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Full text of "The Spark volume 1, number 1; June, 1932."

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ME 1. 





Students and Workers! Form 
A United Front! 

As the fir-; is ue of our pa- 
per goes to press, it seems 
■ robable that laborers 
I on University build- 
ing projects will continue to 
-.-■-, rk for starvation wages, 
matter has been referred 
to a tribunal of three judges, 
: f whom granted the ori- 
ginal restraining order against 
the payment of standard com- 
pensations. Illusions of judi- 
mpartiaiity to the contra- 
ry, the sole function of the 
courts, under a competitive ec- 
ic order, is to protect the 
interests of the capitalist class. 
This contention is proven by 
the train of injunctions issued 
ng workers, 
and by the long list of judicial 
rs of those wh > dare to 
pi I st again I leo-a'ized rob- 
r. .itation. 

The nd students 

i t p ace n - th in 
' c.pit.u- 
is. These gei 

: a Hea ■ - 
. . / 
■ ' ■ - 

rkers into morj 
of the 
'I he; enforcement of 
in the 
rm tutes by 

»e judges, the politicians, and 

: 3 

ike chewing its own tail. 

• ers must 
rm a broad united fro: 

on the 
ganize rank and 

on an un- 

i co 


College Students and Workers 
Wiii be Shot Down to Pro- 
tect Capitalist Investments! 

A second great war will be- 
gin in a few weeks or days, 
according to reliable informa- 
tion, concurred in by Ameri- 
can. European, and Asiatic 
military quarters. It will not 
be an "Act of God." It has 
been definitely planned by men 
—business men, militarists, and 
politicians throughout the 


Result of Student Survey Re- 
veal Appalling Conditions 

It is amazing how little the 
people of the University of 
Texas know about the lament- 
able living conditions of the 
citizens poorer than they, who 
live in the same, town. And 
this lack of realization is a ter- 
rib'e reflection upon our indi- 
vidualistic environment. A 
group of students, desiring to 
gain some idea of the gravity 
of the situation, last month 

making an analysis of the re- 
sults, we must take into ac- 
count two factors which rend- 
er great exactitude impossible. 
The first of these was the bit- 
terness of suffering which of- 
ten made the people unwilling 
to reveal the depth of their 
destitution. The second fac- 
tor was the extreme irregular- 
ity of the incomes of most of 
the families, which made esti- 
mates rather than precise fig- 
ures necessary. Nevertheless 
there is no question that the 
figures given below are in a 
broad sense true to the situa- 


(Illustrating the benefits of a higfc pr Education) 

tion. The approximate aver- 
age expenditure for food in 
these two hundred poor fami- 
lies chosen at random is one 
dollar and fifteen cents per 
week per person for whiter 
and seventy to eighty cents 
per week, per person, for col- 
ored and Mexicans. Just try 
to imagine what this mean 
The figure given for whi 
(Continued on page 4) 

The only way that capitalism 

»ave itself is through war. 

Each capitalist country has a 

of 1 roducts which 

i i h -r ; t 

■eover, the 

n'ess econ- 

( my of capitalism cannot com- 

■ - mpli of the 




undertook a house to house in- 
quiry in a number of the poor- 
er districts: in north west Aus- 
tin, in a region including twen- 
tv-fifth street, in East Austin, 
.''nd in the vicinity of south 
First Street. The findings 
were appal 1 big. 

From among the great num- 
ber of poor families living in 
■ ! i e districts, two hundred 
chosen at random. In 




tented? The 
when we students 

Published monthly by The 
University of Texas Chapter, 
The National Student League. 

Contributions welcome. 

The National Student 
League fights for: 

1. Lower tuition fees, a free 
college in every city. 

2. Academic freedom for 
students and instructors. 

3. Abolition of R. O. T. C. 
Oposition to imperialist war. 

4. Full social and political 
equality for Negroes and other 

5. Unemployment insurance 
for unemployed students and 
workers. . 

Every student should _ ac- 
cept this program and fight 
with the Student League on 
these embattled fronts! Every 
student should join the Nation- 
al Student League. 


