resurrection, better country, better sacrifices of 
self, better hope, better testament, better salvation, better 
promises, etc. Also in heaven there is a bqtter and an enduring 
substance. This leads me to believe I should look up more and 
have a positive attitude— not look down with a negative outlook 
on things or people. It is hard to be positive, growing in the 
Lord, and helping others while looking back all the time. We 
may need to look back to learn what not to do, and then keep 

So how do I finish up? So where does the power come 
from to see the race to its end? Look within: God made us for 
a purpose, and we will run for His pleasure. We shall be as a 
city upon a hill. The eyes of all the people are upon us, so that 
if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work of faith we 
have undertaken and do cause Him to withdraw His present 
help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through all 
the world. 

There is nothing automatic about God's will. It seems to be 
very plain that we are given a certain control of our destiny 
because we have the chance to choose. We are given a set of 
guidelines in the Bible by which to live. It is up to us to decide 
if we will abide by them or not. We can become too big for 
God to use, but you cannot be too smaU. The Bible can touch 
our hearts, order our minds and refresh our souls, God has 
given us a free will. That means a person can choose to trust in 
God's wisdom, accept it and learn whatever lessons are being 
presented at the moment by His Holy Spirit. Or you can worry, 
find fault, hate, be bitter and you can even kick and scream, and 
shake your fist at the heavens. 

A believer's dream is that every man must be free to become 
whatever God intends them to be. Some people grow up and 
some just grow older. As we grow older let us be mature also. 


As we become men and women, let us put away childish 
thoughts and become adults as the Bible admonishes. 

So why worry? He is risen and is coming again! With your 
attitude, praise the Lord, be thankful, joyful, pleasant; think on 
good things and you will shine forth a good light. 

For your thoughts and meditations. 

Sincerely, Roger Kuntz, Covington, Ohio 


There has been no action of late on building or securing an 
Old Brethren meeting house in the Valley. We stiH have the 
church property. There is enough in the building fund to put up 
a modest building. But to meet building codes and the costs of 
preparing the lot, parking lot grading, paving, utility access, and 
curbing more than doubles the amount in the building fund. 
Putting sentiment aside, the location is not very suitable for a 
church site. Selling the property at the present time with 
depressed land prices is not encouraging. Maybe rather than 
having another church building, the Lord would be pleased to 
see more worshippers in the existing meeting houses. 

I am putting together some history and facts on the Old 
Brethren and the Salida Meeting House which burned May 18, 
2006. I plan to include the writings from the July-August 2006 
memorial issue of the Pilgrim. If anyone has additional material 
(pictures included) regarding the Salida Meeting House that 
they would be willing to share I would be pleased. Call 209- 
522-0405. As of present I have 24 pages (not including 
pictures) in rough draft. Suggestions are welcomed. 

Joseph E. Wagner 
3348 Shoemake Ave. 
Modesto, California 95258-8573 



Like death and taxes, criticism is inevitable. Being judged 
unfairly, second guessed, put down and ridiculed is a way of life 
for the child of God. If you're going to make a difference, 
you're going to get nailed sometimes. We can't afford the 
luxury of being thin-skinned. 

We can't avoid the barbs and nicks of the censor, but we can 
choose our response to criticism. If you're doing the right thing 
and the critic dissuades you from continuing, you have given 
him control of your actions, and that's a privilege he doesn't 

In 1909, Theodore Roosevelt delivered a speech before the 
Hamilton Club in Chicago. His remarks on that occasion help 
me to unmask the sinister motives of the critic: 

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out 
how the strong one stumbled or where the doer of deeds could 
have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually 
in the arena, whose face is marred by sweat and blood; who 
strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, 
because there is no effort without error and shortcoming. . . 
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, 
even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor 
spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in 
the gray twilight which knows neither victory nor defeat." 

By Norman Bales in The Edifier —Selected 

When you are close to God, you get farther away from the 
things that mean so much to this world. 

You cannot correct a problem with the same mentality that 
created it. 



Good Work, or None 

As a rule, a workman must follow his employer's orders; but 
no employer has a right to demand work unworthy of the 
workman. Judge Smith, an eminent lawyer living near 
Cincinnati, once sent to a neighboring village for a carpenter. 
In answer to the message, a sturdy young fellow, ready for 
work, appeared at the lawyer's house. 

"I want this fence mended, to keep out the cattle," said the 
judge. "Here are some rough boards; use them. It is out of 
sight from the house, and you need not make it a neat job. I 
will pay you only a dollar and a half." 

The judge then went to dinner. When he came out again, he 
found the carpenter carefully planing the boards. Supposing 
that this was done merely to make the work cost more, the 
judge ordered the man to nail the boards on just as they were. 

Coming back a second time, he saw the boards all planed 
and numbered and ready for use. "I told you that this fence is 
to be covered with vines," he said angrily to the busy workman. 
"I do not care how it looks." 

"I do," replied the carpenter, carefully measuring his work. 
The judge, somewhat cooled down by the brief answer, walked 
away without another word. There was something in the 
workman's manner that puzzled the dignified lawyer. 

When the work was done, there was no part of the fence so 
thorough in finish as that made by the odd young man from the 
village. "How much do you charge?" asked the judge, 
regarding both the work and workman with a critical eye. 

"A dollar and a half," said the man, shouldering his tools, 
ready to depart. 


The judge stared. "Why did you spend all that time and 
labor on the fence, if not for money?" he inquired. The look of 
wonder in his eyes gave force to the question. 

"For the work itself, sir," was the ready reply. 

"But, as the fence is to be covered with vines, nobody 
would have seen the poor work on it." 

"But I should have known it was there," said the carpenter. 
And to the judge's offer of more money, for the sake of the 
good, honest work, he replied, "No, I will take only a dollar and 
a half That was the bargain." And he took his money and 
went away. 

Ten years afterward, the judge had to give out the contract 
for several large public buildings. There were many master 
builders among the eager applicants for the work. The face of 
one of them caught Judge Smith's eye. "That is my man of the 
fence." said the judge to himself. "I know that we shall have 
only good, honest work from him." 

He said the same to the other judges, and told them the 
story of the broken fence. That builder got the contract, and it 
made a rich man of him. The young carpenter, who ten years 
before had done good work simply for the work's sake, was still 
the faithful, honest men, thorough in everything that he did. 
That is the true measure of the workman, whatever his calling 
may be. 

-Reprinted from Butler's Series Fourth Reader, 1883 

Selected from The Christian School Builder, August 1998 

Teachers appreciate when parents 
*show an interest in school. 
*ask about their child's behavior and progress. 
*bring and pick up children promptly. 
*show a good example in conduct. 
*give support in discipline. 
* support the curriculum. 



Modest apparel is an outward manifestation of "the 
ornament of a meek and quiet spirit" within. True, there is such 
a thing as a "sheep in wolves' clothing," just as much so as it is 
possible to be hypocritical otherwise. 

Some people tell us that we should "dress so as not to be 
noticed"; but then* fatal weakness is that they get into the wrong 
crowd before they apply this rule. We should exemplify the 
Bible teaching on dress in our appearance, just as we exemplify 
all other Bible teachings in our daily walk and conduct. 

We expect worldlings to adorn their bodies after the 
fashions of the world. Why should we not also expect the 
people of God to wear clothing that exemplifies the teaching of 
God's Word on this subject, patterning after the customs of 
those "of like precious faith" rather than conforming to the 
customs of a Satan-dominated world? 

Light-shining is important (Matt. 5:16)— in the clothing that 
we wear as well as in all other things connected with the 
Christian's daily walk. 

From The Sunday School Herald, 1946 

TAYLOR- ADINA Colin Taylor and Krystal Adina were 
married December 26,2010, near Salem, Oregon. 
New address: 340 1 Mud Puppy Lane 

Salem, Oregon 97317 
Cell: Colin 503-990-1118 Krystal 503-990-3738 

PIFER-COVER Jon Pifer and Heather Cover were married 
February 19, 2011, near Tuolumne, California. 
New address: 17872 D Ave. 

Dawson, Iowa 50066 


I Am Habit 

It is mighty hard to shake me; 
In my brawny arms I take thee; 
I can either make or break thee; 
I am Habit! 

Through each day I slowly mold thee; 
Soon my tightening chains enfold thee; 
Then it is with ease I hold thee; 
Thus is Habit! 

I can be both good and vile; 
I can e'er be worth your while, 
Or the cause of your decrial; 
I am Habit! 

Oft I've proved myself a pleasure; 
Proved myself a priceless treasure, 
Or a menace past all measure; 
Thus is Habit! 

Harmless though I sometimes seem, yet 
My strange force is like a magnet; 
Like a great and greedy dragnet; 
I am Habit! 

Though you sometimes fear or doubt me, 
No one yet has lived without me; 
I am present all about thee; 
Thus is Habit! 


Choose ine well when you are starting; 

Seldom is an easy parting; 

I'm a devil or a darling! 
I am Habit! 

By Robert E. Sly 
in The Youth's Visitor 


Two cripples entered a church one day; 

Crippled— but each in a different way: 

One had a body strong and whole, 

But it sheltered a warped and twisted soul. 

The other walked with a halting gait, 

But his soul was "tall and fair and straight." 

They shared a pew. They shared a book 

But on each face was a different look: 

One was alight with hope and joy 

And faith that nothing could destroy. 

The other joined not in prayer or hymn, 

No smile relaxed his features grim. 

His neighbor had wronged him; his heart was sore, 

He thought of himself and nothing more. 

The words that were read from the Holy Book 

Struck deafened ears and a forlorn look. 

To one came comfort-his soul was fed; 

The other gained nothing from what was said. 

Two cripples left the church that day; 

Crippled--but each in a different way; 

A twisted foot did one body mar, 

But the twisted soul was sadder far. 

Mildred M. North --Selected 



Your Tongue 
You have a little prisoner; 
He's nimble, sharp, and clever; 
He's sure to get away from you, 
Unless you watch h im ever. 

And when he once gets out, he makes 
More trouble in an hour 
Than you can stop in many a day, 
Working with all your power. 

He gets your playmates by the ears; 
He says what isn't so, 
And uses many ugly words 
Not good for you to know. 

Quick, fasten tight the ivory gates, 
And chain him while he's young! 
For this same dangerous prisoner 
Is just your little tongue! 

Author unknown 


Kate was cross; nothing pleased her. Her mother gave her 
the choicest morsels for her breakfast, and the nicest toys. But 
she did nothing but fret and complain. At last her mother said, 
"Kate, I want you to go right up to your room and put on all 
your clothes wrong side out." 

Kate stared. She thought her mother must be out of her 

"I mean it, Kate," she repeated. Kate had to raind. She had 
to turn her stockings wrong side out and put on her coat and 
dress and collar wrong side out. When her mother came up to 
her, there she stood— a forlorn and funny looking ghl—all linin gs 
and seams and ravelings— before the glass (inirror), wondering 
what her mother meant. But she was not quite clear in her 
conscience. Then her mother, turning her around, said: 

"This is what you have been doing all day—making the 
worst of things. You have been turning everything wrong side 
out. Do you really like your things this way so much, Kate?" 

"No, Mamma," answered Kate shamefacedly. "Can't I turn 
them right?" 

"Yes, you may, if you will try to speak what is pleasant and 
do what is pleasant. You must do with your manners as you 
prefer to do with your clothes— wear them right side out. Do 
not be so foolish any more, dear, as to persist in turning things 
wrong side out." Selected from Sunbeams, 1942 























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VOL. 58 APRIL. 2011 No. 4 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
Saviour of the world." (I John 4: 14) 


When Jesus died on Calvary, 
When Jesus died it was for me; 
I oft-times wonder shall I know 
How much I owe; how much I owe? 

My Jesus hi Gethsemane 
Passed through the direst agony; 
Twas all for me He suffered so; 
How can I tell how much I owe? 

When on the cross those cruel nails 
Gave me a Christ that never fails, 
And from His wounds there came a flow 
That saves from sin—how much I owe! 

When I shall reach that golden shore, 
To dwell with Him forevermore, 
Ten million years may come and go, 
I cannot tell how much I owe. 

How much I owe for love divine! 
How much I owe that Christ is mine! 
But what He did for me, I know, 
I cannot tell how much I owe. 
T. P. Hamilton in Spiritual Songs and Hymns 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Publishing editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, C A 95379 


"Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this 
do in remembrance of me." (I Cor. 11:24b) 

A look in the concordance under broken is revealing. Many 
things can be broken. We walk out on our property and view 
the damage of recent heavy snow storms. We have never seen 
countless trees and limbs he prostrate and scattered, broken by 
too much wet snow on trees that keep then leaves yearlong. 
Uprooted and shattered, crisscrossed and tangled describes the 

As your concordance shows, brokemiess can be good or 
bad. It is bad when laws or trees are broken. It is good when 
bread is broken by Jesus to feed the multitude. It is bad when 
bones are broken, but good when proud hearts are broken. 

To say it was good when Jesus' body was broken must be 
qualified. It was good for us that the way of redemption could 
be opened. It is sad that Jesus, King of Kings, should be put to 
shame and broken on the cross like a criminal. 

Satan, look and weep. You must have thought you had 
victory over your arch enemy when you persuaded the crowd to 
demand the death of the Son of God. You must have rejoiced 
for three days when Jesus lay in the tomb and His followers 
cowered behind closed doors. You were glad with the scribes 
and pharisees to be rid of One who so successfully put them to 
silence when they harassed Him with hard questions. The 
questions weren't hard for Jesus because He is the Author of 
all wisdom and knowledge. Nothing is too hard for Him. But 
you didn't seem to know this about the Son whom you hated 
even before the earth was created. Yes, Satan, you celebrated 
for the three days, but you could not prevent Jesus :' rising from 


the grave. Now, weep and tremble, for the everlasting word of 
God says that y on have but a short time, and yon know it. 

Jesus was broken for me and for all. It was decreed that the 
serpent would bruise the heel of the seed of the woman, but 
also this Seed would bruise the serpent's head. The prophecy 
was fulfilled when Calvary love of Jesus paid the penalty for our 
sins, and the seipent was given a mortal blow to the head. 

The story can be told so simply, but the sacrifice of Father, 
Son, and Holy Spirit for fallen man is indescribable in human 
terms. Isaiah (through revelation) gives us a glimpse of His 
sufferings: "Surely he hath bora our griefs, and earned our 
soitows. . .But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was 
bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was 
upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. . . He shall see of 
the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied. . ." Only with 
better understanding, redeemed hearts, and perfected minds can 
we fully appreciate what we read here. 

Jesus' body was mangled, torn, and broken, but it was 
decreed that "a bone of him shall not be broken." John writes 
of this (John 19:36) in describing His crucifixion. It evidently 
refers to the Passover lamb that was to be eaten but its bones 
were not to be broken. The soldiers broke the legs of the two 
criminals who were crucified with Jesus so that they would die 
before the high sabbath day. But Jesus was already dead. One 
of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, fulfilling more 
prophecy that "They shall look on him whom they pierced." 

Jesus, by His life, death, and resurrection, put into effect the 
divine plan whereby we might be saved. Read Romans 5 and 6 
to review how we were reconciled by Jesus' death and saved by 
His life. How can we poor mortals be "sufficient for these 
things." How can we understand what we need to know? Only 
by faith and the revelation of His Spirit can we comprehend 
these vital truths. 


We are like Thomas. Unless we are satisfied with proof of 
our own deciding, we will not believe. When Jesus gave him 
that proof, he worshipped saying, "My Lord and my God!" We 
can't reach forth and feel His wounds, but we come under the 
blessing of Jesus when He said, "Thomas, because thou hast 
seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not 
seen, and yet have believed." 

May we with Thomas worship and confess, "My Lord and 
my God!" -IX. 


When reading the first half of I Corinthians 11, do you find 
these verses puzzling? Is this passage addressing godly order? 
Does covering or uncovering the head relate to this order? Is 
this covering a type or symbol that is important to God? Is this 
order in the best interest of people today or a relic of ancient 
culture? Finally, what is a covering; what does it consist of? 

Who needs order? Though our culture idealizes the 
independent individual, everyone is dependent even before birth. 
God created us interdependent beings (Gen. 2:18), 
consequently, we need order in government, community, home, 
school, and church. (I Cor. 14:40). The very bedrock for order 
in any society is the way men and women relate to each other 
and their Creator. 

In God's order, God is the head of Christ, Christ is the 
head of man, and man is the head of woman. (I Cor. 11). 
Outside of God's order, this would create a pecking order, an 
expression that comes from observing chickens. The dominant 
rooster positions himself into control by pecking all others into 
submission. Rooster number two cannot dominate the 
strongest rooster, but he can and will exercise control over all 


the others. This cruel order is established, in turn, down to the 
weakest chicken. 

Pecking is not God's plan for order, God's order is love, 
love defined as total commitment to the well-being of others. 
(Matt. 17:5, John 3:16, Col. 3:19, Eph. 5:24-28). Jesus, though 
our Lord and Master, was so committed to our well-being that 
He lowered Himself to live on this earth. He suffered and died 
that we can reign with Him forever. He did not "lord" it over 
us but became a servant for us, as loving parents serve and rale 
in the child's life for good. 

We see this servant-love in all of God's order. God the 
Father loves His Son, God the Son is in submission to the 
Father though equal to Him. (Phil. 2:6), Christ, as our 
authority, loves us and gives us all things that pertain to life and 
godliness. In the same way the man, as the woman's head 
(authority) should be totally committed to her well-being. 

As Son and Father are equally God, so also woman is 
equally an heir of salvation with man. (I Peter 3:7). She is not 
inferior to man hi the value of her soul; her mind, will, 
emotions, and intellect are equal to man's. God positioned her 
as the recipient of all the servant love in His order of authority. 
God's love for His Son is in turn poured out to man and the 
godly man's love is poured out to the woman. In God's order, 
all this love, care, security, protection, and provision channels 
to and climaxes with the woman. 

God, in His wisdom created this sanctuary of love order in 
such a way that children are born into the ultimate shelter of His 
love. Only the women can give birth to a child. In God's order, 
children are born within the loving shelter of a mother that is in 
obedience to the Father. 

In the last part of Ephesians 5 we see this love for the 
woman, flowing from her head (husband) as a mystery God 
reveals to those who love Him and His order. The husband's 
love is a type or symbol of the love that flows from God 


through Christ and consummates in His beloved bride, the 
church. The woman is a type of Christ's beloved bride, the 
church. God created women from a rib out of Adam's side after 
He put him into a deep sleep. (Gen. 2;21-24). The bride of 
Christ was bom out of the side of Christ that was pierced after 
He was asleep (dead) on the cross. 

Are types and symbols important to God? The second part 
of I Corinthians 11 relates to the important symbol of the shed 
blood and broken body of Christ. Dear to the heart of God was 
the suffering of His Son. Our Creator, knowing that we soon 
forget, gave us these emblems saying, "This do in remembrance 
of me." 

Baptism is also a symbol dear to the heart of God. Jesus, 
the sinless Son of God, fulfilled all righteousness when He was 
baptized. (Matt. 3:15). Types and symbols reinforce to us the 
significance of that which is precious to the heart of God. 

Just so, the head covering is a symbol of God's love order, 
reminding us that loving service comes with His order. Men 
were created with stronger vessels (bodies) than women. (I Pet. 
3:7). Husbands are to show consideration for the weaker vessel 
of then* wives. God created both man and woman in His own 
image but uniquely different. Adam portrayed the image of 
God's power, while Eve was the image of God's beauty. The 
husband's body is like a clay jar, the wife's body like a lovely 
china cup. Husbands need to be gentle and tender with the 

Yet, man's sinful tendency is to exploit those that are 
vulnerable, just as the chickens in the farmyard peck others into 
submission. God gave us the symbol of the women's covering 
lest man forget how precious the china cup is. This is important 
to God. The above Scripture tells the husband that his prayers 
will be hindered if he does not honor her vessel. 

The woman, with her weaker vessel, nevertheless, is also 
tempted to seek control of her own life and the lives of others. 


The seipent enticed Eve to become god and make her own 
choices in life. (Gen, 3:5,6). She then wielded her new 
controlling nature to sway Adam. Satan also tempts us to 
control our destiny: "I can and will rule the roost." 

A mislead, "freetlfrnking" society offers no freedom from 
the pecking order. It merely gives women equal opportunity to 
rule the roost with the ruthless system still intact. This 
precarious pinnacle of power begets constant threats from 
henpecked, mutinous underlings. Only Christ can make us free 
indeed! (John 8:32-36). Christ is the way, the truth, and life 
itself (John 14:6). Christ presents an altogether new order of 
loving service, not a cruel and corrupt pecking order. (Mark 

Patching up a loveless order will only emphasize the 
problem. (Matt. 9:16-18). New wine in old bottles creates 
tension. Our culture is under pressure as men and women move 
out from under God's order. Women regard keepers at home 
(Tit. 2:5), chastity and motherhood stifling to a women's self 
expression. Men use and abuse one china cup after another, 
thoughtless of accountability or responsibility to wife or 
offspring, (MaL 2:13-16). 

Tragically, children, no longer under God's sheltering love 
order, are the real victims of the pecking order. Demanding 
obedience from children has no basis from parents who 
themselves refuse to be under the canopy of God's headship 
love order. In God's love order, the only way to be a parent- 
authority is to be under authority. (Luke 7:6-9). In Col. 3:18- 
20 we see not only the admonition "Children, obey your 
parents," but the whole love order. 

The headship covering is also an important symbol to the 
church, reminding the church that she is the Lord's submissive 
bride and the ultimate recipient of God's order of love. Satan 
and Ms "kingdom of this world" are keenly aware of this symbol 


of the Bride and her loving submission to the Bridegroom who 
is lovingly preparing for an eternal wedding. 

For God's people the headship covering is an important 
symbol of God's order of love, signifying all mankind has equal 
opportunity to serve. Men, take responsibility seriously, loving 
and serving your wives and children even as the Lord loved and 
gave Himself for the church. The submissive woman finds love, 
security and protection in man, Christ, and the Father. 

Since the covering is a symbol, the design should readily 
identify it as such. A baseball cap, bandanna, or hood may well 
shield from sun, dust, or arctic ah* but will not be recognized as 
a headship covering. Conversely, a man wearing a plain hat for 
weather protection is not wearing a symbol. [It would be a 
dishonor to Christ for man to wear a symbolic covering such as 
a scull cap. (I Cor. 11:4, II Sam. 15:30, Est. 7:8, Jer. 14:3,4)]. 

The headship covering will be more visible as a symbol of 
the local church's submission to Christ if members wear a 
consistent pattern. The Bible does not lay out a pattern or 
material, but the principle needs to be applied with resources 
the church has. 

God f s love order may or may not be new to us. Perhaps 
someone has persuaded us that this beautiful order and symbol 
applied only to an ancient culture. The apostle Paul says that 
even nature teaches this principle, and nature does not change 
with culture. (I Cor. 1 1 : 14). Did Paul really mean what he said 
to the Corinthians? Why is it so important to obey the last 
eighteen verses of I Cor. 1 1 and so difficult to apply the first 
sixteen verses? (II Tim. 3:16) 

The headship covering, accepted by the church worldwide 
for the first 1800 years, has been rejected only in these last 
days. (The exception is weddings where some remnant of the 
symbol is still seen.) Traditionally it is unacceptable for men to 
be covered with any hat in a church seivice or in the presence of 
a lady. Is it not strange that this same Scripture (I Cor. 11) has 


been applied to the nien but not to women? Today this last 
shred of respect for God's love order is also increasingly 

Look carefully at I Cor. 1 1. The woman who uncovers her 
head is a shameful disgraced woman (verse 6). In Paul's day, 
these uncovered women participated in ancient pagan religions. 
Do you see these women in society today? Women who will 
not experience the order of God's love? 

What will we do with this beautiful symbol of God's loving 
shadow—the protective shelter for all who will submit to His 
order? Do we trust God? Do we believe our Creator has the 
best in store for us? (Or are we afflicted with Eve's 
temptation?) Are we ready to put our confidence in obedience 
to His word, ready to let Him establish His order in our lives? 

Galen Miller 
Bourbon, Indiana 


I saw the Jewish temple purged 
While men of business, not of prayer, 
Fled from the place, by terror urged— 
Jesus the Nazarene was there. 

I saw the solemn funeral train, 
The widowed mother's silent tear; 
When lo! she clasps her son again— 
The Nazarene had touched his bier. 

"Hadst Thou been here he had not died," 
The weeping, doubting sister said* 
"Lazarus, come forth!" the Saviour cried; 
The Nazarene restored their dead. 


I saw the crowds to fury given; 
What could such mortal madness mean? 
Why imprecate the wrath of Heaven? 
Why crucify the Nazarene? 

How devils smiled when Jesus bled! 
Vain hope: they thought mankind was lost, 
When bowing low His gentle head, 
The Nazarene gave up the ghost. 

But what amazement reigned in Hell 
When Jesus, bursting from the grave, 
Bade to the world this mystery tell: 
The Nazarene has died to save." 

I saw the world consumed in flame; 
The just from sin and sorrow free; 
The wicked sunk in endless shame- 
Such was the Nazarene's decree. 

I heard the trumpet long and loud; 
Then straight a godlike form was seen; 
He rode enthroned upon a cloud- 
'Twas the despised Nazarene. 

I heard the happy heavenly throng 

Praise Him who bought them with His blood; 

I heard the everlasting song: 

"Jesus the Nazarene is God." 

Selected by Andrew Albers 
from The Primitive Baptist "Goble" Hymn Book 


Selection from Great- Grandmother Sophia Baker's writing book 

Avoid evil company. 
Be just and fear not. 
Civility costs nothing. 
Delays are dangerous. 
Exhibit your writing. 
Form habits of order. 
God defendeth right. 
Hold fast to truth. 

If you have done a good deed, boast not of it. 
Justice should ever be tempered with mercy. 
Keep good company and be one of the number. 
Labor, well directed, will achieve all things. 
Manners with learning make a gentleman. 
Never speak to deceive nor listen to betray. 
One grain of pluck is worth a pound of "luck." 
Pure religion brings peace and true happiness. 
Quick believers should have broad shoulders. 
Riches cannot purchase mental endowments. 
Set not too high a value on your own abilities. 
To excel in art, you must excel in industry. 
Unwelcome news is always soon enough heard. 
Value a good conscience more than praise. 
Without danger, danger cannot be surmounted. 
Xenophon was a general and a statesman. 
Youth is the proper time to improve in writing. 
Zealously strive to improve in penmanship. 

Selected by Rosanna Royer 

We can't all be apostles, but we can all be epistles. 




MURRAY A. MARTIN January 9, 1936 - March 9, 2011. 
A resident of San Pablo, Murray was bom in New Glasgow, 
Nova Scotia, Canada, to Archie and Sadie (Crawford) Martin 
and moved to California when he was ten years old. "Red," as 
he was known to his friends, and he had many, was a 1953 
graduate of Richmond High. He was an Army veteran, 
attended San Francisco State, and taught the automotive parts 
class at Contra Costa College. He was in the automotive 
industry for forty- four years, retiring as the training manager for 
Gates Rubber Company. He is survived by his wife of fifty- 
three and one half years, Jackie Charles-Martin; children: 
Darrell (Mary), Don, Lisa (Brett) Ryland, and Larry; 
grandchildren: Jessica and Raymond Martin. 

Graveside services were held at 1 pm on Tuesday, March 
15, 2011, at Rolling Hills Memorial Park, San Pablo, California. 


Family devotions is always an important part of family life. 
This time is valuable in forming a proper concept of God. If 
our children see that Father is concerned for their spiritual 
welfare, then when they are older, they will see God the same 
way. Is Father knowledgeable, kind, forgiving, consistent, holy, 
just, truthful, and considerate? If so, it will be much easier for 
our children to trust God as they grow older. 

"And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, 
which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith 
which is in Christ Jesus." (II Tim. 3:15). One interesting way to 
accomplish this is for Father to start at Genesis and read the 


whole Bible aloud to the end of Revelation. At a chapter a day, 
that will take several years, but it is worth the effort. 

When is the last time your family quoted a chapter of the 
Bible from memoiy? "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I 
might not sin against thee." (Psalm 119:11). Perhaps we could 
keep alive some of the passages memorized in school by 
reviewing them in family devotions. 

Questions constitute a large part of a child's life. We, as 
parents, need to answer those questions. In family devotions 
the Scripture read should be restated in simple terms. This will 
answer some questions in the child's mind but may raise others. 
Asking the children questions encourages them to listen and 

Singing and family devotions go together. The family 
setting is informal enough to try new songs. Traveling is an 
especially enjoyable time for family devotions because then 
there is plenty of time to sing and sing. Family singing 
especially makes me think of heaven where we will sing around 
the throne. 

Prayer is an aspect of family devotions that makes this time 
especially important. I remember my parents praying for me as 
a very meaningful part of my childhood. As we pray for the lost 
about us, for the ministers and deacons, and for our relatives 
and friends, we are creating a frame of reference for our 
children that will be extremely helpful to them later in life. 

We have noticed some aspects of family devotions: Bible 
reading, memorization, questions, singing, and prayer. Usually 
these should be conducted in an organized way and time and 
place. Traveling, having company, and suchlike interruptions 
will bring some variety. But when the experiences of family 
devotions are taken as a whole, they fomi a very important part 
of the life of our children. 

By Dennis Good 
in The Christian School Builder ; July, 1990 


Violet Taylor Tuolumne, California March 6 
Samuel Tate Mishawaka, Indiana March 20 
Alex Royer Nappanee, Indiana March 20 
Marian Royer Nappanee, Indiana March 20 
God bless these dear young members as they serve Christ in 
His kingdom. 

ROYER-MUXER Adrian Royer and Melissa Miller were 
married March 12 near Wakarusa. Indiana. 
New address: 29210 C.R. 28 

Elkhart, IN 46517 
Adrian's cell: 574-206-5726 Melissa's cell: 574-253-1733 


The Task 
"I want to do big things," said he, 
"The chance is all I ask; 
I wish the world would give to me 
Some great and glorious task." 
"And are you working now?" 
"I am," the youth confessed. 
A strange look came into his eyes, 
"At work which I detest." 

"Oh," said I, "you wish to do 

The splendid tasks which fall 

To older, wiser men, but you 

Disdain the duties small. 

Think you your chief to larger deeds 

Would send you down the way 


If, with his smaller, lesser deeds, 
You'd failed him yesterday? 

"And do you fancy men who rise 

To leadership and fame 

Have done no work which they despise 

Before their glory came? 

You ask a chance to prove your worth: 

Think you the menial tasks they shirked 

And waited till they'd reached the top 

Before they really worked? 

"My boy, the brilliant man today 

Was brilliant as a lad, 

To every task which came his way 

He gave the best he had. 

Wait not at fate or circumstance, 

They do not run the earth, 

If you've a job you have the chance 

To demonstrate your worth, " 

Publisher unknown. Selected from 
The Sunday School Herald, March, 1950 



Mustard the cat lives in town. There are many streets with 
lots of cars. There are also dogs and people who do not like 

Mustard likes to go outside. He does not understand how 
dangerous it is out there. He wants to go out, and he will go 
out when he gets the chance. 

Mustard's friend Ketchup the dog also likes to go outside. 
In fact, she needs to go outside. She likes to run loose, too, but 

usually she is on a leash because of the same dangers. Plus she 
scares people who do not know her. 

For Ketchup and me to get out of the house, I have to open 
the door wide enough that Mustard can get out, too. He has 
learned to slip between our legs to freedom. 

But is he really free? Outside he is exposed to heat, cold, 
hunger, thirst, and danger. Soon he wants to come inside again, 
but often the door is closed, and he must stay out longer than he 
wants to stay. 

Something bad happened to him out there yesterday. 
Maybe it was a car. Now Mustard is veiy lame on one leg. He 
cries because of the pain. Maybe he has learned his lesson. 

You can learn a lesson, too. Older people often tell you not 
to do things you would like to do. They know of dangers you 
are not aware of Would you rather be free to do as you please, 
or free from danger? Surely you do not want to wait until 
something bad happens to decide it is better to obey. 

Martha Wagner, Gettysburg, Ohio 

H JM ^ 

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VOL. 58 MAY, 2011 N<l_5 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 

Saviour of the world." (I John 4:14) 


I do not ask for riches for my children, 
Nor even recognition for then skill; 
I only asked that Thou wilt give them 
A heart completely yielded to Thy will. 

I do not ask for wisdom for my children 
Beyond discernment of Thy grace; 
I only ask that Thou wilt use them 
In Thine own appointed place. 

I do not ask for favors for my children 
To seat them on Thy left hand or Thy right; 
But may they join the throng in heaven 
That sings before Thy throne so bright. 

I do not seek perfection in my children, 
For then my own faults I would hide; 
I only ask that we might walk together 
And seive our Savior side by side. 

By Phyllis Didriksen 
Selected by Lloyd Wagner 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old- 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request-. 
RibKshing editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


Do you deserve your good mother? When I remember the 
devotion of my mother, I must ask myself, "Did I merit such 
love?" Mother love is notorious for being strong and self- 

The loving service of a mother begins before the birth of her 
child. And then at the birth, the decree of God to Eve takes 
effect : "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; 
in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be 
to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." But we hear veiy 
little complaint from our faith&l mothers. They endure the pain 
and possibly even forget it. John 16:21: "A woman when she is 
in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as 
she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the 
anguish, for joy that a man is bom into the world." (Jesus 
compared this birth to the joy the disciples would receive after 
Jesus' resurrection.) I can't imagine forgetting such pain, but it 
simply demonstrates the power of love and God's grace. 

My mother was always concerned for the welfare of her 
children. She gave an example of frugality and contentment 
even through the Great Depression. She seemed more focused 
than my father to "make ends meet." 

So do we deseive such love? I think we can never really 
earn the love of mothers, brothers, sisters, or anyone else. 
Jesus simply commands us to love one another. He has given 
mother love as one example, as close to Jesus' love as any I can 
think of. 

Paul describes love in Philippians 2:2: "... that ye be like- 
minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one 
mind." This love which is exemplified so well in our mothers 
does not consider differences; it is above them. They don't 


count as much when we have divine, Calvary love, Differences 
become objects of prayer and concern but cannot cancel love. 

Shakespeare wrote: "Mercy is above this sceptered sway," 
that of men. Love is like that: much greater than the "force of 
temporal power." Jesus said that by love men would know they 
(we) were His disciples. Is the opposite true? If we lack love, 
will men question that we are disciples of Him who showed 
love even to the sacrifice of His life? 

Mother love also sacrifices life— not unto death, but to 
living and demonstrating the love of Jesus to her children and 

God has given us Jesus' example. He has also given us the 
pattern of the love of godly Mothers. May we follow. — L.C. 


"Ready?" "Waiting!" This is an example of the 
conversation between my wife and me before our trips to 
church, shopping, or doctor appointments. Having recently 
attended funerals of dear ones near my age has caused me to 
seriously consider the words of Jesus, "Therefore be ye also 
ready: for hi such an hour as ye think not the Son of man 
cometh." (Matt. 24:44). My question is, when the Lord asks, 
"ready?" can we say, "waiting"? Believers in every century 
since the ascension have been waiting expectantly for Jesus' 

I am fascinated by studying prophesies of end times. 
Somebody some where and some time came up with literary 
term "eschatology" to label such a pursuit. After reading 
books, listening to lectures, and doing some research on the 
subject, I am inclined to believe that the Bible may mean just 
what it says. I also believe that any in-depth study in any 
version other than the King James version of the Bible may be 
hazardous to ones eternal health. Please keep in mind that the 


study of end times is secondary to our present relationship with 
Jesus. Some become so incensed with details concerning 
prophecy that it can result in irrational thinking and behavior. 
Remember that God is in control. The ultimate result will be 
the defeat of Satan and the eternal reign of Christ. Death, evil, 
and sin will be no more. 

"And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and 
into the patient waiting for Christ." (II Thess. 3:5). Jesus in 
Luke's Gospel said, "Occupy till I come." This should include 
our thinking. When traveling we sometimes watch TV at the 
motels. Other than some repetitive news reels, it's almost 
impossible to find anything fit to see. I think, "What a waste of 
time." The World or Satan wants to have control of our minds. 
How much better it is to think of heavenly things. 

One book I have found very interesting is "Nead's 
Theological Works" by Elder Peter Nead. Brother Nead wrote 
in the 1840's. He presents some challenging thoughts regarding 
Christ's second coming. When Jesus calls, whether it be by 
death or trumpet call, may we be ready. 

Joseph E. Wagner 
Modesto, California 


It takes a mother's love 
To make a house a home, 
A place to be remembered, 
No matter where we roam. 

It takes a mother's patience 

To bring a child up right 

And her courage and her cheerfulness 

To make a dark day bright. 


It takes a mother's thoughtfiilness 
To mend the heart's deep hurts 
And her skill and her endurance 
To mend little socks and shirts. 

It takes a mother's kindness 
To forgive us when we err, 
To sympathize in trouble and 
Bow our heads in prayer. 

It takes a mother's wisdom 
To recognize our needs 
And give us reassurance by 
Her loving words and deeds. 

And that is why in all this world 
There could not be another 
Who could fulfill God's purpose 
As completely as a mother. 

Author unknown 


A grandmother is a combination of work-worn, aged hands 
after a lifetime of toil, a loving heart, and endless stories of the 
days when her family was young. 

Grandmothers wear old age with dignity and composure. 
You don't notice what a grandmother wears; you only see the 
love and tenderness in her face as she fondles her youngest 


Grandmothers have spent a whole lifetime cooking meals 
that statisticians would be unable to record, keeping house, 
helping neighbors, drying the tears of the past generation as 
well as the present, and praying that they may be allowed to go 
on doing it for a few more years. 

Grandmothers have run the whole gamut of human 
emotions: joy, defeat, success, failure, heartache, sorrow, and 
perhaps tragedy, and have come through with the wisdom and 
tranquility endowed to those whose tears have been replaced by 
the calm acceptance and quiet outlook given only to those that 
have weathered life's battles. 

The nicest possible place to hear a story is in grandmother's 
lap. Giants and Ogres hold no tenors when one is held in the 
warnith of a grandmother's love, with ones head pillowed on 
her breast. 

Grandmothers can always be counted on to produce sweets, 
cookies, and candies that seem to taste nicer from her than from 
anyone else. 