College radicals may talk, if 
they do nothing else. We in- 
fer this from the reply of Dean 
V. I. Moore to an article by 
Reed Harris, in a recent issue 
of the 'Austin Statesman." 

Harris, it will be remember- 
ed, was expelled from Colum- 
bia University for editorially 
condemning the expulsion of 
National Student League dele- 
- from the Kentucky strike 
area. The students of the 
graduating class have since 
voted Harris to be the student 
most likely to succeed in life. 
In the article referred to, Har- 
ris attacked the conservative 
control of American universi- 
ties and the resultant callous- 
ness of those institutions to 
social issues. 

The gist of Dean Moore s 
reply was that freedom of dis- 
cussion is a great thing. But, 
he elaborated, young radicals 
often committed breaches of 
"good taste" by antagonizing 
the conservative elements who 
support the universities. Youth 
aid, must furnish the driv- 
ing power; and age, the en- 
gineering direction. 

Age, from ornate desks, fur- 
nishes the engineering direc- 
tions for imperialist war! 
Youth, from muddy trenches, 
furnish the: cannon-fodder! 

In the blue-grass state of 
Kentucky, there exists a situ- 
ation which for sheer inhum- 
anity can be paralelled by 
none. The starving miners of 
Harlan and Bell Counties 
striking for sufficient wages, 
were met by a rain of bullets 
and blackjacks. A cordon 
of sheriffs and deputies 
surrounded the workers, per- 
mitting no news of their plight 
to reach the outside world, and 
refused to permit two succes- 
sive bands of students to carry 
food to the miners' undernour- 
ished children. 

Ever}' protest against the 
terrorist campaign of the Ken- 
tucky mine owners has been 
met with the cry of "Criminal 
Syndicalism." C onstitutional 
rights are a fiction. Democ- 
racy is a myth. The figures 
who sit in the seats of autho'i- 
ty are not concerned with the 
denial of what we call civil 
liberties. And when the inter- 
ests of the working class con- 
flict with those of the employ- 
ing class, the combined forces 
ot government, press a n a 
church come forward to sup- 
press the workers. 

Kentucky is but one exam- 
ple of the fascist regime which 
is being forced on American 
workers and students. Stu- 
dents should realize that their 
interests lie with the workers 
and not with the capitalists 
employers. In every conflict 
between bosses and workers, 
the students find themselves 
shoulder to shoulder with the 
oppressed class. The bonds 
which bind them together arc 
not the iron bonds of wealth 
and capital, but the warmer 
bonds of humanity and equal- 



At the University of Min- 
nesota, the Student Council 
was suppressed and its reor- 
ganization forbidden, because 
the school authorities thought 
that "the recent elections were 
held in a disorderly fashion." 
Who can tell which school will 
be next? Will it be Texas? 

Berlin— A mass meeting held 
in Berlin to protest against the 
legal murder of the Scotts- 
boro bovs was broken uo bv 
the police, without an legal 
basis whatsoever. 

Dear Editor: We find our- 
selves in the midst of an econ- 
omic depression, in which 
more students than ever find 
it indespensible to secure em- 
ployment. The number of stu- 
dents seeking employment 
is continually increasing, 
while the number of positions 
available has remained con- 

The Students Assembly who 
received their power by vote 
of the student body are obli- 
gated to relieve the impedi- 
ments of the self-supporting 
students. It is known that 
students ere required to make 
extreme sacrifices, infringing 
upon their health in the endea- 
vor to obtain an education. 

Students are required to 
work four to five hours a day. 
neglecting their studies, sup- 
pressing the desires and p.-.v- 
iliges enjoyed by the majority 
of more fortunate students, 
who by virtue of their un- 
earned wealth are free from 
the care and pains of earning 
a livelihood. 

It is a common knowledge 
that restaurants and boarding 
houses are discriminating 
against students, refusing them 
the food essential for the de- 
velopment of a sound and 
sturdy body. Students are 
known to sleep in unventila- 
ted rooms, eating unwhole- 
some food in the endeavor to 
make both ends meet. Many 
students cannot find employ- 
ment because a great number 
of students who are not in fi- 
nancial difficulties are holding 
positions in order to keep up a 
car or meet the demands of a 
social life. This seems unfair 
and unjust to the sincere stu- 
dents who require employ- 
ment, not for the consumption 
of luxuries but for the neces- 
sities of life. 