Grandmothers just don't believe that then grandchildren 
have any faults, and can be relied upon to champion the 
underdog and lost causes; and when a chap is in trouble for not 
washing behind his ears, a grandmother will console him by 
telling him that his dad was almost NINE before he overcame 
that problem! 

Grandmothers can soothe unruly weeping small boys or 
girls just by rocking them on their laps and crooning in soft 
voices that manage to sound just right in spite of being old. 

Grandmothers give the impression of being all the wisdom 
and love in the world whether it is in giving help and advice to a 
neighbor or making a hurt finger better with a kiss. 

Surely God will have a special place for them in heaven, 
along with the dear ones whom they one-time helped to be 
God's "littlest angels." 

From The Quiet Hoar Echoes, May, 1974 



The eventide falls gently now, 
By Kedron's side, o'er Olive's brow, 
And through the gloom me-thinks I see 
A lonely form in prayer for me. 
The gentle tone, through stately trees, 
Is borne upon the murmuring breeze, 
He bowed His head—God's only Son— 
And meekly said, "Thy will be done.' 1 

In fervent prayer for you and me 

He wrestled there in agony; 

With drops of sweat, of crimson hue, 

His brow was wet as with the dew. 

In tears He knelt, with troubled soul, 

While there He felt death's sorrows roll; 

Our sins He bore— the Holy One— 

And said once more, "Thy will be done," 

And then before His vision came 
The crown of thorns, the cruel shame, 
The scorn of those He sought to save, 
The reeking cross, the silent grave. 
"This bitter cup. O Lord, I pray, 
Before I sup, take Thou away." 
Yet answered still, as there He knelt, 
"Not as I will, but as Thou wilt." 

Gethsemane! O sacred place! 
Once more I see my Saviour's face; 
It shines anew with glory now, 
And angels smooth His pallid brow. 


Oh, let me e'er this scene behold! 

Oh, let me hear the story told 

Of Him who there the victory won, 

Who said in prayer, "Thy will be done!" ) 

Clara M. Brooks, b. 1882 

From the Christian Hymnal 


As at the marriage alter now you stand, 
Dear ones, united in love's holy bond, 
The Saviour reaches forth His nail pierced hands 
And bids thee walk with Him the path beyond. 

He offers thy unfailing guide to be 
Along life's devious and uncertain way. 
To every worthwhile joy He holds the key, 
Joys He would have thee know from day to day. 

Within thy doors He ever would abide, 
The blessing of His presence to impart, 
To be thy counsellor what e'er betide 
For thou art precious to His loving heart. 

Grant at thy table unto Him a place, 

Yea, yield to Him the headship of thy home / 

Let all thy plans be guided by His grace, ] 

And all thy wishes centered in His own. 

Let His blest Word be thy unfailing light 

His promises thy bulwark day by day, 

His power thy ceaseless source of strength and might, 

His love thy sunshine all along life's way. 


So shall the fixture hold, dear one, for thee 
Joy which no stomi or stress can ever sway 
Peace from above, abundant, full and free, 
And glory that shall never pass away. 

Blest is the home on Christ, the Saviour built 
Sweet foretaste of that home beyond the sky, 
Where through the precious blood on Calvary spilt 
And the redeemed shall enter by and by. 

From the papers of Hettie Skiles 


Some of my most powerful SPIRITUAL MEMORIES take 
me back to When it was held as a virtue to live a simple life. 
Everything has become so much more complicated as we have 
closed out the old millennium and have begun a new one, and as 
the world (and sometimes the church) pursues many of the 
things this sad world has to offer. Those were the days long 
before the moon walk, run-away divorce, and the information 

As a child growing up, we had little reading material other 
than the Bible, Egermeir's Bible Stories, for children, and 
Mama had an old version of Pilgrim's Progress which had been 
given to her by her parents. We wore them all out. Our 
exposure to art was largely limited to what few pictures we had 
in these three books. Our exposure to music was our mother 
singing at the break of day: 

/ have found a friend in Jesus, 

He's everything to me, 

He's the fairest often thousand to my sold; 


The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see, 

All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole. 
Not for a moment did I ever doubt that Jesus was her best 
friend. Her life was simple and not cluttered with all the things 
that the world wants to load on us these days. 

I have no idea how many copies of the Bible that my father 
wore out. You see, it was his tradition (Not all traditions are 
bad.) to read every morning out loud to my mother while the 
household was waking up and Mama was getting breakfast. 
This continued until I left home or actually until my father, 
because of ill health, was no longer able to cany on this 

Do I feel deprived? By no means. Can we go back to the 
good old days? Of course not. However, I am sure that there 
are powerful lessons we all can learn from the past. It seems 
that I remember that some one said that "we can become so 
worldly minded that we are of little heavenly good." Some one 
else countered that by saying, "We can become so heavenly 
minded that we are of no worldly good." I doubt if there is 
much danger in the latter, but I fear that there is much danger in 
the former. 

In the blessed hope, 
David Skiles 


Tyler Fay 1601 Ortega Dr. 

Modesto, CA 95355 


Eric Leensvaait P.O. Box 1001 

Twain Harte, CA 95383-1001 

Karin Wagner 6994 S.R. 24 1 

MMersburg, OH 44654 


STALTER - A son, Elijah Jesse, born April 9 to Stephen and 
Lorinda Stalter of Wakarusa, Indiana. 

LEENSVAART - A daughter, Shae Eden, born April 21 to Eric 
and Lorie Leensvaart of MiWuk, California. 

MEYERS - A daughter, Shyanne Hope, born April 29 to Justin 
and Orpha Meyers of Goshen, Indiana. 

ROYER - A son, Spencer Lee, born May 5 to Craig and 
Heather Royer of Goshen, Indiana. 

ROYER - A daughter, Larissa Anne, born May 7 to Marcus 
and Diana Royer of Nappanee, Indiana. 

MILLER - TATE Samuel Miller and Susanna Tate were 
married April 2 at Nappanee, Indiana. 
New address: 55514 C.R. 8 

Middlebury, IN 46540 

BOWSER - CRAWMER Andrew Bowser and Jena Crawmer 
were married April 9 in Modesto, California 
New address: 6435 Riddle Dr. 

Harrison, AR 72601 pk: 870-741-6869 

MARTIN - BATSON Japheth Martin and JilKan Batson were 
married April 16 near Wakarusa, IN 
New address: 68015 C.R. 17 

New Paris, IN 46553 



Do you love your children enough 

* to take the trouble to discipline them? 

* to give direction in right and wrong? 

* to teach them self- discipline? 

* to protect and nurture them physically, spiritually, and 

* to protect the purity of their minds? 

* to give of your time and interests for then good? 

* to show them how to spend their own time in 
constructive and useful purposes? 

* to take time to teach them a life of faith in God? 

* to give them a life of love? 

* to give them a hope of life after death? 

* to make them happy? 

* to give them pleasant memories? 

"For I know him^ that he will command his children and his 
household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to 
do justice and judgment." (Genesis 18:19) 

Selected from The Christian School Builder, July, 1997 

A Mother's Prayer 

I wash the dirt from little feet, 
And as I wash I pray, 
"Lord, keep them ever pure and true 
To walk the narrow way." 

I wash the dirt from little hands. 
And earnestly I ask, 


"Lord, may they ever yielded be 
To do the humblest task." 

I wash the dirt from little knees, 
And pray, "Lord, may they be 
The place where victories are won 
And orders sought from Thee." 

I scrub the clothes that soil so soon, 
And pray, "Lord, may her dress 
Throughout eternal ages be 
Thy robe of righteousness." 

Ere many hours shall pass, I know 
I'll wash these hands again; 
And there'll be dirt upon her dress 
Before the day shall end. 

But as she journeys on through life 
And learns of want and pain, 
Lord, keep her precious little heart 
Cleansed from all sin and stain. 

For soap and water can not reach 
Where Thou alone canst see. 
Her hands and feet, these I can wash- 
I trust her heart to Thee. 

Publisher unknown. 
From Scrapbook of Ideas by Vera Overholt 

Capitalism without the moral underpinning of the Decalogue 
and the inspiration of the Beatitudes soon degenerates into self- 
destructive greed. —Selected 


Living With Yourself 

A few years ago a boy was working in a bank. He ran 
errands, emptied wastebaskets, and did all the unskilled work. 
But while he worked, his rniiid wrestled with a harsh problem. 
His small wages supported his mother and little sister. The 
mother had been ill, and was slow in recovering, The little 
sister, too, was pale and thin. They needed to go to the country 
for the summer, but where was the money to send them? 

And then, as the boy emptied a basketful of trash, there was 
the answer in his hand—a roll of bills that had fallen there in 
some way. It was only two or three hundred dollars, but that 
was a fortune to the boy. Nobody could possible guess that he 
had the money. He glanced around, and then furtively thrust it 
into his pocket. 

But the nfext morning he begged to see the bank president. 
In surprise the president admitted him, and the boy hastily flung 
the roll of bills on the desk. "I found that in the wastebasket, 
sir," he exclaimed, and started to hurry from the room. But the 
president stopped him. 

"Why did you bring it back?" he asked. "Of course, you 
know that nobody could have suspected you." 

"I wanted it badly," answered the boy. "But I've got to live 
with myself all my life, and I don't want to live with a thief." 

It is good to know that the bank sent the entire family to the 
country for the summer. But the boy had not expected any 
such recognition of his honesty. He could not live with a thief, 
even if stealing seemed necessary for the renewed health of his 
loved ones. 

It is veiy unpleasant to have to live with a person whom you 
can not respect, or whom you can not like, whether because of 
bad temper, selfishness, or trickery. And if that person happens 


to be yourself, it is so much worse, for you can get away from 
other people, but never from yourself. 

By Anna L. Curtis, in Friends 
From The Youth 1 s Visitor, November 9,1952 

Doing Errands for Mother 

"Oh, dear!" said Anne, "I wish I could go along, but I have 
to do an errand for Mother! It seems as though eveiy time I 
want to do anything or go anywhere, there is an errand. This 
time I must get groceries." 

"It's just that way at our house," said Ruth. "Mother isn't at 
home this afternoon or there would be some errand to do. I'll 
tell you what I'll do, I'll go with you to Emma's. We'll get 
through faster if there are two to carry the things." 

But as th6y went past Ruth's home her mother was there 
and called her in to give her a list of things to buy. But since it 
was fun to go with her chum, Ruth did not grumble. At the 
store Anne ordered a dozen rolls, six oranges and a pound of 

"Why, that is the very same list I have," laughed Ruth. 
"You may give me the same, Mr. Brown," she told the grocer. 

"They are my things for our picnic," said Anne. "We are to 
have orangeade." 

"Mine are for the picnic, too, Anne. Why, Anne! These 
things are not for our mothers at all. They are for us. We are 
really doing the errands for ourselves." 

"That's true," said Anne. "And I didn't do my errand very 
willingly. Wasn't that dreadful to be complaining when mother 
was getting nice things ready for me? I'm going straight home 
to tell her I'm sorry." 



Tib going to do that too," said Ruth, "and then Tin going to 
take those quilt patches right over to Mis. Doran. Mother 
asked me to do it day before yesterday for her, and I've been- 
putting it off." ~ 

"But that will be your errand too, for you told me that Mrs. 5 
Doran is making a blue and white quilt for your bed." 

"Well!" said Ruth, in surprise, "I think most of the errands" 
must be for us and we've never thought of it in that way. I'm*" 
going to ask Mother if she will let me go for those flower bulbs ~ 
that Aunt Molly promised her. I know that will be for her'" 
because I don't like the smell of hyacinths." ~ 

"It's going to be very hard to find errands for our mothers 
alone, because they think of us all the time." said Anne, "but I'm- 
going to try it." - 

By Hilda Richmond —Apples of Gold 

in Sunbeams, May 9, 1948 Z 



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VOL. 58 JUNE, 201 1 No. 6 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
^ Saviour of the world." (I John 4: 14) 


Spirit so holy, Spirit of love, 
Spirit so gentle, sent from above; 
Priceless possession, purchase of blood, 
Good beyond measure, gift of our Lord. 

Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of light, 
Spirit of knowledge, showing the right; 
Guide us and teach us, folly to know 
All that in Jesus God would bestow. 

Spirit so humble, Spirit so meek, 
Spirit so kindly, helping the weak; 
Work in and through us; make us to be 
Lowly and loving, yielding to Thee. 

Spirit of power, Spirit of God, 
Spirit of burning, work through Thy word; 
Search us and sift us, spare not the dross, 
Show us that self life ends at the cross. 

Daniel W. Whittle, 1840-1901 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Publi shin g editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


"And tliey were all filled with the Holy Ghost. . ." 

When something is filled, there is no room for more. Full 
cups, full gas tank, full grain bins— all mean the same: you can't 
put in more. I remember in Haiti watching and helping put one 
last cow on a truck that seemed fiill already One backed off 
but was squeezed on again. When they were through it was 
packed tight. 

Are we filled? Are we full of the Holy Spirit like they were 
at Pentecost? Probably none of us would claim that degree of 
the Spirit. And yet this should be our goal, and God is ready to 
fill us. 

At Pentecost the disciples were possessed of the Spirit and 
completely filled. They ran over in then zeal and enthusiasm. 
Their heails were not mixed with worldly desires. What a 
change took place. No longer were they afraid to meet openly. 
The message of God's acceptance spilled out in other tongues 
to "devout men, out of every nation under heaven." 

Compare our experience to theirs. We may seem pretty dull 
and uninspired beside them. But Jesus told Nicodemus that one 
born of the Spirit is like the wind. You hear the sound. You 
see the effects. There will be a change in us too when we are 

To be filled with the Spirit is like filling a pail with drinkable 
water. First we must start with a clean pail. If it is duty, the 
water will not be fit to drink. Also the pail must be empty. If 
there is another liquid in it, the result will be unusable. When 
we fill it, there will be room for nothing else, especially nothing 
to contaminate the water. 

Are we ready and desiring to be filled this way? Truly our 
lives are made up of various experiences. But what about our 


hearts? Will God be pleased with contaminated hearts or hearts 
with mixed desires? 

David prayed after he had sinned and repented, "Create in 
me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." 
God pronounced him a man after His own heart. His heart was 
foil of God's Spirit 

Is this degree of purity attainable? Jesus tells us, "Be ye 
therefore perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect." We 
are reluctant to claim this perfection as we know ourselves too 
well. Only by being filled with the Holy Spirit is any degree of 
perfection attainable. The perfection is of Him. Our 
righteousness is that of Jesus Christ. 

A hymn says, "He's still working on me." Paul wrote to the 
Philippians (2:13) "For it is God which worketh in you both to 
will and to do of his good pleasure." It is obvious to me: we 
can't do this ourselves. Someone has confessed about giving a 
good, effective testimony: "I sometimes feel like a half filled 
cup trying to run over." But when we are truly filled by the 
Spirit we mil run over, and it will be an effective testimony. 

One thing we can do is simply yield to God so He can work 
in us and fill us. There is no mystery here. We decide to go to 
church or to take a break from our work or to buy a needed 
item at the store. God has given us this kind of choice. There 
is a sense in which we can do nothing for we cannot even 
breathe without God's allowing it. May we not make excuses 
but let Him fill us to overflowing that we may be victorious and 
serve in a needy world. --L.C. 


The word "father" is used 970 times in the Bible. The Bible 
often refers to God as The Father. God created man from the 
dust of the earth, then breathed into him the breath of life and 
man became a living soul. Thus God is the father of man (Gen. 


2:7). Then God formed woman from man (Gen, 2:22). This 
established God, man, woman as the order for humankind. 

Genesis 2:24 gives instructions for a relationship between a 
man and a woman when establishing a home. When this home 
is blessed with children, the man becomes a father and the 
woman becomes a mother, This can be a beautiful thing when 
the Lord God is honored, worshipped, and obeyed. A home is 
blessed when directed by a loving husband and father. 

This love is more than a fuzzy emotional feeling, but is a 
dedicated sense of commitment and sacrifice. A Godly father 
will sacrifice his desires for the benefit of his wife and children. 
"Husbands, love your wives. . ." (Eph. 5:25). This is a Biblical 
command. This means placing your wife and family ahead of 
your own personal interests. Yes, there are times you may have 
to work late or be away from home, but to become a 
workaholic or become involved in other activities with the 
primary purpose of getting away from your fussy children and 
tired wife is wrong. 

Sometimes today's mothers are criticized for being too 
aggressive. Often it is the husband's fault by not exercising his 
responsibilities. The relationship of a faithful, believing father 
to his family is beautifully expressed by the Apostle Paul in 
Ephesians 5:31-33 where he compares a man and wife to Christ 
and the Church. This closeness extends to the children where 
Paul in Ephesians 6:4 admonished fathers to exercise Godly 

It is commendable to honor our fathers. The father is the 
head of the family. This is God's order. Society's strength is 
dependant on the family unit. Consequently Satan, in his 
attempt to destroy has focused on destroying the family unit. 
He has had and is having success. A few facts are evident. 
Divorce listings equal marriages in some papers. Some 
segments of society list 70% of births to single girls and 
women. There are up to 1500 abortions performed daily in the 


United States, and sodomy is being legalized in some states. 
Regretfully, the fathers are responsible for this. The media, 
both news and entertainment, tend to portray the man as a 
wimpy person. The woman is generally the focus. 

The Christian fathers are a blessing. As I noted, we are face 
to face with a sin-oriented society. I encourage all believers, 
especially the fathers, to not be discouraged but pray 
continually, love your family, support Christian schools, study 
the Bible, and worship together. 

Joseph E. Wagner, Modesto, California 


Time is filled with swift transition, 

Naught of earth unmoved can stand. . . 

Hold to God's unchanging hand. 

The special relationship between a father and daughter 
evolves and revolves as the clock of life ticks out the times and 
seasons. The unfolding of the swift transition is as much an 
adjustment for the father as it is for his daughter. 

A baby's first cries, an infant's first attempts to smile, to 
reach out, are exciting moments which a new father shares with 
his wife. In the joy of the moment, he scarcely realizes the 
responsibilities that are entwined in the tiny arms reaching out 
to him. Time is beating, and soon the infant is an inquisitive 

"Daddy, will you push me on the swing?" 

"Daddy, will you take me sledding?" 

"Daddy, will you read me a Bible story?" 

To these and the countless requests of childhood, Daddy 
answers cheerfully, "Yes, my child, I will help you." 

School days begin. A little girl's world has revolved around 
Father and Mother, but now it is enlarged to include other 
friends. There are now other adults to whom she will give the 


same respect and devotion that was taught (or neglected) at 
home. She depends on her father for advice, answers, and 

"Dad, will you drive us on our field trip?" 

"Dad, may our class visit our farm?" 

"Dad, do you know how to do this math?" 

Through adolescent years Dad patiently and kindly helps to 
smooth the way. In busy times, father and daughter have 
scarcely been aware of the change in their relationship. Watch 
carefully, Father. Speak thoughtfully. Allow room for the 
wings to unfold. As you watch the early steps to maturity, 
same glad moment you will hear: "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry 
that I haven't always wanted to listen to you. Can you forgive 
me? Will you pray with me?" 

Humbly Father takes the hand that has trusted in his own 
and teaches his daughter to trust in the heavenly Father's 
guiding hand. 

"Dad, I'll soon be sixteen. Will you take me to get my 

"Dad, I want to invite some friends over." 

"Dad, may I have the car, please?" 

In the teenage years Dad fills the gas tank, gives words of 
caution, and watches with an anxious care as his daughter's 
circle of interest and work continues to grow. 

"Dad, I think this is the one whom the Lord has for me, but 
it's kind of scaiy. You and Mom like him, don't you?" 

Father's heart is both happy and sad as he realizes the 
importance of his approval. Graciously he encourages his 
daughter to give her love and devotion to another. 

"Dad and Mom, may we leave the children here for a few 

"Dad, we need your advice. This looks like a big step." 

The parent- child relationship which was bonded through 
love and caring is now between adults. But alas, Time is 


relentless. Gradually (or perhaps suddenly) the roles are being 

"Mom, isn't Dad well? Do you need help? We're praying 
for you. " 

"Dad, here is your medicine. Take a drink with it. Do you 
want the children to sing? We love you, you know. 

The hands of the clock have nearly completed the circle. As 
twilight descends, the daughter and her family are giving Father 
and Grandpa the care, love, patience, understanding, and 
prayers which he so lovingly gave in the years now gone. 
By Mary Ann Martin about her father, Amos Baker 
From Letters from Home 


"For most families across our nation, the "family altar" is 
considered a relic of the past. While some hold firmly to the 
individual practice of a daily, personal "quiet time," many 
openly confess that such a practice is attended to only 
sporadically, or not at all. 

"The family altar, a time when the entire family gathers for 
Bible study, prayer, and a mutual expression of love, 
understanding and mission, has been virtually replaced by a 
myriad of activities. . . 

"The Word of God, prayer, and a sense of family 
togetherness are indispensable elements for effectively facing 
the challenges of life. It is at the family altar that children come 
to appreciate the faith of their parents, and parents come to 
understand and connect with the hearts of their children." 

This is part of an article calling for a fresh development in 
the spiritual life of our families. In the past many fathers 
worked at home with their wives and children, either on the 
farm or in a family business. Now so many of the fathers 


work away from home. They leave early and sometimes come 
in late. Time spent with the family is shortened. 

In view of this change, family worship becomes more vital 
as a time of teaching and understanding the needs of our 
children. With technology reaching the level of 6 or 8 year 
olds, the world has access to them more than ever before. We 
fathers and grandfathers must be aware and counteract this. 

Let them see us about our Savior's business. Let our 
children hear us pray for them. Let us teach them hymns that 
honor God. Family worship time is where your children are 
comfortable asking questions. Be open to enquiries that may 
seem trite or unnecessary. 

Also, make family worship an extension of the church 
service. Uphold the messages God has laid on the heart of the 
ministers. Explain teaching that might "go over their heads." 

Jesus used a little child as an example of how we must be to 
enter the Kingdom, and He warned us against offending them— 
causing one to be lost. May we not neglect them in the very 
areas close to us~our time with our families. "The family that 
prays together, stays together. " --L.C. 


From your children's earliest infancy, inculcate the necessity 
of instant obedience. Unite firmness with gentleness. Let your 
children always understand that you mean what you say. Never 
promise them something unless you are quite sure that you can 
give them what you say. If you tell a little child to do 
something, show him how to do it, and see that it is done. 

Always punish your children for willful disobedience, but 
never punish them in anger. Never let them perceive that they 
vex you or make you lose your command. If they give way to 
petulance or an ill temper, you need to subdue their anger and 
show them the impropriety of then conduct. Remember, a little 


present punishment when the occasion arises is much more 
effectual than the threatening of a greater punishment should 
the fault be renewed. 

Never give your children anything because they cry for it. 
Teach them that the only way to appear good is to be good. 
Accustom them to make then little recitals with perfect truth. 
Never allow talebearing. Teach them that self-denial rather than 
self-indulgence will prove in the end to be the most blessed road 
to travel. Herald of Truth, August, 1866 

Tract from Rod and Staff Publishers 

O Lord, our job's an humble one— 
(Perhaps that's what we need.) 
Just mowing grass and raking leaves 
And sowing seed. 

But as upon the fragrant earth we kneel, 
Often we're made to feel 
We're helping make a happy place 
Where laughing children romp and play, 
And oldsters stroll at close of day. 

So much has happened in a garden, Lord. 
The fruit from the forbidden tree 
Was eaten there, 

And in the garden of Gethsemane 
You prayed in agony; 
Then died upon a cross 
But from a garden tomb arose 
To conquer death, the last of foes. 
Then let us in a garden spend our days 
And from a garden lift our hearts to Thee in praise. 

—Guy Hootman 


In Jordan's tide the Baptist stands, 
Immersing the repenting Jews; 
The Son of God the rite demands, 
Nor dare the holy man refuse; 
Jesus descends beneath the wave, 
The emblem of His future grave. 

Wonder, ye heavens! your Maker lies 
In deeps concealed from human view; 
Ye saints, behold Him sink and rise, 
A fit example thus for you: 
The sacred record, while you read, 
Calls you to imitate the deed. 

But lo! from yonder opening skies, 
What beams of dazzling glory spread! 
Dove-like, the eternal Spirit flies, 
And lights on the Redeemer's head. 
Amazed they see the power divine, 
Around the Saviour's temples shine. 

But hark, my soul, hark and adore! 

What sounds are those which roll along? 

Not like Sinai's awful roar, 

But soft and sweet as Gabriel's song: 

"This is my well-beloved Son; 

I see well pleased what He hath done." 

Thus as the eternal Father spoke, 
Who shakes creation with a nod: 
Through parting skies the accents broke, 
And bids us hear the Son of God. 


O hear tlie awful word today; 
Hear all ye nations and obey! 

Selected by Andrew Albers 
from The Primitive Baptist "Goble" Hymn Book 

To our dear brothers and sisters, 

We would like to sincerely thank each of you for all the 
prayers and support that you have given our family during the 
surgeries and birth of our daughter. We feel so blessed by each 
of you. God is faithful and we give Him the glory. I thank my 
God upon eveiy remembrance of you. (Phillipians 1:3) 
In Christian love, Eric, Lori, Jace, Meg, and Shae Leensvaart 

We want to express our deep appreciation for the many 
prayers on our behalf over the last several months. Also for the 
financial help and all the food that has been given to us. May 
God's blessings be upon you for your efforts. 

In Christian love, Duane, Gayle, and family 


I need the prayers of those I love 
To help me in each trying hour, 
To bear my tempted soul to Him 
That He may keep me by His power. 

I want my friends to pray for me, 
To bear my tempted soul above, 
And intercede with God for me; 
I need the prayers of those I love. 
—James D. Vaughan 



Shaniah Dawn Meyers, 18 months, was bom November 8, 
2009, to Justin and Orpha Meyers. God took her home 
suddenly on May 12, 2011, in an accident at her grandparents' 

She is survived by her parents, one sister, Shyann Hope, 2 
weeks old; maternal grandparents, Thomas and Rebecca Royer, 
Goshen, IN; paternal grandparents, Alan and Brenda Meyers, 
Adel, IA; maternal great-grandparents, Herman and Carol 
Royer, Nappanee, IN, and Melvin and Marilyn Coning, Goshen, 
IN; paternal great-grandparents, Martin and Mary Meyers, 
Adel, IA, and Larry and Jolene Andrews, Raymore, MO; 
paternal great-great-grandmother, Iva Teakell, Raymore, MO, 
and many loving uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends. She was 
preceded in death by one uncle, Ethan Moss. 

Funeral services were held May 16, 2011, at the Old 
German Baptist Brethren meeting house on County Road 40 by 
the home ministry. Text used was "The Lord gave, and the 
Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 
1:21). Hymns used at the church were 370, 499, and "Children 
of the Heavenly Father." Her body now awaits the resurrection 
at the Yellowcreek Old Brethren Cemetery. 

The family wishes to express heartfelt gratitude to church 
family, community, and friends for prayers, sympathies, food, 
cards, phone calls, and many other tokens of support poured 
out to us over Shaniah's passing. We feel blessed to be a part of 
such a caring brotherhood and community. 

The Family 

Shaniah Dawn has left this world; 
How can it be? Such thoughts are hurled 
And tossed about within our head. 
Now she is gone. Her body's dead. 


Inside her form she had a soul, 
And God has taken it, we know. 
How good it is to know that He 
Does take all children— just for "free," 

And she must not account bring forth; 
We now praise God for such a worth. 
No sins she has committed here; 
My God just says, "Her conscience clear." 

Eternally she'll ever be 
Yonder with Jesus—glad and free. 
Eventually we'll join her there, 
Rejoice with her FOREVERMORE. 

So now we'll wait upon the Lord, 
Trust and obey upon His Word. 
Oh 'Niah dear, sweet 'Niah dear, 
We'll miss your girlie ways down here. 

But God has planned for you to be 
Up there with all HIS JUBILEE, 
And some sweet day when life is o'er 
We'll want to meet on yonder shore. 

Written by Edith Martin, a neighbor and friend, 
for Justin and Orpha 

CONING - A son, Caleb Ryan, bom May 14 to Thad and 
Suzanne Coning of Goshen, Indiana. 



Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, 
All His wonderful passion and purity; 

O ruy Savior divine, 

All rny being refine, 
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me. 

I'm sure any of us would sing this prayer- song, but my 
concern is that we give Jesus' beauty room to shine through and 
not smother it in the vain, gaudy adornments of our bodies. 
There seems to be increasing concern among us about the 
fashionable, worldly and immodest trends in dressing our 
bodies. And the alarm is well-founded. 

How can Jesus' beauty shine through when we are so taken 
up with fashions and hair-dos, etc., that we spend hours 
perusing magazines and catalogs, window shopping, and even 
trying on the latest and wildest fashions "just for fun." It seems 
that when we do these things we are only leading ourselves into 
temptation, besides being a very poor witness of Jesus' beauty 
to the world. We are telling those about us that we are 
discontented with the inward adorning of a meek and quiet 
spirit and of the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus. 

I Peter 3:3,4: "Whose adorning let it not be that outward 
adorning of plaiting the hah, and of wearing of gold, or of 
putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, 
in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek 
and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." 
How can the beauty of Jesus shine through aU the vain display 
of our clothes and bodies? 

Whose attention are we trying to get? Who are we trying to 
glorify? Our own bodies, to our shame! Our bodies were made 
in God's likeness to be a temple for His Spirit. And we pollute 


them by worshiping the god of fashion and pride. I wonder if 
Jesus doesn't some times want to come and drive out from our 
hearts these evil designs just like He drove the money changers 
and merchandisers from the Temple at Jerusalem. 

Another aspect would be to consider all the time and money 
spent on glorifying our bodies. What will you answer the Great 
Judge on Judgment Day when He questions you about spending 
several dollars for those gaudy buttons on a dress when an 80 
cent card of plain buttons would have served the purpose of 
buttons just as well? There are hungry, needy people who 
could well use those extra dollars. 

And what about the hours we spend getting our hah "just 
right" when there are so many people who could use our help if 
we'd only use our time more wisely? Helping others with time 
and money are good ways to give the beauty of Jesus a chance 
to shine through. 

Admittedly, there are those who dress veiy plainly and 
modestly, but do not seem to have the meek and quiet spirit. 
Both are needed to let Jesus' beauty be seen. So, while some of 
us are tempted to— and yield to—outward adorning of the body, 
others of us have just as vital a straggle to keep the hidden man 
of the heart meek and quiet. May God give each of us 
convictions, followed by real victories in these areas, so the 
beauty of Jesus will be seen in each of us individually and 
collectively as a church body. 

II Corinthians 11:3: "But I fear, lest by any means, as the 
serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should 
be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." 

"Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path. . ." 
(Psalm 27: 11). 


Linda Frick, Gettysburg, Ohio 
(Reprinted from The Pilgrim^ June, 1987) 


Two Little Boys 
There's a little boy who's so awfully good, 
Who always remembers the things that he should; 
Who never treads on the baby's toys, 
Or stamps up the stairs or makes any noise. 
That little boy, I wish you could see, 
'Cause sometimes, you know, that little boy's me! 

But another boy stays at our house, too, 
And he never remembers what's right to do; 
He pulls the cat's tail and screams at the bird, 
And makes more noise than you've ever heard. 
I wish he lived millions of miles away, 
'Cause I'm that boy, too, I'm ashamed to say. 

Author unknown 
From Sunbeams, October 24, 1948 












VOL. 58 JULY r AUGUST. 2011 No. 7 & 8 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
Saviour of the world." (I John 4:14) 


Our heavenly Father, hear 

The prayer we offer now; 

"Thy name be hallowed far and near; 

To Thee all nations bow! 

"Thy kingdom come: Thy will 
On earth be done in love, 
As saints and seraphim fulfill 
Thy perfect law above. 

"Our daily bread supply, 
While by Thy word we live 
The guilt of our iniquity 
Forgive, as we forgive. 

"From dark temptation's power- 
Frorn Satan's wiles defend: 
Deliver in the evil hour, 
And guide us to the end. 

"Thine, then, for ever be 
Glory and power divine: 
The sceptre, throne, and majesty 
Of heaven and earth are Thine." 

Thus humbly taught to pray, 

By Thy beloved Son, 

Through Him we come to Thee, and say: 

"All for His sake be done!" 

Hymn 106 James Montgomery, 1825 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Publishing editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 

Leadership Seminar, Haiti 2011 

"Savior, Savior, hear rny humble cry . . " sang the Haitians 
before Leslie took his place beside the interpreter at the 56th 
Leadership Seminar at Beraca, the Mennonite Gospel Mission 
to Haiti. 

One hundred fifty native pastors and Christian School 
teachers salaried by hardworking supporters of MGMH listened 
attentively for five hours through the five day conference even 
though it was hot and crowded on hard benches. At one side, 
someone signed for 20-25 persons from their deaf school. 

That number doubled in the evenings when the neighbors 
flocked in for special singing and an evangelistic sermon in the 
open an. A men's group sang reverently; a mixed group sang 
"In tenderness He sought me" in their native Creole. 

There were no cars; however, six motorcycles earned four 
passengers each and Teacher Roudly rode his bicycle. The rest 
walked the steep trails or rode on the back of the mission's 
trucks, up to eighty five one night! 

These attendees are healthy, respectable, responsible. Bible 
students! We noticed advanced Algebra on three blackboards. 
It felt like "an emerging nation!" They can make a difference in 
then country, one student at a time. 

From Oregon's Western Fellowship Teacher's Institute 
we'd flown from Portland to Miami, then travelled on with 
Mission Board member, Loyal and Lena Martin (IN) and fellow 
speaker, Lester and Cheryl Weiler, (PA). At Port au Prince, the 
shocking blast of hot air, push and shove co-passengers, and 
swarms clamoring to assist with our luggage are the sights, 
sounds and smells; welcome to Haiti! The terminal, damaged in 
the earthquake, is abandoned. A sea of mud huts and 


deteriorating blue tents greet us. Although our fifth trip, we are 
appalled by the obvious disorder, poverty, trash, chaotic 
markets, honking horns and loitering men. 

The tropical climate lends itself to luxuriant, green 
vegetation, but alas, not all for food or beauty. Vines and 
vigorous weeds could be replaced with more edible crops, as 
yams, cabbages, corn and avocados thrive. "Where there is no 
vision the people perish" we muse. If only they had a 
reasonable plan for ALL the garbage - litter, wrappers, 
containers, smelly, visible, everywhere. 

Haiti is a paradox - luxuriance and disorder. Children are 
taught to step carefully through the mud to keep their shoes 
clean. Walking erect, gracefully, is a result of carrying baskets 
of avocados, a five gallon bucket of water or heavy bags of 
charcoal on their heads. 

While helping to facilitate at a women's "workshop" I 
learned that Haitian women may be "beaten up" by a non 
Christian husband if they don't feed them. Yes, women are 
expected to make the living, care for the children, feed the men. 
"Haitian men do not like to work" the translator reported back 
to me. If the thousands of men standing idle everywhere caught 
the vision, Haiti could soon be a different country. 

The medical clinic was closed during the Seminar; however 
the traffic for stitches and bandaging kept nurses Sharon 
Brubaker, (Ontario) and Cheryl Martin, (PA) busy. Ah the 
dedicated staff deserve our respect and prayers. 

Native Pastor Thomas was the third speaker, on "The work 
of a Pastor." "Someone that serves should have a servant's 
heart." "Did you ever see a difference between a servant or a 
mini ster?" "I think you have a very good minister in your 
church. Go to him with your problems." We agree — they have 
good leaders in this setting. Actually, the finest in Haiti! 
We continue to rejoice hi God's goodness to us. 
Leslie and Martha Cover 


Dear Christian Sister, 

You are a Christian woman. You do not cut your hair. 
You cover your head. But do you know why you do these 
things? Is it because your mother did them or because your 
church requires it of you? Could you give a Scriptural 
explanation to someone who asked you about them? 

Our God is an orderly God. He has placed order in 
everything that He has created. Nature is orderly, the seasons 
are orderly, and even the universe is so orderly that we can 
forecast the positions of the stars centuries in advance. 
Therefore it should not surprise us that the Lord has designed 
the church and the family in an orderly way as well. 

God's order is listed for us in I Corinthians 11:3. It says 
here that "the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the 
woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." God has 
given the Christian woman a special place in His plan for 
mankind. She is man's special assistant and serves a very useful 
place in the church and home (see Ephesians 5:22; Titus 2:3,4; I 
Timothy 3:11). But God has appointed man to lead in the home 
and in the church, and has placed the woman under man's 
authority. Man is to be the head of the woman even as Christ is 
the head of the man, and God is the head of Christ. Many 
women resist this truth because they feel that somehow it makes 
them inferior to men, but no Christian woman will ever find true 
peace and rest until she submits to God's plan for her life. 

God's plan for order does not slight anyone. The Christian 
woman is not inferior to the man any more than Christ is 
inferior to God. She does not lose face by submitting to God's 
plan. Instead, she enhances herself, because there is nothing 
more beautiful than a sister who is cheerfully living in 
submission to God. On the other hand, the woman who refuses 


to submit or take her proper place must be constantly asserting 
herself and thus she makes herself obnoxious. 

You have seen them, I am sure— the policewoman, the 
woman customs officer, the woman health inspector, and the 
woman bank: manager. They are often harder to deal with than 
most men would be in the same position, because a woman 
constantly struggles with a subconscious need to be sure that 
her authority is not threatened. But the Christian woman who 
has submitted to the position God has given her can relax and 
enjoy life. 

When a Christian woman puts a covering over uncut hair, 
she is showing the world and the church that she is willing to 
accept her place in God's plan for her life. She is testifying that 
she wants God to be glorified in her life. Such a sister has 
found the true source of beauty, and God will bless her for it. 
Happy indeed is the man who has such a wife. 

However, there are women who do not cut then hair and 
who wear coverings and yet do not accept God's plan. These 
are the girls who refuse to obey their fathers or who talk back 
to them when they try to help them. These are also the bold 
girls that are always talking with the boys and trying to attract 
attention to themselves by their speech and actions. These are 
the women who scold their* husbands and try to manipulate 
them to get their own way. They side with their children and 
protect them when their husband or the church or the school 
tries to correct them. Such women are not worthy to wear the 
covering. They are hypocrites if they do so. 