It is indeed surprising that 
the Students' Assembly has 
ignored these deplorable con- 
ditions. What has the Students 
Assembly accomplished in as- 
sisting the self-supporting 
students? True, it has sup- 
ported dances a n d social 
activities ; but of what val- 
ue are these luxuries to the 
student who must earn his way 
by the sweat of his brow? Why 
has the Assembly remained si- 
lent in the face of present 
evils? Why have the se'f-sup- 
porting students remained com 

privi- ' 

time ha s com- 
P«st raia- 
our voice and acquaint the A 
sembly with our grievance. 
Perhaps this may sound aotal' 
what inimical and radical to * 
number of conservative rain/ 
who have not as yet learn' 1 
the dictum. "Woe to him w fo 
forgets that the common ma* 
exists." We students are no 
longer satisfied to sell our l a ° 
bor for a price that represent" 
a small portion of what w e pro* 
duce. We are no longer con" 
tent to sacrifice our health and 
youth behind a dish-washi 
machine, serving "the 
leged class." 

Students in a rich Uni- 
versity are starving, sleeping 
in miserable rooms, while 
others indu'ge in dissipations 
that would pay the expense of 
a number of sincere youths 
If this sounds fabulous and ex- 
aggerated to our pri •[ e o-J| 
student, let him avail h:ms?lf 
of the opportunity of learning 
the circumstances under which 
many students live. Our con- 
servative students may declare 
and discuss that the university 
maintains loan funds and schol- 
arships which are available to 
the deserving student. This 
method of defense is prepos- 
terous. The student who is 
required to work five to six 
hours for his meals cannot be 
expected to compete with the . 
non-working students, since 
lack of time and energy are 
determining factors in obtain- 
ing a scholarship or loan, con- 
sidering the fact that a stu- 
dent's participation in extra- 
curricular activities is taken 
into account. Students ot; 
the University of Texas should: 
demand that the Student Assn-i 
ciation take immediate action; 
on the following points : 

1. Working students should 
organize into a strong union. 

2. The Student Assembly 
should regulate the hours of 
employment and establis 
minimum wage. 

3. The Student Assembly 
should investigate discrimina- 
tion against working students 

4. Students who are in nm 
of work in order to continu 
school should be given pre! 

What is the Student A . 
blv going to do? Is it more ■» 
te'rested in the conduct 
dances than the assistance • 
needy students? 

(Signed) A Working SW !e 




There is grave danger that 
before a year is out Texas will 
be in the grip of a law throt- 
tling free speech, put upon her 
through the influence of a 
group of wealthy men to 
whose interest it is to blind- 
fold the workers. It is not 
enough that thousands should 
be actually starving without 
relief in Texas towns, and that 
the wages of those still work- 
ing should be cut below the 
level of pauperism, that farm- 
ers should be unable to make 
ends meet, that vast numbers 
of students who graduate from 
our schools and colleges yearly 
should be left to face the fu- 
ture without » chance of em- 

if the proposed •'Criminal 
Syndicalism Law" goes on the 
statute books, as it has a good 
chance of doing, it will be_ a 
crime, punishable by a consid- 
erable term, to try to enlighten 
the people regarding the pos- 
sibility of a better economic 
system than that operating at 
present and regarding the 
means whereby such an eco- 
nomic system can be brought 

Ostensibly, the law would he 
directed against the advocacy 
of force in the accomplishment 
of social changes, but as it 
seems evident that some force 
would be needed before really 
effective changes could be 
made, the law would really act, 
as intended, to place a ban up- 
on publications, speeches, or 
expressions of opinion that 
served to strengthen the work- 
ers in the struggle between the 