There is another reason that the Christian woman wears her 
hair uncut and covered. In I Corinthians 1 1: 15, we are told that 
long hah* is a glory for the woman— it is part of her beauty. But 
a godly, modest Christian woman will not vaunt her beauty 
before the eyes of all men; rather, she reserves it for her 
husband. Her hair should not be an exception to this. 


When a woman allows her covering to become too small, or 
wears it in a way that is intended to draw attention, she is using 
her beauty to draw attention to herself and is dishonoring her 
husband and God. When she puffs up her hair so that it attracts 
attention, she is telling the world that she wants the glory that 
should be going to God. 

Christian sister, when you dress modestly, comb your hair 
modestly, wear a modest covering, and portray a meek and 
quiet spirit, you attract the attention of man to God. You help 
them to be what God wants them to be. But when you do the 
opposite, you draw men to yourself, not to God, and you do so 
by manipulating their lusts— the desires and passions of their 
bodies. Thus you are tempting them to sin. God forbid that 
you, a Christian sister, should be guilty of causing your brother 
to sin, even in thought, because of your appearance or actions. 

"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that 
feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." (Proverbs 31:30). 
By Lester Bauman in Light of Life 
Selected by Herman Royer. 


According to the mottoes on our walls, "Prayer changes 
things." "Prayer moves the hand of God." The Bible promises 
again and again that our prayers will be answered: 

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth 
much" (James 5:16). 

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; 
knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matthew 7:7). 

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great 
and mighty things which thou knowest not" (Jeremiah 33:3). 

Are you asking for specific blessings? 

"Ye have not, because ye ask not" (James 4:2). 


Make specific requests to receive specific answers. Many 
requests are so general it is impossible to determine when and if 
they are answered. 

Are you asking selfishly? 

"Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may 
consume it upon your lusts" (James 4:3). 

God promises nothing to one who wants only to show off 
possessions and indulge lusts. He knows we sometimes need 
the answer no. 

Are you asking perseveringly? 

"Men ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18: 1). 

Sometimes God says, "Wait" Perhaps He wants us to pray 
longer to prepare our hearts for a better answer He has for us. 

Are you asking in faith? 

"[Jesus] did not many mighty works there because of their 
unbelief (Matthew 13:58). 

God has oceans of grace ready to flood the heart of the 
trusting believer. He invites us, "Open thy mouth wide, and I 
will fill it" (Psalm 81:10). But unbelief seals off the entrance 
and stops the flow. 

Are you obeying God's commands? 

"And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we 
keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing 
in Ms sight" (I John 3:22). 

God never promises to hear the prayers of those who 
stubbornly refuse to obey Him. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, 
the Lord will not hear me" (Psalm 66: 18). 

Have you surrendered to the will of God? 

"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we 
ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us" (I John 5: 14). 

A spoiled child may demand that his parents supply his 
every whim. He may ask repeatedly, loudly, insistently, 
attempting to impose his will upon his parents. A proper child 


asks also, but trusts Ms parents to give what lie needs and 
submits to their superior judgment. 

God will be nobody's tool He never promises to give us 
just exactly what we ask. That would mean handing the reins 
over to us and watching us destroy ourselves and others. God 
has something better for us, which we are too foolish and 
immature to see. So He says,"Call unto me, and I will answer 
thee, and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest 
not." He will give, not what we ask, not what we think we need 
or want, but the better thing that we never even thought of, the 
resource that really meets the need. 

Trust God, obey Him, desire Him, delight in Him— and you 
will find your prayers answered, your needs supplied, your heart 
filled. By Melvin Burkholder 

in Home Horizons, Eastern Mennonite Publications 
Used by Permission. Selected by Martha Wagner 


Lord, make me an instrument of you peace. 
Where there is hatred, let me sow love, 
Where there is injury, pardon, 
Where there is doubt, faith, 
Where there is despair, hope, 
Where there is darkness, light, 
Where there is sadness, joy. 
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much 
seek to be consoled as to console. 
Not so much to be understood as to understand, 
not so much to be loved, as to love. 
For it is in giving that we receive, 
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, 
It is in dying, that we awake to eternal life. 
A prayer by Francis of Assisi. Selected by Roger Kuntz 


1. Thou shalt not seek man's approval, but God's approval in 
the education of the child. 
I 2. Thou shalt cooperate with the school board, not neglecting 
attendance at parent-teacher meetings. 

3. Thou shalt not send thy child to a Christian school in vain by 
negating its influence in continually criticizing the school, 
provoking thy child to wrath at home or living hypocritically. 

4. Remember the Lord's command for parents to teach God's 
laws diligently; thou shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy 
house, and when thou drivest down the highway, and when 
thou risest up to work together. 

5. Honor thy teacher with commendations, visits to school, 
acts of thoughtfulness, supportive words, and a reluctance to 
believe a child's negative report without investigating whether 
his perception of events is accurate. 

6. Thou shalt not kill respect for thy child's teacher, but thou 
shalt speak positively and favorably of thy child's teacher in the 
hearing of thy child, and reserve criticism for other times, as 

7. Thou shalt pray audibly for thy child's teacher, and 
encourage thy child to pray also for his teacher. 

8. Thou shalt not steal by refraining from paying thy rightful 
and expected share of school costs. 

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy child's teacher, 
i the administrator, school board, or classmates, by passing on 

gossip about them. 
I 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor child's abilities, nor put 
thy child under pressure by making comparisons with other 
students, nor desire honor for thy child nor thyself 

-Howard Bean 
Reprinted from CLE Parent Lines 



HERBERT TREADWELL BROWN was bom June 16, 1933, 
in San Fernando, California. He had four sisters, Lillian, Joyce, 
Janet, and Linda. Upon graduating from high school, he 
worked for a dry cleaners. He married Ursula at age 19 and at 
age 20 went to serve in the army as a medic and achieved the 
rank of sergeant first class. He served for two years in the 
Korean War. 

When he returned, he went to college and earned a Doctor 
of Pharmacy degree at U.S.C. He built his own house in 
Sylmar for his family and lived there about 15 years. They then 
moved to the country near Fillmore. He worked as a 
pharmacist in Ventura for many years before opening his own 
pharmacy in Saticoy, which he ran for ten years. He retired in 
1998 and moved to Soulsbyville, where he worked at Twain 
Harte Pharmacy part-time until 2008. 

His lifelong hobby was breeding, training, and racing 
pigeons. In middle age he dedicated his life to Christ and 
became an avid Bible student. In Soulsbyville he was close to 
his grandchildren and spent the last thirteen years enjoying them 
and taking them on trips. 

He was preceded in death by his parents, three sisters, and 
granddaughter Jennifer. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, 
Ursula, two children and spouses, Mark and Betsy Brown, and 
Michael and Lori Walker, his sister Linda Blangsted, eight 
grandchildren and spouses (Randy and Laura Brown, Darcie 
and Jacob Walker, Heidi and David Winger, Chelsea, Jeffrey, 
Charity, Melody, and Kendall Brown) and one great grandson, 
Justin Walker. 

Funeral services were held June 18 by the home brethren in 
the Mountain View Old Brethren Church. Burial was in Carters 
Cemeteiy in Tuolumne. 



Aug. 8, 2011 -Aug. 12, 2011 
Lemuel James Cable passed away four days after Ms birth on 
Aug. 12, 2011, at Memorial Hospital, South Bend, IN. His 
parents, Aaron and Arlene (Wenger) Cable, survive along with 
brothers Jonathon and Wesley; sisters Crystal, Samantha and 
Tabitha; Grandparents Harold and Elva Wenger, Merideth and 
Rhonda Cable; Great Grandparents Robert and Betty Meador, 
Norman and Floretta Cable; and many uncles, aunts and 
cousins. Lemuel was preceded in death by three infant brothers. 
This precious little boy will be sorely missed by those who 
eagerly awaited his arrival. 

A graveside service was held on Monday, Aug. 15, 2011, at 
11 a.m. at the Old Brethren Church Cemetery. 

Marvin St alter Nappanee, Indiana August 28 
Carmen Flora Tuolumne, California August 28 
May God bless these who have decided to follow Jesus. 

JOHNSON - A daughter, Jane Ellen, bom June 25 to William 
and Jewel Johnson of Nappanee Indiana. 
SAVAGE - A son, Colton Dale, born June 26 to Ian and 
Charlesta Savage of New Madison, Ohio. 
ROYER - A daughter, Rihana Kate, born July 15 to Brenton 
and Stella Royer of Wakarusa, Indiana. 
TATE - A daughter, Janneken Joy, born August 5 to Forrest 
and Joy Tate of Elkhart, Indiana. 

FRICK - A daughter, Nikki Rose, bom August 26 to Marian 
and Regina Frick of New Lebanon, Ohio. 



The Madison, Indiana, congregation of Old Brethren held 
an election for minister and deacon on August 28, 2011. 
Brother Sam Royer was chosen for minister. He will be serving 
with the help of his wife Rosanna. Brother Simon Stalter was 
chosen for deacon and will be serving with the help of his wife 

We wish them God's grace as they serve in His Kingdom. 

HARPER - TAYLOR Joshua Harper and Bethanna Taylor 

were married July 23, 201 1, near Twain Harte, California. 
New address: 2871 Tyler Rd. 

Bremen, TN 46506 
c-phones: Joshua: 574-612-8098 Bethanna: 209-352-7339 

Chris Crawmer: 6201 Blue Gum Ave. 

Modesto, CA 95358 
phone: 209-523-0610 

Stephen Stalter: 11399 Patterson Rd. 

Wakarusa, IN 46573 

Eddie Wagner: 5589 Lariat Lane 

Everton, AR 72633 
phones: Home: 870-429-1263 
Eddie: 209-499-4768 Deanne: 209-402-7933 

Karin Wagner's phone: 209-480-5256 

Luke Wagner: 1472 St. Francis 

Modesto, CA 95356 



AH Because of Jealousy 
Mother and Jolene gathered cleaning supplies together and 
began to tackle the job of cleaning the school. "It sure does get 
dirty in one week's time at this place," observed Jolene. 

"Well," explained Mother, "when you think of all the 
children going in and out these doors five days a week, it is no 
wonder it gets so dirty. Let's see how quickly we can give the 
rooms a better appearance." 

Jolene hummed to herself as she dusted windowsills and 
shelves, swept the floor, and checked for hidden cobwebs. 
"This room looks better already," she commented to herself. 
Next she moved on to the upper grade room. "Good!" she 
exclaimed as she entered the room "Sister Susan changed our 
seating arrangement last evening. Where is my desk?" Jolene 
hunted up and down the aisles until she spotted the name tag on 
her desk. 

"Hm-m, second from the back. Who is behind me?" She 
glanced at the tag in the right-hand comer. "Oh, no, not Helen. 
I do not want her behind me. She will think she is so-o big, 
sitting at the back of the row. I wish I could sit in the back 

As Jolene busied herself with the dusting and sweeping, 
jealousy grew in her mind. She felt she just could not stand 
having Helen behind her all the time. "If only I could do 
something about it," she moaned to herself 

"You could," the tempter suggested. "No one has seen this 
seating arrangement yet or knows in what order Sister Susan 
has placed the desks. It would not be hard for you to switch 
your desk with Helen's. Then you would be in the back! " 

Jolene knew that she should never do such a thing, but she 
liked the idea.. "It sure would be great to be in the veiy back. 
Besides, Helen would never know it," she tried to assure 


herself. The longer she rolled the idea through her mind, the 
more appealing it became. 

"I wonder where Mother is," thought lolene. "It would 
never do to have her catch me in the middle of changing desks 
around." A quick check in the basement revealed Mother busily 
scrubbing the bathroom floors, humming as she worked. 

Quickly retracing her steps, Jolene decided that now was 
her chance. Crashing the voice of her conscience, she pulled 
her desk out of the row, slid Helen's forward, and pushed her 
own into the back space. "There now, that is settled." And 
Jolene resumed the cleaning. 

But it was not long till Jolene realized it was not settled. 
Her conscience pricked her as she finished her tasks. No hum 
flowed from her lips anymore. And when Monday morning 
arrived, the glamour of sitting in the back of the row was gone. 
Right before her eyes sat Helen—a constant reminder of her 
jealous actions. As the days passed, Jolene continued to still 
her conscience. 

Years later, after Jolene was through school, the Spirit 
spoke again. "You know that you did wrong and that you 
ought to confess to Sister Susan." Jolene knew she could 
expect no peace until she did just that. By this time Sister 
Susan was not even teaching in the area anymore. So taking up 
a pen and finding her stationery, she wrote to her former 
teacher. Included in the letter was an explanation of what she 
had done that Saturday morning a few years back. How foolish 
it all seemed to her now. "All because of jealousy!" Jolene 
concluded. Peace flooded her heart as she sealed the envelope 
and affixed a stamp in the upper right-hand corner. 

A few weeks rolled by till one day Jolene found a letter 
addressed to her, resting in the mailbox. "Who could this be 
from?" she wondered. Ripping the envelope open, she found a 
response from Sister Susan. 


"I was puzzled that Monday morning when you took your 
seat in the back of the row. But I thought I must have made a 
mistake when I arranged the desks. May God bless you for 
confessing it to me, and you are freely forgiven." 

"Oh, the peace of knowing all is well!" rejoiced Jolene as 
she ambled back to the house. "Lord, help me to keep that ugly 
weed of jealousy out of my heart." 

By Sister Maryann 
From The Christian School Builder November, 1991 


A Little Errand for God 

Helen stood on the doorstep with a very tiny basket in her 
hand when her father drove up and said to her, "I am glad you 
are ready to go out, dear. I came to take you to Mrs. Lee's 
park to see the new deer." 

"Oh, thank you, Papa, but I cannot go just this time. The 
deer will keep, and we can go tomorrow. I have a very 
particular errand to do now," said the little girl 

"What is it, my dear?" asked the father. 

"Oh, it is to carry this some where," and she held up the 
small basket. 

Her father smiled and said, "Whom is this errand for, dear?" 

"For my own self, Papa; but ah, no, I guess it's an errand for 
God, Papa." 

"Well, I will not hinder you, my little girl," said the good 
father tenderly. "Can I help you any?" 

"No, thank you; I was just going to carry my orange that I 
saved from my dessert to old Peter." 

"Is old Peter sick?" 

"No, I hope not; but he never has anything nice; and he is 
good and thankful. Big folks give him only cold meat and 



noken bread, and I thought an orange would look so beautiful 
md make him so happy. Don't you think that poor well folks 
ought to be comforted sometimes, as well as sick folks, Papa?" 

"Yes, my dear; but I am afraid we too often forget that until *"•=: 

sickness and starvation come, You are right: this is a little ^ 

errand for God. Get in here with me and I will drive over to old p£ 

Peter's and wait until you have done your errand. Then I will -i: 

show you the deer. Have you a pin, Helen?" -J 

"Well, here is a five-dollar bill for you to fix on the skin of *"= 

your orange. This will help pay old Peter's rent, and perhaps *~S 
tliis will do a little errand for God, too," said the gentleman. 

Little Helen, who had taught a wise man a wise lesson, IS 

looked very happy as her fingers fixed the fresh bill on the ~ = 

orange. =£ 

Selected frorn Sunbeams, May 30, 1943 ^ 








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VOL. 58 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER. 2011 Nos. 9 & 10 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
Saviour of the world." (I John 4:14) 


Who can cheer the heart like Jesus, 
By His presence all divine? 
True and tender, pure and precious, 
Oh, how blest to call Him mine! 

Love of Christ so freely given, 
Grace of God beyond degree, 
Mercy higher than the heaven, 
Deeper than the deepest sea! 

Every need His hand supplying, 
Eveiy good in Him I see; 
On His strength divine relying, 
He is All in All to me. 

By the crystal, flowing river 
With the ransomed I will sing, 
And forever and forever 
Praise and glorify the King. 

AH the thrills my soul is Jesus; 
He is more than life to me; 
And the fairest often thousand 
In my blessed Lord I see. 

Thoro Harris, 1874-1955 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Pubhshing editor: Leshe Cover 
Address: THE PELGRJM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


Is this a valid question? Cain said it in defence and 
resentfully. God asked him, "Where is Abel thy brother?" Cain 
answered, "I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?" 

God didn't answer Cain's question immediately. But He 
pronounced judgment on Cain for slaying Abel. And in the 
Word and through the ages we are taught that we do have 
grave responsibility to those around us. 

We cannot be careless where God has told us to give a 
faithful witness. Are we dependable on the job? Would we 
steal from the government or from a corp oration thinking no 
one would know or care? Li the airport are we sober, realizing 
we are being watched? We remember Aunt Bertie saying, 
"They take us for Christians, and what is wrong with that?" 

Doing business or buying in a store, are we meticulous to 
pay what is light? An Abraham Lincoln story has him walking 
miles to give a customer correct change when he had make a 

Eating in a public place, do we bow our heads in 
thanksgiving for the food? Or maybe we are like the boy 
visiting his neighbors. When they began a meal without 
praying, he told them, "You are like my dog; he just eats." 

We are called to be an example to those younger. Jesus set 
a child in the midst of His disciples, and gave him as an example 
of greatness in the Kingdom. He said we should humble 
ourselves as a little child. Jesus gave severe warning against 
offending a child or causing him to be lost. On the other hand, 
there is blessing in receiving a child. Jesus said it is like 
receiving Him. 


Our example is also vital to a "weak" brother or sister. 
Study Romans 14 to know Paul's teaching regarding eating 
meat and observing special days. Verse 15; "But if thy brother 
be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. 
Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died." I 
Corinthians 8:13: "Wherefore, if meat make my brother to 
offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make 
my brother to offend." Can we make this kind of resolve? It 
may mean real self-denial. 

Most important is our witness in our own family. Recently 
Brother Lloyd charged fathers and all men to accept the 
leadership in our homes. The world often pictures the man in a 
foolish, weak image making many mistakes. When this is true, 
it forces the women to assume leadership they are not given and 
often are not qualified for either. No wonder John writes, 
"Love not the world." 

The Christian mother in the home has her own place no one 
else can fill as well. She naturally loves and cares for her 
children, teaching them manners in addition to godliness. 

If not technically "my brother's keeper," we are certainly our 
brother's helper. We can help with a smile and encouraging 
words. Praise for a job well done is good if given sincerely. 

May we be faithful in our example to our young people, in 
our homes, in the Church, and, yes, to the world. --L.C. 


My primary purpose in writing small essays is to stimulate 
the reader to engage in serious thinking on Biblical matters. I 
maintain that the Bible means just what it says. Two 
expressions which I have recently been exposed to are "Flat 
Bible," and "Replacement Theology." In light of what I've been 
taught, both are flawed concepts. 


Man has a tendency to complicate things. I buy an 
automatic camera and find a 93 page instruction booklet in the 
box. The same is true for a simple cell phone except in this case 
there were 103 pages. We bought a generic model car with 
automatic features, and I count nearly 90 controls accessible 
from the driver's seat. The scholar studies the Bible and needs a 
library of books to explain it. 

The Brethren have rejected creeds and teach that the New 
Testament is their guide for faith and practice. I base my 
writings on this belief. I understand that the term "Flat Bible" 
means that both Old and New Testaments share directives for 
our lives. The Old Brethren have maintained that only The 
New Testament directs our faith and practice. We believe Jesus 
Christ came and fulfilled the Law. Jesus said, "Think not that I 
am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to 
destroy, but to fulfill." (Matt. 5: 17). We are not under the Old 
Law, including the Ten Commandments. The New Covenant 
contains and suip asses all that is contained in the 
commandments which were written on tables of stone. The 
law, according to the Apostle Paul, was our schoolmaster to 
bring us to Christ. 

Under the New Covenant, God's laws are to be written in 
the hearts of the believers, not on tables of stone. A study 
shows the old Scriptures and the Prophets look forward to the 
coming work and sacrifice of our Lord. The Old Testament 
reflects man's sinful nature and the judgments of God. To bind 
the Old Law's ordinances and practices on the New Testament 
Church inhibits the working of the Holy Spirit and negates the 
teachings of Jesus. We are under the New Covenant, not the 
Old. "This is the covenant I will make with them after those 
days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in 
then minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I 
remember no more." (Hebrews 10: 16,17) 


"Replacement Theology." The way I understand this term is 
that God, before the day of Pentecost, worked through Israel to 
witness to mankind. After the day of Pentecost, the Church 
replaced Israel as God's witness to man. hi a sense this may 
have some validity. God would have all men to be saved, hi 
Christ Jesus, God's people are all one, whether Jew or Gentile. 
God has never had more than one people. I do not see any 
replacement here but a continuing of God's plan of salvation. 
The inconsistency of this teaching is the implication of God's 
Kingdom being involved in secular politics. 

God is in control. He has, and still uses secular powers to 
bring about His purpose. The Church is subject to, but not 
dependent on civil powers. The prophets foretold much 
concerning worldly powers. Many prophesies concern National 
Israel. It seems evident God is working with Israel as a nation, 
but the unconverted citizen of that nation is no more a child of 
God than any other non-believer. Only hi Jesus Christ is there 
salvation. Jew or Gentile makes no difference to God. We 
repeat, God would have all people to be saved and come unto 
the knowledge of the truth. (I Tim. 2:4). Pardon me for wading 
in a little deep on this sensitive issue. God is in control. Study 
the Word. Be not deceived. To be one of God's saints and a 
member of Jesus Christ's bride at His coming should be our 
primary purpose. 

Joseph E. Wagner 
Modesto, California 


The puipose of this article will be to discuss the general 
Bibhcal principles regarding Christian attire and the traditional 
order of the Brethren church in its application. 


To discuss this subject intelligently, it seems necessary to 
notice two apparently extreme views concerning it. On the one 
hand, there are those who assert that it is unimportant what we 
wear—that Clothes do not make a Christian, and if the heart is 
right, all is right. And, conversely, there are many who seem 
to think that the clothes we wear and other outward appearance 
constitute the total witness and proof of Christian discipleship. 
We believe that both these attitudes are unscriptural. 

It is true that clothes do not make a Christian. But we feel 
certain, and hope to demonstrate in this article, that there are 
but few persons (Christian or nonchristian) who actually think it 
unimportant what kind of clothes they wear. For people in all 
walks of life will tiy to dress in a manner consistent with their 
occupation or position in society. They will either consciously 
or unconsciously express their individuality or character in their 
clothes. Therefore the clothes we wear become a sign of 
what we are, or what we think we are, or of what we wish 
others to think we are. 

We are told that clothes is one of the most discussed 
subjects in society, and people will admire others or be shocked 
by the kind of clothes they wear. 

James Quint er, in an article on Christian apparel in the 
Gospel Visitor, 1865, says, "It is thought by many that the 
subject of clothing is too trifling to occupy the attention of 
intelligent people, as it belongs to the exterior of the Christian 
and not the heart, and as the heart is the seat of the Christian 
graces and emotions, the dress can have little to do with 
Christian character. It has been said by some writer that 
'Flowers are not trifles, as one might know from the care that 
God has taken of them everywhere.' And further, can anything 
be justly considered a trifle that has ever occupied the attention 
of God, or upon which He has given laws and precepts?" 

Clothing was the first thing of concern and urgency to 
Adam and Eve after they had sinned in Eden. And God was 


equally concerned about how they were dressed and was totally 
unsatisfied with then ideas and means of clothing themselves. 
So important it was, and so great was their need, that it cost the 
life of another of the living creatures which God had made to 
properly clothe them. The inference is that this was the 
beginning of the slaying and sacrificing of animal life on earth. 
The manner in which God clothed them undoubtedly had both a 
practical and significant purpose: first, to protect their naked 
bodies, and also for a sign to remind them of the result of their 

Perhaps many people are unaware of how often the manner 
in which individuals are clothed is mentioned in the Bible— and 
what it signifies. First, our attention is directed to Exodus and 
Leviticus where a description is given of the beautiful garments 
of Aaron and his sons which were to be worn "before the Lord" 
in the tabernacle and altar seivices. There can be no doubt but 
that the various orders of the priest's garments were for signs of 
certain truths concerning their service and relationship to God, 
both present and future. 

Other Scriptures describe how certain Bible characters were 
dressed and what it signified: 

Tamar, David's daughter, had a garment of divers colors, 
"For with such robes were the king's daughters who were 
virgins clothed." (II Sam. 13:18) 

Daniel was clothed with scarlet, (purple) (Dan. 5:29) 

John the Baptist was clothed with "raiment of camel's hair, 
and a leathern girdle about his loins." (Matt. 3:4) 

The rich man was clothed with "purple and fine linen." 
(Luke 16:19) 

The "two witnesses" are clothed in sackcloth. (Rev. 11:3) 

James 2:2,3 tells of the contrast of the raiment of the rich 
and the poor, and how the manner in which one is dressed 
might determine his social standing. 

Garments of widowhood. (Gen. 38:14) 


"Royal apparel." (Esther 8:15) 

Shepherd's garments. (Jer. 43:12) 

"Rough garments to deceive." (Zech. 13:4) 

"Prison garments." (II Kings 25:29) 

"Sheep's clothing." (Matt. 7:15) 

"Wedding garment." (Matt. 22:11) 

"Shining garments." (Luke 24:4) 

Jesus had a garment that was without seafta, "woven from 
the top throughout." (John 19:23) 

The angel that appeared to John on Patmos was "clothed 
with a garment down to the foot." (Rev. 1:13) 

All of these Scriptures and many others show that from the 
most ancient times, the manner of clothing worn hy individuals 
was an indication of then occupation, social position, pursuits, 
or attitudes. This usage and principle does not change. 
Everyone will try to dress consistent with what they think their 
position in life and society demand. 

No one expects to see a man in the field doing farm work 
dressed like a banker. Nor a cook in the kitchen dressed like a 
society matron. Nor a minister in the pulpit dressed like a 
cowboy. A worshipper in the assembly of the saints would not 
be expected to be dressed like a clown. Other examples could 
be mentioned, but these are sufficient to demonstrate that our 
clothes are a sign of our attitudes or position. 

Thus we come to the main emphasis of our subject: What 
are wel Wliat do we wish to express, ourselves or Christ? 
Our own individuality or the fellowship and unity of the 
body of Christ! The adornment and glorification of this 
corruptible body of sin (with ah its appeal to the lusts of the 
flesh), or the adornment of the new creature within— the hidden 
man of the heart? 

It should be remembered that clothing is still closely and 
deeply related to the sin question, the same as it was in Eden. 


But people are trying to ignore this fact, and in our time many 
are going almost entirely without clothes. But their sin remains, 
and their shame is not covered. 

We freely recognize and urge that the whole concept of the 
Christian religion is based on the proposition of changing the 
hearts of men and women. The law demanded obedience, but 
men could obey the outward demands of the law and still not 
have a heart for God. This is why Heb. 9:9 says of the offerings 
made under the law, that it could not make him that did the 
service "perfect as pertaining to the conscience." And it is the 
reason for the statement in the beginning of this article that 
clothing and other outward appearance should not be the first 
consideration of an individual coming to Christ. 

However, once the mind is transformed and the heart 
changed and given to Christ, then it is consistent to signify it. 
There can be great advantage for the Christian to show to 
those about him by his manner of dress, that he has 
changed his allegiance and service from that of an earthly 
and worldly society to the fellowship of saints in Christ, 
which is the Church. 

If there were no visible body of Christ, then this argument 
would be without meaning. But when we truly understand our 
relationship to Christ and one another and the vast superiority 
of its heavenly nature over that of the world and its interests, 
then who would not want to signify then change of fellowship 
and affections? Why should Christians want to appear in the 
form and fashion of the social and political system that 
crucified their Lord? 

Romans 12:2 says, ". . .and be not conformed to this 
world." Another translation of this says, "Do not conform to 
the fashion of this world." The Apostles Paul and Peter (I Tim. 
2:9 and I Peter 3:1) enjoin Christian women to dress modestly 
and not adorn their bodies with expensive and lavish clothing 
and fashionable hair styles, or by wealing of jewelry; all of 


which is inspired by pride and promotes bodily appeal and lust. 
But they are told to let then adorning be the inward character, 
which is of highest value to God—and even so to men who 
know and appreciate tine values. 

The traditional "order" of the Brethren church is intended to 
meet these Scriptural requirements for Christian apparel, and, if 
observed in its true spirit, will do so. This "order" is now more 
commonly called "the uniform," but it is not fully a uniform as it 
has, and always has had, considerable variation in the different 
parts of the brotherhood and with various individuals. 

Many persons of middle age and older, can remember when 
the terms "the order" and "plain clothes" were used almost 
entirely instead of the now comparatively new term "uniform." 
This change of emphasis from "plain clothes" to "uniform" 
may not be the most Scriptural as it is possible thereby to wear 
the "uniform" but in various ways, by buying costly materials 
and fashionable weaves and colors, and fitting them to display 
and adorn the body, to violate the spirit of the apostolic 
instructions regarding Christian apparel, and thereby bring 
disrespect and reproach upon an order which had reasonable 
and Biblical grounds for its adoption. 

The people of the world are not opposed to the wearing of 
uniforms, nor is its purpose strange to them. There may be 
more wearing of uniforms now than at any other time in history. 
The armed forces of the nation has identifying uniforms for its 
various branches. There are police and railroad men's uniforms, 
boy scout, choir, and band uniforms. There are other religious 
uniforms such as Salvation Army and Roman Catholic orders. 

The purpose of all this is clear: It is a sign that they belong 
to a fellowship or partnership with others in what they believe 
to be a worthy cause, and shows who holds priority over their 

So it is with our "order" or "uniform." It is intended as a 
sign that we are not alone in our service, but belong to a 


fellowship which we understand to be the Body or Church of 
Christ—a most worthy cause indeed. At the same time it 
signifies a separation from the sinful and corrupt world 
system. It is also a sign that we are a part of a historical 
church which embraced these high Christian principles and 
sacrificed and suffered for them. 

But, as stated before, this non- conformity can not have any 
value for it own sake. In itself, it is wholly negative. And 
without the positive attributes of transformation and 
conformity to Christ, it would be without virtue. There is 
danger in the thinking of anyone who may look upon outward 
foiTus only, as a tine witness of Christian discipleship. Non- 
conformity must be a result of being conformed to Christ. 
Separation from the world must be a result of being joined to 
the Body of Christ— even as in the marriage state. 

In conclusion: We believe the Brethren's order of clothes in 
its true meaning should never be considered a "sacrifice," but a 
willing public sign that our relationship with the world and 
seivice to its vanities has been severed, and that conformity to 
Christ and service to His Church is our new goal. The clothes 
we wear cannot be the proof, but are definitely a sign we are 

May we ever be mindful, therefore, of what we signify and 
always be true disciples of Jesus. 

Daniel F. Wolf 
(This article is available in tract form by writing to 
The Pilgjim.) 

Man cannot be saved by perfect obedience 

because he cannot render it. 
He cannot be saved by imperfect obedience 
because God cannot accept it. 
The only solution is Calvary. —Selected 




"For God took him," was said of Enoch, 
Who walked with God in days of yore; 
His life a living testimony; 
Death did not ever test him sore. 

"For God took him," We say of Enoch, 
An unborn child, still safe within 
His loving mother; his short life finished, 
Never once exposed to sin. 

"For God took him." Yes, there's sorrow, 
Empty arms that long to hold 
Your little baby, precious treasure 
Forever safe within Christ's fold. 

"For God took him." Words of comfort 
To those who rest in God's strong arms. 
"Give him to me," our Father whispers, 
"I will keep him from all harm." 

Oh Heavenly Father, keep our children, 

Those who've gone, and those who stay. 

Help us, guide us, and equip us, 

Faith&l to Thee, keep us we pray. - Lloyd Wagner 

Written in memoiy of Enoch Joel Cover, stillborn son of 
Peter and Denita Cover (September 13, 2011). Graveside 
seivice was held September 14 at Wood Colony Cemetery, 
Salida, California. 


A brief life is not an insignificant life. We know that we are 
created to glorify God with our lives. This too, was the 
puipose for Enoch's life, and this he fulfilled, and continues to 
do so in heaven. 

We thank eveiyone who has been so kind and supportive 
through this time. The prayers, mail, meals, and words of love 
have meant a lot to us as you've shown God's love in action. 
Thank you, and may God bless you. 

—Peter, Denita, and Family 

Deborah Beery Goshen, Indiana September 18 
Isaac Beery Goshen, Indiana September 18 
Holly Flora Nappanee, Indiana September 18 
Frances Martin New Paris, Indiana September 18 
Konrad Martin Nappanee, Indiana September 18 
Charity Royer Mishawaka, Indiana September 18 
Judah Royer Nappanee, Indiana September 18 
Rob Sauder Tuolumne, California Sept ember 25 

Myron St alter, Nappanee, Indiana August 28 

TimYoder 59115 C.K 33 

Middlebury, Indiana 46540 


The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting 
it into the box. "There are five things you need to know," he 
told the pencil, "before I send you out into the world, Always 


remember them and never forget, and you will become tlie best 
pencil you can be." 

"One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if 
you allow yourself to be held in someone's hand." 

"Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time 
to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil." 

"Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might 
make. " 

"Four: The most important part of you will always be 
what's inside." 

"Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave 
your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue 
to write." 

The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went 
into the box with purpose in its heart. 

Now replacing the place of the pencil with you, always 
remember them and never forget, and you will become the best 
person you can be. 

One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if 
you allow yourself to be held in God's hand. And, allow other 
human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess. 

Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time 
to time, by going through various problems, but you'll need it to 
become a stronger person. 

Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might 

Four: The most important part of you will always be what's 
on the inside. 

Five: On every surface you walk through, you must leave 
your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to 
do your duties. 

By understanding and remembering, let us proceed with our 
life on this earth having a meaningful purpose in our heart. 

—Selected (Author unknown) 



Today is a new opportunity with new horizons, new 

adventures, new challenges. 
Today I will make new mistakes, and through those I will 

make new discoveries! 
Today is a fresh chance to be pursued by the God of the 
universe; a fresh day to see His beauty around me with 
new eyes. 
I have been given one more day— this day to cherish 
memories, forgive hurts, trust in my God, and be 
an example of a child of my King. 
Today I can look to my God in moments of joy and turn to 

Him for solace in moments of sorrow. 
This day— today— is a new opportunity to step out with 
confidence, and know that if I fail, God has a plan. 
This all lies before me. It is my choice. What will I do with 
this moment? 

— Esther Taylor 
Tuolumne, California 


"Ow-w-w," screamed two year old Jessica as her father 
gently carried her in and the nurses unwrapped her swollen arm. 

Jessica lives in Haiti and her mother cooks on three rocks 
on the ground outside their small home. Jessica burned herself 
badly by falling into a kettle of hot commeal. 

Kind nurses at the mission's clinic carefully soaked her arm 
in cool water to relieve the heat trapped in the swelling bubble, 

"Bring her back twice a day so we can change the bandage," 
the nurses instructed. But when the parents failed to return, 
Sheryl and Sharon headed out to try to find then home. They 
discovered a hurting little girl, her aim all black, pussy and 
bleeding since Jessica doesn't leave the bandage on very long." 
Sadly, many children in Haiti are not taught to be obedient to" 
then parents or anyone. :; 

Back at Jessica's home a few days later, the nurses met her" 
grandpa. His eyes were not Christian eyes. He refused to let! 
the parents bring Jessica to the clinic for fresh bandages.] 
Instead, he had smeared a homemade remedy of boiled goat- 
manure mixed with oil and indigo to "dry up the bum" on her... 
arm. a 

We are blest to live without fears and superstitions. We 
have clean, available, safe healthcare practises. Dear children," 
be thankful for parents who love Jesus and who love you. 

-- Martha J. Cover 

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VOL. 58 


No. 11 

"And we 


seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
Saviour of the world." (I John 4:14) 



For all the blessings of the year, 
For all the friends we hold so dear, 
For peace on earth, both far and near. 
We thank Thee, O Lord. 

For life and health, those common things, 
Which every day and hour brings, 
For home, where our affection clings, 
We thank Thee, O Lord. 

For love of Thine, which never tires, 
Which all our better thought inspires 
And warms our lives with heavenly fires, 
We thank Thee, O Lord. 

Albert H. Hutchenson 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Publishing editor; Leshe Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


Did you thank God today? Did you thank Him for creating 
you? Did you thank Jesus for dying in our place? Did you 
thank God the Spirit for giving you direction and support? 
These questions are for me and for all because naturally we are 
not thankful people. We need to be reminded. 

I think of a child coming to his mother holding up a toy or 
piece of candy some loving person gave him "Did you say 
thank you?" "No." "Go back and thank him." 

We should go back in our memories to thank our loving 
Heavenly Father for all He has done and is doing. 

In 1891 the Swedish author, August L. Storm composed a 
meaningful poem of thanks. For our benefit it was translated 
into English by Carl E.. Backstrom. 

Thanks to God for my Redeemer. Our Savior left His 
Heavenly Home to come to redeem us. Redeem means to buy 
back, and He did this with His blood. Some leave their homes 
with reluctance and suffering, but this cannot compare with the 
way Jesus left the splendor of heaven for the squalor of earth. 

Thanks for all Thou dost provide. God is an abundant 
Provider. We have so much from Him and none of it of our 
own. "What hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou 
didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not 
received it?" (I Cor. 4:7) From the context it is plain that Paul 
was not thinking of just physical blessings. He was more 
concerned for then peace and their relation to God. 

Thanks for times now but a memory. Shakespeare has 
Mark Antony saying, "The evil that men do lives after them; the 
good is oft interred with their bones." Yes, we tend to 
remember unpleasant things, but let us consciously recall good 
and forget the evil—especially about people. 


Thanks for Jesus by my side. Hebrews 13:5: "... for he 
hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee," Matthew 
28:20: ". . . lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the 
world." With these specific promises, we should trust our 
omnipotent, omnipresent Lord for the future. 

Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime. It's easier to be 
thankful and happy during favorable times. 

But, Thanks for dark and dreary fall I Thess. 5:18: "In 
everything give thanks; for this is the will of God concerning 
you." We pray often for God's will. But here is God's will 
expressed— that we be thankful in all times, in all conditions. 

Thanks for tears by now forgotten. Some causes for tears 
are remembered long. Deep sorrow does not just go away. 
Another song says: Thy way and all thy sorrows 

Give thou into His hand. 
He is the divine Comforter. 

Thanks for peace within my soul. Jesus left us His peace. 
He gave it to us. It is the peace "that passeth understanding," 
felt rather that understood. The world cannot give it or take it 

In I Timothy 2:1, Paul exhorts that supplications, prayers, 
intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men. Can we 
give thanks for all men— even for those who might irritate us? 

What effect should giving thanks in all these areas have on 
us? Our lives should show obedience and a consciousness of 
great privilege. A life of gratitude will be devoted to serving 
others— to kindness—to encouraging and comforting. 

It was a Samaritan who returned to thank Jesus for healing 
him of leprosy. Jesus remarked about the nine others who were 
also healed. "Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the 
nine?" I would like to think this Samaritan became like the 
other one who ministered to the man who fell among thieves. 
May we also serve and be thankful. -L.C. 



Does prayerful thanks season all your food and brighten all 
the atmosphere about you? It surely will if you are a Christian 
in deed and in truth, and not in name only. There are some 
people who are never content no matter what blessings 
surround them; while others are happy even in adverse 
circumstances. It is the condition of the heart, and not the 
outward circumstance, that causes people to be happily thankful 
or wretchedly ungrateful. 

The thankful person is the exception rather than the rule. 
Let us be that exception! We can be the lone Samaritan who 
returned to Jesus and gave thanks. Jesus expeiienced this when 
He traveled the border between Galilee and Samaria. He 
encountered a group of men that were bound together by the 
common misfortune of leprosy. One of the men was a 
Samaritan, a man whose life had been scarred by racial 
prejudice and the stigma of being bom into a mongrel race. 
Jesus healed all ten men, but the Samaritan was the only one 
who took the time to give thanks for another chance. The other 
nine never came back to give thanks or identify themselves with 
the One who was responsible for then healing. It appears the 
nine hurried off, clutching their blessings, never to cast back 
even a thought to the Giver. Jesus said, ". . .Were there not ten 
cleansed? But where are the nine?" (Luke 17:17) What a 
tragic example of ingratitude! 

The spirit of imthankfulness, Paul told Timothy, would 
characterize men ". . .in the last days (when) perilous times shall 
come" (II Tim. 3:1). How noticeable is this mark today! If no 
rain appears for a time, or too much seems to come, how 
distressed and faultfinding some people are. But when rain is 
given them from heaven and they are blessed with fruitful 
seasons, how veiy seldom will they recoguize these favors as a 


witness of God's goodness. Paul speaks of God as ". . .filling 
our hearts with food and gladness" (Acts 14:17). But ah too 
often we are daily loaded with God's benefits, yet our hearts are 
not filled with thankfulness. 

In one of John Wesley's sermons, he tells of the king of 
France who was lost while fox hunting in the dense forest. 
Intent on following the fox, the king outrode his servants and 
became separated from the royal hunting party. For many hours 
he wandered through the forest, weary and hungry, until he 
came to a little cottage. He asked for something to eat. He 
was hospitably treated by the poor family, and given the best 
they had to offer: a simple meal of bread and cheese. 

Soon the other members of the hunting party, who had been 
seeking the king in vain, rode up and found then sovereign at 
this humble home. When the king saw them at the door, he 
immediately cried out, "Where have I been all my lifetime? I 
never before tasted such good food in my life." One of the men 
in the hunting party replied, "She, you never had so good sauce 
before; for you were never hungry." 

John Wesley said after giving this illustration: "Now it is 
true; hunger is a good sauce. But there is one better still; that is 
thankfulness. Surely the most agreeable food is seasoned with 
this. And why should not yours be such at every meal?" 

Nothing is so rewarding to a loving heart as to pour itself 
out in thanks to Jesus. Thankfulness knits us to Jesus in such a 
way as to make us more like Him. So let us continue "Giving 
thanks always for all things. . ." (Eph. 5:20) 

By Lewis Brevard in Pulpit Helps 


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have 
into enough, and more. It turns problems into gifts, failures 
into successes, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes 
into important events. It can turn an existence into real life, and 


disconnected situations into important and beneficial lessons. 
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and 
creates a vision for tomorrow. 

By Melody Beattie, in The Language of Letting Go 
Selected by Lena Martin 

In speaking of a person's faults, 
Pray, don't forget your own. 
Remember, those with homes of glass 
Should never throw a stone. 
If we have nothing else to do 
Than talk of those who sin, 
Yes, better we commence at home 
And from that point begin. 

We have no right to judge a man 

Until he's fairly tried; 

Should we not like his company, 

We know the world is wide. 

Some may have faults, and who has not? 

The old as well as young; 

Perhaps we may, for aught we know, 

Have fifty to then one. 

I'll tell you of a better plan, 
And find it works full well, 
To try my own defects to cure, 
Ere other's faults to tell. 
And though I sometimes hope to be 
No worse than some I know, 
My own shortcomings bid me let 
The faults of others go. 


Tli en let us all when we begin, 
To slander friend or foe, 
Think of the harm one word may do 
To those we little know. 
Remember, sometimes curses, like 
Our chickens, roost at home; 
Don't speak of other's faults until 
We have none of our own. 



Harold Chugani, a neurologist at the Children's Hospital of 
Michigan, has done research that reveals the great capacity of 
growing human brains to absorb information. He discovered 
that, by age 2, the infant's cortex is operating at adult levels. At 
age 4, that child's brain is twice as active as the adult brain and 
continues at that rate until age 10, when it begins to slow down. 
By age 16, it has slacked off to the pace at which it will 
continue through adulthood. 

God's wisdom is seen in His stressing the importance of 
instilling in children the truths of His Word at an early age (Pro. 
22:6; Deut. 6:4-7). By exposing them to a large quantity of 
Bible teachings in then early years, we can be instrumental in 
programming then* "mental computers" so that they know the 
mind of God and think as He does. 

As they reach adulthood, they can then choose to have 
good, honest hearts that will make them faithful followers of the 
Lord. (Luke 8:15) Mike Mays (Selected) 

Don't ask God to guide your steps 
unless you are willing to move your feet. 




Ruth Irene Garber, daughter of Paul and Maiy (Benedict) 
Baker, was born October 25, 1969, in Richmond Hill, Ontario, 
Canada, and the Lord called her home on September 24, 2011, 
at the age of 41 years, 10 months, and 30 days. 

She spent her childhood days near Maple, Ontario, Canada. 
She was baptized into the Old German Baptist Brethren Church 
in June, 1985, to which she remained faithful until death. She 
was united in marriage with Clair Garber on October 31, 1987, 
and they spent the first 18 years of their married life in 
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, in the Falling Springs District. In 
March, 1995, Clair was called to the mini stry Ruth faithfully 
assisted him in these labors. In 2006, the family moved to 
Somerset County, Pennsylvania. She was a charter member of 
the Stonycreek District. 

Ruth attended the Stonycreek Lovefeast September 24, 
Saturday morning, anticipating communion in the evening, but 
the Lord had other plans for her. Saturday afternoon she 
became sick and was transported to the Johnstown Hospital 
where she passed away very suddenly with an aneurysm. 

She was preceded in death by a sister, Betty Baker; paternal 
grandparents, Amos and Edna Baker; and maternal 
grandmother, Rhoda Benedict. 

Left to mourn her passing are her loving and devoted 
husband; two sons, Glen and Edwin; three daughters, Betty and 
husband Byron Hess, Stella, and Nina. Also her parents, Paul 
and Maiy Baker; father and mother-in-law, Fred and Martha 
Garber; maternal grandfather, Joe Benedict; brothers: David 
and wife Amanda, Jonathan and wife Rosalie; sisters: Ruby and 
husband Ivan Benedict, Susan and husband Aaron Kinsley, 
Rachel and husband Loren Brubaker, and Rebecca and husband 
Myron Hess. 


Following a family service at the home, funeral services 
were held by the Brethren at a temporary facility at the Berlin 
Grove. Interment was in the Hays Church Cemetery close to 
* then farm near Meyersdale, Pennsylvania. 

She will be greatly missed by her companion, children, 
! family, and the Stonycreek District, but we trust our loss is her 
eternal gain. The Family 


(I Corinthians 15:52) 

QUITE SUDDENLY -- it may be at the 

turning of a lane, 
Where I stand to watch a skylark soar from 

out the swelling grain. 
That the trump of God shall thrill me, with 

its call so loud and clear. 
And I'm called away to meet Him, Whom 

of all I hold most dear. 

QUITE SUDDENLY -- it may be in His House 

I bend my knee, 
When the kingly Voice, long hoped for, comes 

at last to summon me. 
And the fellowship of earth-life that has 

seemed so passing sweet. 
/ Proves nothing but the shadow of our 

meeting round His feet. 


QUITE SUDDENLY - it may be as I tread 

the busy street, 
Strong to endure life's stress and strain, its 

every call to meet, 




That through the roar of traffic, a trumpet, 

silvery clear, 
Shall stir rny startled sense and proclaim 

His coming near. 

QUITE SUDDENLY -- it may be as I he in 

dreamless sleep, 
God's gift to many a sorrowing heart, with 

no more tears to weep 
That a call shall break my slumber and a 

Voice sound hi my ear: 
Rise up, my love, and come away, behold 

the Bridegroom's here. 

Author unknown to us 

Sin will take you farther than you ever wanted to go, keep 
you longer than you ever wanted to stay, and cost you more 
than you ever wanted to pay. —Selected 

This booklet by Daniel F. Wolf is available for $5.00 
postpaid. It is a fifty-nine page commentary on God's promises 
to Abraham and the relation of Israel and the Church to the 
Kingdom of God. Order from 

The Pilgrim 
19201 Cherokee Rd. 5 Tuolumne, CA 95379 

Andrew and Jena Bowser House number is 6345 

Micah Martin's 69488 C.R. 1 17 

New Paris, IN 


By a Teen-Ager 

This article speaks of a problem young people have to deal 
with Today the internet takes the place of movies as easy 
temptation. Some have already been drawn in by it. The 
internet is private and accessible, and if parents are not 
careful, children can be easily tempted. This was written over 
50 years ago, reprinted by Brother Dan Wolf in The Pilgrim in 
1958, but the problem is timeless. --L.C. 

I was quite youug when I saw my first movie-only about 
eight. A picture of the initial scaling of Mount Everest, the 
highest mountain in the world, had come to town, and my 
school teacher had written to my parents urging them to let me 
attend a special after school showing of this educational picture 
at the theater. Reluctantly they agreed, and I went. 

It proved, however, that the Mount Everest picture was 
only one item on the program. The main feature was the story 
of a freckle- faced boy who broke his father's heart by running 
away from home and then had his own heart nearly broken 
when his father died. I remember how strongly I was moved by 
that picture. It made a far greater impression on my mind than 
the educational picture. I cried over it and decided that, as for 
me, I never would do any thing to hurt my father or mother. 

The thought came, "Movies can't be so bad, after all, when 
they give me feelings of this kind." Many have used the same 
argument. "There are some really good pictures," they say. 
"Some films are very religious." And this leads me to mention 
my first criticism of the movies, which is that they are 

What is that? Because the goodness they teach is human 
goodness. They give the impression that any young person can 


be good if he tries hard enough, whereas the Bible teaches that 
the only righteousness acceptable to God is that which is 
produced in one's life through the redeeming work of Christ. 
No one can be good enough to enter heaven; each one must be 
"born again," the Bible says. But you will not find that Gospel 
message in the movies. 

Besides, there is always a mixture. I have attended the 
theater hundreds of times and have seen some of the so-called 
"good" films, and I cannot remember a single program which 
did not have something on it that would violate a Christian's 
standards of purity, piety, and modesty. 

My second criticism of the movies is that they are 

It was through movies that I learned the ways of the world. 
I had been brought up in a Christian home and a good Sunday 
school, but when I reached my teens and started going to the 
movies regularly, I fell in with very worldly companions and 
started to smoke, to dance, to keep late hours, and so on. My 
sister had the same experience. She had been genuinely saved 
and filled with the Spirit, and never had tasted the pleasures of 
sin until she began going to the movies; but it wasn't long until 
she was backslidden and deep in the things of the world—and 
now she is married to an unbeliever. 

We read: "Ah that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and 
the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, 
but is of the world." When I read that verse after I was saved, I 
thought at once of the movies. In them are combined all three 
of these elements of that forbidden realm called "the world." 
Don't movies cater to the lust of the flesh- that is, to the desires 
of our carnal nature? Obviously they do. Do they cater to the 
lust of the eyes? Yes, they portray before the eye nearly 
eveiything an unsaved person desires to see. Do they foster the 
pride of life (ostentation, vain boasting or glory)? Surely they 


do; the gorgeous clothing, the luxurious homes, the deeds of 
heroism that are shown in the movies create a love of display. 
The third thing I would like to mention about movies is that 

I was in bondage to the movies for several years, until I was 
converted. I was in my teens when they got their grip on me. I 
worked at a grocery store after school and on Saturdays. This 
gave me my own spending money, and it seemed I could not go 
to the show often enough. Sometimes I neglected my job in 
order to go. Often I skipped school. When Mother asked 
where all my money was going, I lied; then I stole money so 
that I could go to the show without digging so deeply into my 
earnings. I hated to he and steal, but I did it for the sake of the 
movies. That shows how they fascinated me! 

It is easy to slip into a movie, sit down in comfort, and quit 
thinking. For two hours the movies will do your thinking for 
you. It is a complete escape from reality. It appeals both to the 
laziness of the human mind and the unwillingness of human 
nature to face the grim realities of life here and hereafter. 

I loved the movies. When I was saved they were the 
hardest thing I had to give up, but I knew beyond a shadow of 
doubt that I could not go on living for Christ and at the same 
time feeding upon the carrion of the movies. So I quit the 
movies; for the sake of my example, yes, but primarily for my 
own soul's sake. As I went on to know the joy, the victoiy, the 
thrill of a life surrendered to the Lord, I lost all desire for the 
movies. The new life crowded out the old. 

Though the Lord delivered me from the fascination of the 
movies, the effect left upon my mind and heart was not undone 
immediately. For the movies 

It is here I make my strongest criticism. The movies did 
more to corrupt my thinking and provoke temptation than any 
other influence upon my life. I do not believe any teen-age 


young person can sit through hundreds of Hollywood's lust- 
laden dramas, as I did, and fail to get a perverted outlook along 
sexual lines. 

My life was in the formative stage: and by going to the 
movies I exposed it to the devil, who laid hold upon those 
natural instincts which God has put in every young person and 
did his worst to pervert them. It was only through the mercy of 
God that I was saved before I got too deeply in sin or married 
an unsaved girl. I know the effect the movies had on me. I 
know how I had to battle against wrong thoughts, because of 
them, I know how hard it was, after I was saved, to think only 
on "whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely"— 
things in which there is "any virtue," as the Bible says we must 
do. I know how worldly wise they made me, how they 
crowded Christ out, how they brought me under bondage, how 
they led me to he, to steal, to harbor wrong thoughts in my 

But the past cannot be undone. Only the future can be 
changed, and I hope that by writing these lines I may help spare 
other teen-agers from having to learn by bitter experience the 
harmful effects of the movies. 

Herald of Truth, June, 1958 


To all our members in general and to our new members in 

You have made the choice to be God's child. This choice 
did not put you on a comfortably padded rail car that will zip 
you to your destination; it did put you on a path that will need 
to be walked, day after day, for as long as you live. There are 
many attractive little side paths, designed by your enemy, to 
lure you into his territory, bit by bit. If you will lift your eyes 


above the earthly toys and pleasure, you will be able to follow 
your Leader, who made it possible for you to attain Heaven. 
There are others on this path as well, who can provide you with 
encouragement and fellowship far more satisfying than anything 
you could find on those attractive little side paths. To avoid 
stumbling over the petty irritations that will invariably arise as 
you walk with others, you will need to lift your eyes to your 
Leader and focus on Him. 

"Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, 
because of mine enemies. (Psalm 27: 1 1) 

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto 
thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and 
he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5,6) 

—David and Elva Royer 
Goshen, Indiana 

Every Day Marvels: Responding to a Look 

Everything God has made is marvellous from rocks to trees, 
from spiders to humans; all tilings are fearfully and wonderfully 

I had an interesting thought about eyes recently. You have 
probably read about how eyes work and maybe you even 
understand a lot of it, but even scientists do not know all about 
how and why eyes work so well. 

But have you ever thought about how we respond to eyes? 
How do we even know what we see can see us? Yet, even 
animals react when you look at them. 

One example of what I mean is how a setting hen reacts 
when you approach her. If you come near without looking at 
her she may be alarmed, but she will not make a sound. I often 



got quite close to my hens without their doing more than 
expanding their feathers a bit. But as soon as I looked at them 
they screamed and got much 5 much larger. *S 

Another example is that many animals recognize a stare dli 
being a sign of aggression. That is why my new kitten hissaE 
when my dog looked at him, and why you should never stare a€ 
a dog who doesn't know you well. 

It is apparently instinct for them and for us, that we knov| 
when an eye's looking at us. An instinct is marvellous— a vei^E 
good creation of a very wise God! Js 

Maitha Wagner = 

Gettysburg, Ohio 





W o 





VOL, 58 DECEMBER, 2011 No. 12 

"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the 
Saviour of the world." (I John 4:14) 

A King Is Born 

A King born in a manger! 
Why such a lowly birth? 
He could have chosen a palace, 
For He owns all the earth. 

A King not clothed in splendor; 
A crown of thorns He wore. 
Enthroned upon a cross, 
The whole world's sins He bore. 

A King, He rose triumphant, 
Won victory o'er the grave; 
A King, who lives forever, 
Who longs all souls to save. 

Oh, King, our hearts Thy manger; 
We crown Thee with our love. 
Rule us until the day 
We reign with Thee above. 

Miriam Sauder Brechbill 

THE PILGRIM is a religious magazine published in the interests of the members of the Old 
Brethren Church. Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Sample copies sent free on request. 
Publishing editor: Leslie Cover 
Address: THE PILGRIM, 19201 Cherokee Road, Tuolumne, CA 95379 


A thrill of excitement vibrated through the huddle of high 
school boys clutching pencils and paper. Before them stood 
four dairy cows, very much alike. The cows made up a "class" 
to be judged; the boys were the product of a "class" in 
agriculture, instructing them in livestock judging. The job was 
to place the four animals as first, second, third, and last. The 
boys themselves were competing with teams from various 
schools throughout Northern California. They would be judged 
not only on the order in which they placed the "class" but also 
the oral reasons they presented to the judges. How well they 
understood the stated standards of the breed and how these 
cows conformed to these standards, would be obvious as they 
stood before the experts. The team that won received high 
honors. (Our team did not win!) 

Competition of this sort plays a large part in public schools 
of today and in secular life as well. Business and politics, 
science and art, and especially war, all have their winners and 
losers— those in glory and those in disgrace. 

How God must look down in pity on His creatures! He 
might even be amused at our contests. Psalm 2:4 says, "He that 
sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in 

In the heavenly contest, God Himself has been challenged. 
Who will win? Who can judge? It is beyond human ability to 
sort out why Satan rebelled and why God allowed it. Some 
suggest that the outcome of this contest will prove for all 
eternity, to all beings, the matchless love of God and the grim 
malice of Satan. It will show the skill, power, and infinite 
knowledge of God! 


We rejoice in the birth of the Savior. The Bible presents 
Jesus as the ultimate answer. We marvel at the mind of God to 
devise a plan in which a Baby born in lowly circumstances could 
be the deliverer. The contest became a struggle for life— not the 
life of God, but of His people. In the garden of Eden, man's 
yielding to the tempter brought the sentence of death. God's 
answer gave Jesus to bear that sentence. 

The angels proclaimed at Jesus' birth, "Glory to God in the 
highest." Judgment is determined; God wins; Satan is defeated. 

Rejoice because -- unto you is born a Savior. 

— we can pass from death unto life. 

— His Holy Spirit is here. 

— Jesus suffered for you and me. 

— God was satisfied with Jesus' sacrifice. 

— our sins are covered. 

— Jesus sits in the presence of God for you and me. 

-- From Rosanna Royer 
We might call it "out-maneuvering" or superior skill, but the 
incarnation of Jesus is still the means of victory in this world- 
shaking contest. As a man, Jesus identified with His creatures, 
was tempted like us but without sin, and so was able to rescue 

Satan's wrath was expressed as his men put Jesus on the 
cross. But it was in vain. God used it to His glory, Satan's 
defeat, and man's salvation. "Glory to God in the highest! " 
God made it possible for us to exchange 
our fears for faith, 
our weaknesses for strength, 
our hatred for love, 
our aimlessness for purpose, 
and our physical deaths for eternal life. (Selected) 
Brother Paul Clark said "Wickedness is abounding and the 
love of many is waxing cold." Yesterday I noticed in a book 
catalog, a study tracing 3 billion years of earth's history and a 


statement that this writing was proof of the evolution of man. 
If man is an animal, then he has no responsibility for his actions- 
-good or bad. How can men stand before the crafty inventions 
of the desperate competitor? The answer still lies in believing 
the record God gave of His Son. 

Though Satan tries to obscure the remembrance of Jesus' 
birth, God's people can still rejoice. He came to earth to visit 
His people, and He is coming again. Christians, rejoice and 
give glory to God. 

Nothing succeeds like success! God's methods are love, 
truth, and faithfulness. If you have not experienced the love 
and grace of God, you can. The glory of God is not just for 
now, but for eternity. 

Judging contest—who will win? 

God against the man of sin; 

Who is greatest? Who has skill? 

Christians know that Jesus will. 

Men may doubt and wonder why 
Satan lives and still will lie. 
God's own truth will win at last 
When the contest time is past. 

Christian, rest in God's great power; 
This is now your trying hour. 
God's dear Son was born for you; 
Lived and died and rose up too. 

Hail the Savior, born a King; 
Hear the heavenly angels sing: 
Glory be to God most high. 
Serve this Son who came to die. 

God is victor, Satan's down; 
Jesus wears the winner's crown. 
Share the glory; win the race; 
Come to Jesus; see His face. --L.C. 



Was it a matter of chance that a little Baby by the name of 
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, or was it part of God's plan for 
the salvation of man? 

A medical student had a hard time accepting that the whole 
world and even Christmas was part of a plan. 

One day this lady medical student said, "I was working on 
an arm and hand, studying the perfect mechanical arrangements 
of the muscles and tendons-how the sheaths of certain muscles 
are split to let tendons of certain muscles through, so that the 
hand may be delicate and small and yet powerful. I was all 
alone in the laboratory when the overwhelming belief came: A 
thing like this is not just chance, but a part of a plan, a plan so 
big that only God could have conceived it. 

"Religion had been to me a matter of form, a thing without 
conviction. Now everything was an evidence of God-the 
tendons of the hand, the patterns of the little butterfly's wings- 
all was part of a purpose." 

The Psalmist wrote, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made: 
marvelous are thy works" (Ps. 139:14). But, has there ever 
been a better plan for the salvation of man than for Jesus 
coming into the world to save sinners? It was not a matter of 
chance; it was all planned and executed at the right time. 



As we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas season— 
the singing of hymns of praise (at Thanksgiving) and the singing 
of carols celebrating Christ's birth (at Christmas) -remind us of 
the importance of music in a broader sense. 


One of the beautiful things which God created is music, but 
like every other facet of creation, human beings have often 
distorted what God intended to be good. Music is a moral 
issue. We express our feelings and reveal our inner character- 
by our words, our actions, our attire— and also by our choice of 
music. Sacred music has always been precious to the people of 
God. Music played a prominent role in the worship associated 
with the Old Testament tabernacle. The Psalms of 3,000 years 
ago are still beautiful. Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn on 
the night of His betrayal (Mark 14:26). Paul and Silas sang 
praises to God in a prison cell at midnight (Acts 16:25). 
Missionaries have frequently found that people in heathen lands 
are captivated by Gospel hymns. 

Most Christians lament the sick music promoted by our 
unsaved society. The ungodly music of the world centers 
around the values of an unregenerate culture, where physical 
beauty is primary for the good life, sensual feelings constitute 
love, and material indulgence supposedly brings happiness. The 
world's music, with its high volume and heavy beat, makes its 
greatest appeal to the body and to base emotions. 

But then there is music of a more debatable kind— music 
sometimes composed of beautiful lyrics and even words from 
the Scriptures— but jazzed up with catchy tunes, and presented 
in meaningless phrases of repetition. Many of us are saddened 
by the fact that in an increasing number of "worship services," 
the great hymns of the church are on the way out. In their place 
have come some songs that merely repeat a word or phrase 
over and over again. Such songs may give the churchgoers a 
"religious" feeling, but Elizabeth Elliot Bren says such songs 
"are mantras which belong more to a gathering of New Agers 
than among the worshiping people of God." They lack the 
freshness and depth of the old hymns. The hymns have actually 
been tools for "teaching and admonishing" one another 
(Colossians 3:16). All of us should develop the habit of singing 



All Because of Jealousy -sel. Jul -Aug 

Am I My Brother's Keeper? -L.C. Sep-Oct 

Bold, Shameful Shame -L.C. Feb 

Bring Them Up -sel. Jun 

Broken For Me -L. C. Apr 

Cast Thy Burden -sel. Mar 

Christian Music -Harold S. Martin Dec 

Christian Witness in Attire -Daniel F. Wolf Sep-Oct 

Do We Hear? -Neil Martin Mar 

Father -Joseph E. Wagner Jun 

Family Worship -L.C. Jun 

Filled and Running Over -L.C. Jun 

For Youth -David and Elva Royer Nov 

ForgetMness At Thanksgiving -Lewis Brevard Nov 

Glory To God -L.C. Dec 

God's Order of Love -Galen Miller Apr 

Good Work, or None -sel. Mar 

Gratitude -sel. by Lena Martin Nov 

Heavy Burdens -L. C. Mar 
Home Qualities That Contribute -Melvin Detweiler Jan 

Honor Thy Father -Mary Ann Martin Jun 

How Do You Act? -sel. Feb 

How to Worry -Roger Kuntz Mar 

It's All Part of A Plan -sel. Dec 

Knowledge With Concern -R. C. Sproul sel. Dec 

Leadership Seminar, Haiti 201 1 -Martha Cover Jul- Aug 

Lesson From Lincoln -sel. Feb 

Let the Beauty of Jesus -Linda Frick Jun 

Living With Yourself -Anna Curtis May 

Modesty -sel. Mar 

Mother's True Love -L.C. May 

New Year Prospects -L.C. Jan 

Parable on the Pencil -sel. Sep-Oct 

Purpose -Joseph E. Wagner Sep-Oct 

Ready -Joseph E. Wagner May 

Results -Joseph E. Wagner Feb 

Salida Church Update -Joseph E. Wagner Mar 

Self -sel Feb 

Spiritual Memories -David Skiles May 

Spiritual Singing -John Overholt Jan 
Ten Commandments for School Parents -Howard Bean Jul- Aug 

Thanksgiving -L.C. Nov 

The Christian Woman -sel. by Herman Royer Jul-Aug 
The Germantown Congregation -Martin Brumbaugh Jan 
The Importance of Family Devotions -Dennis Good Apr 

Today Is A New Opportunity -Esther Taylor Sep-Oct 

What Is A Grandmother? -sel. May 

What Movies Did For Me -sel. Nov 

When God Does Not Answer -sel Jul-Aug 

When You're Unfairly Criticized -sel. Mar 

Why Teach The Little Ones? -Mike Mays Nov 

ABC'S From Sophia Baker -sel. by Rosanna Royer Apr 

A King Is Born - Miriam Sauder Breehbill Dec 

All That Thrills My Soul -Thoro Harris Sep-Oct 

A Mother's Reward -sel. by Lloyd Wagner May 

A Mother's Prayer -sel. May 

A Parable of the Tools -Regina Horst Jan 

Be Careful -Charles Brown -sel Dec 

Be Careful What You Say -sel. Nov 

Day By Day -sel. Jan 

Do You Love Your Children -sel. May 

For All the Blessings -Albert Hutchenson Nov 

For God Took Him -Lloyd Wagner Sep-Oct 

Guide For Marriage -from Hettie Skiles May 

How Much I Owe -sel. Apr 

I Am Habit -sel. Mar 

I Need the Prayers -James D. Vaughan Jun 

If -sel. Feb 

In A Moment -sel. Nov 

Instruments of Your Peace -sel. by Roger Kuntz Jul-Aug 

Jesus -Joseph I. Cover Dec 

Jesus, the Nazarene -sel. by Andrew Albers Apr 

Let Us Draw Near -J. I. Cover Jan 

Living and A Dead Faith -sel. by Lloyd Wagner Jan 

Lord, Thou Hast Searched -Isaac Watts Feb 

Shaniah Dawn -Edith Martin Jun 

Spirit So Holy -Daniel W. Whittle Jun 

The Church Walking With the World -sel. Feb 

The Eventide Falls Gently Now -sel 

The Lord's Prayer -sel. 

The Task -sel. 

Through the Furnace -sel. 

To All Gardeners -Guy Hootman 

Two Cripples -sel. 

Well Beloved Son -sel. by Andrew Albers 

What Is A Mother? -sel 










Honest Tom -sel. Jan 

Don't! Don't! Don't! -sel. Feb 

Your Tongue -sel. Mar 

Wrong Side Out -sel. Mar 

Freedom? -Martha Wagner Apr 

Doing Errands For Mother -sel. May 

Two Little Boys -sel. Jun 

A Little Errand For God -sel. Jul-Aug 

Jessica -Martha J. Cover Sep-Oct 

Every Day Marvels -Martha Wagner Nov 

Every Day Marvels: Speech -Martha Wagner Dec 

Madison Old Brethren, Indiana 

SamRoyer First Degree of Ministry Aug 28 Jul-Aug Pilgrim 

Simon Stalter Office of Deacon Aug 28 Jul-Aug Pilgrim 

California Old Brethren 

Chris Crawmer Office of Deacon Oct 8 Dec Pilgrim 

Yellow Creek Old Brethren, Indiana 

Justin Meyers Office of Deacon Oct 9 Dec Pilgrim 


Violet Taylor 

Mar 6 

Isaac Beery 

Sep 18 

Samuel Tate 

Mar 20 

Holly Flora 

Sep 18 

Alex Royer 

Mar 20 

Frances Martin 

Sep 18 

Marian Royer 

Mar 20 

Konrad Martin 

Sep 18 

Myron Stalter 

Aug 28 

Charity Royer 

Sep 18 

Carmen Flora 

Aug 28 

Judah Royer 

Sep 18 

Deborah Beery 

Sep 18 

Rob Sauder 

Sep 25 



Elijah Gary Miller Jan 4 

Marie Yvonne Wells Jan 3 1 

Elijah Jesse Stalter Apr 9 

Shae Eden Leensvaart Apr 2 1 

Shyanne Hope Meyers Apr 29 

Spencer Lee Royer May 5 

Larissa Anne Royer May 7 

Caleb Ryan Coning May 14 

Jane Ellen Johnson Jun 25 

Colton Dale Savage Jun 26 

Rihana Kate Royer Jul 15 

Janneken Joy Tate Aug 5 

Nikki Rose Frick Aug 26 

Gabriel Carl Glen Yoder Dec 7 


Colin Taylor and Krystal Adina Klassen Dec 26,2010 

Jon Pifer and Heather Cover Feb 19, 201 1 

Adrian Royer and Melissa Miller Mar 12, 201 1 

Samuel Miller and Susanna Tate Apr 2, 201 1 

Andrew Bowser and Jena Crawmer Apr 9, 20 1 1 

Japheth Martin and Jillian Batson Apr 16, 2011 

Joshua Harper and Bethanna Taylor Jul 23 , 20 1 1 

David Stalter and Andrea Cover Nov 1 9, 20 1 1 


Murray A. Martin Jan 9, 1 93 6 - Mar 9,2011 Apr Pilgrim 

Shaniah Dawn Meyers Nov 8, 2009 - May 12, 201 1 Jun Pilgrim 

Herbert Treadwell Brown Jun 16, 1933 - Jun 14, 201 1 Jul-Aug 

Lemuel James Cable Aug 8, 201 1 - Aug 12, 201 1 Jul-Aug 

Enoch Joel Cover Stillborn on Sep 13, 201 1 Sep-Oct 

Ruth Irene Garber Oct 25, 1969 - Sep 24, 201 1 Nov Pilgrim 


(or humming) the words (and tunes) of hymns. They are a 
wonderful substitute for quarrels, angry words, or bitter 

Harold S. Martin 
BRF Witness Vol. 33, No. 6, 1998 


We all need good teachers. I know that I cannot do without 
them. But how do we find them? What are the marks of a 
good teacher of theology? 

Finding good teachers is like finding a good doctor. We 
want a doctor who knows what he is doing and who is a person 
we can trust with our bodies. If the doctor is warm and kind 
but does not know medicine, we are in deep trouble. It is ismall 
consolation to me if he holds my hand while he injects the 
wrong medicine into my bloodstream. 

On the other hand, there are highly skilled professional 
physicians who have little personal regard for their patients. 
They know how to treat diseases but do not know how to treat 

If possible, I want a doctor who is a master of medical 
knowledge and who will also value me as a person. Medically, 
that is the best of all possible worlds. 

In theology we need teachers who display a high degree of 
skill and knowledge coupled with deep love for God. Loving 
God is not a prejudicial barrier to a correct understanding of the 
things of God. On the contrary. A heart that is disposed 
toward God will only enhance the theologian's knowledge of 

R. C. Sproul (Selected) 



Hear the wondrous story 

Of the King of glory 
And His earthly mission long ago. 

Days of love and caring, 

He our sorrows sharing 
To relieve our misery and woe. 

See Him in the manger, 

Little lovely Stranger 
Angels sing His coming in the sky. 

Shepherds bending o'er Him, 

Kneeling there before Him, 
Glory be to God who reigns on high. 

Wise men travel going 

Hastily or slowing 
See the shining star that beckons on. 

Stops at last in favor, 

Pointing to the Savior, 
He that brings to us the glorious dawn. 

Mary for Him caring; 

He so young, and faring 
Out upon this earth of pain and woe. 

Sees disease and sighing; 

Heals the sick and dying; 
Sees the tears for sin and sorrow flow. 

On the cross extended, 
Where our life depended, 
There our Lord and King was crucified. 



To the thief confessing, 
Jesus' words caressing, 
Father hears Him calling as He died. 

Death could never hold Him 

Or its chains infold Him, 
Rising Lord of Lords and King of Kings. 

While the ground is shaking, 

Saints to life awaking, 
Jesus to His loved ones comfort brings. 

Jesus Lord forever 

Now no power can sever 
Love for Christians to their Lord above. 

Praise and adoration 

From the holy nation, 
Going to the land of peace and love. 
Joseph! Cover, 1961 

YODER - A son, Gabriel Carl Glen, born December 7 to Tim 
and Serena Yoder of Middlebury, Indiana 

STALTER - COVER David Stalter and Andrea Cover were 
married November 19 near Sonora, California 
New Address: 22625 S.R. 119, 
Goshen, In 46526 


Jack and Helen Williams 69044 Marietta Dr. 

New Paris, IN 46553 
574_831-3158 cell: 574-202-1410 



California Old Brethren 
The California congregation held an election for deacon on 
October 8, 2011. Brother Chris Crawmer was chosen for this 
office. He will be serving with the help of his wife Jill. 

Yellow Creek Old Brethren, Indiana 
The Yellow Creek congregation held an election for deacon 
on October 9, 2011. Justin Meyers was chosen for the office. 
He will be serving with the help of his wife Orpha. 

May God give these dear brethren and sisters grace to serve. 

Be Careful 
Whatever you think in joy and in woe, 
Think nothing you wouldn't want Jesus to know. 
Whatever you say in whisper or clear, 
Say nothing you would not want Jesus to hear. 
Whatever you sing in the midst of your glee, 
Sing nothing God's listening ear would displease. 
Whatever you write with haste or heed, 
Write nothing you would not want Jesus to read. 
Whatever you read, though the page may allure, 
Read nothing unless you are perfectly sure 

Consternation would not be seen in your look 
If Christ should say solemnly "Give me that book." 
Wherever you go, ne'er go where you'd fear 
God asked you the question, "What doest thou here?" 

And now we would add as admonishment to thee, 
"Be careful what you watch on a DVD." 

Charles G. Brown, Selected 



Everyday Marvels: Speech 

Do you remember learning to talk? I think surely you do 
not! You were but a wee tot then. Yet you could learn 
English! Grown-ups may know more than little children, but 
little children learn much faster than adults. Does that mean 
they are smarter? 

Do you know that people are the only creatures (living 
things God created on Earth) who are able to talk? It is true 
some animals understand some speech. My dog knows what I 
want when I say "Ketchup, wash your feet." She jumps in the 
bath tub! And she gets excited if I say "take a ride" or "take a 
walk." But she doesn't know what "sit," "stay," or "roll over" 
means, though some dogs do. 

Animals can learn to recognize certain sounds. And if they 
are rewarded if they do certain things when they hear certain 
sounds, they soon "understand" that sound. But do they really 
understand the language? Could you teach an animal about 
nouns and verbs and the letters of the alphabet? Of course not! 

Animals do communicate. You can tell if they are happy or 
angry, and so can other animals. They make movements and 
sounds that mean certain things. But they do not think or 
"speak" in words nor are they able to. They glorify God by 
being what God created them to be, but they cannot understand 
about God or the marvels He has created. Only you and other 
people can do that! Do not forget to thank God for the gift of 

Martha J. Wagner 


Life has many choices. 
Eternity has only two 
What is your choice? From Paul Baker 

Take thou my hand, O Father 

And lead Thou me, 

Until my journey endeth 


wrote Julie Hausman in 1862. And we echo her prayer as we 
close 2011, Thank you for supporting The Pilgrim. Keep 
writing and sending us your inspirational poems and prose. 

Thank you, Bill Miller, for another year of address labels 
and Sarah Martin for updates and the index. The Yellow Creek 
Brethren and others have given financially. We still depend on 
your subscriptions—the expiration date appears on the address 

It's renewal time for most patrons. If you are receiving The 
Pilgrim as a gift, please let us know if you wish us to continue. 

In Christian love, 
Leslie and Martha 


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