The leader of the drive for 
this law in Texas is Mr. Maco 
Stewart, lawyer of Galveston, 
and important aides are Col- 
onel A. M. Owsley, former 
commander of the American 
Legion, and Dr. J. B. Cranfill, 
prohibition advocate. They 
have declared themselves not 
only against avowed radical 
■ements, but against the 
n Forums of the cities, an ' 
re liberal of the activities of 
Y^ M. C. A. newspapers, and 
universities. According to an 
printed in the "New 
-': Times" "Mr. Stewart 
uld have the law provide 
jail sentena - Eoi off :nd n ; 

editors," he regards the "Dal- 
las News" as "communistic," 
and puts in the same class 
"University of Texas Profes- 
sors of Economics who men- 
tion aloud the name of Marx." 
The sponsors ot this anti-radi- 
cal movement agitate openly in 
women's clubs, in churches, 
and in certain ultra-patriotic 
org-anizations in which only 
one side has a chance to be lis- 
tened to. Those in town are 
expected to bring strong pres- 
sure to bear on the legislature, 
as indeed they are able. 

Strong counter pressure will 
be needed to defeat this drive. 
Now is the lime to talk, to 
write, to agitate against it, 
and to let the whole affair, 
with all its implications, be 
aired before the people. T i- 
morrow it will be too late. 

The liberal group, although 
it has the inherent sympathies 
of the greater body of work- 
ers, has but the scantiest and 
most uncertain means of ex- 
pression. Now it is proposed 
to remove even that, by "law," 
and thus to drive such doc- 
trines underground and force 
the advocates to adopt thor- 
oughly conspiratorial methods. 
Thus the depression, the op- 
pression of the capitalist sys- 
tem, will continue unchecked; 
but it will tend to sink to a 
deeper level before the forces 
of regeneration can act effec- 
tively. It is in that direction 
that the danger of the greatest 
eventual violence lies. 

If we would avoid the dan- 
gers of the law that is being 
theatened, there is no time to 
be lost. Form a counter-move- 
ment. Educate the people in 
the facts. Show them that the 
radical is not a ferocious beast 
i or a naked savage, nor an in- 
truder in society, but an indi- 
vidual who h-p;)ens to ha a 
more independent judgement, 
further vision, and wider sym- 
pathies than the average of 
mankind, one who is striving 
to improve the lot of his fe 1 - 
lows. Point out to them tlvt 
the hunted radicals of each age 
becomes the heroes of next-- 
So< rates, Jesus. Bruno, Lieb- 
knechit. — and ask them of they 
wi'l allow their own ideals to 
be moulded me^jly by the tu- 
th rity that has its root in 


The need for a Student La- 
bor Union has never been more 
urgent than at the present 
time. Among all of the work- 
ing students at the University 
of Texas not one is getting a 
legal or living wage. Employ- 
ers of all kinds, from boarding 
house and restaurant keepers 
to the University itself have 
seen that those students who 
have the least money are those 
with the most consuming am- 
bition, and have consequently 
taken a mean advantage in em- 
ploying the students at a wage 
that a saloon janitor in the old 
days would have scorned. At 
least the janitor had access to 
the free lunch, but among the 
boarding houses and restau- 
rant workers it is a lucky stu- 
dent who gets even enough to 
eat, not to mention salary. 
And the salaries themselves, 
even those paid by the Univer- 
sity to many students who 
have no other means of sup- 
porting themselves than what 
they can earn, are a disgrace 
to even a depression time like 
the present. 

Conditions like tins existed 
until recently in the University 
of Wisconsin, but there a group 
of students with a greater 
reli/.ation of what conditions 
really were, got together and 
organized a working students 
union which has. in the few 
months during which it has 
been in existance. succeeded in 
securing better wages for a 
great number of students, and 
has collected more than a 
thousand do'lars for the relief 
of those students who. victims 
of the order under which they 
are forced to live, have been 
unable to secure any sort of 

And in Texas, where wages 
as a general rule are even low- 
er than elsewhere, due to the 
exploitation of the foreign 
born working class, the need 
of - union such as this is be- 
coming more apparent ever}' 
day. The legislators, in order 
to put themselves in more solid 
with their poorer constituents, 
got together once and passed 
what is facetiously known as 
the minimum wage haw. But 
of what avail is tins when the 
capitalist courts will grant an 
iniunction restraining anyone 
from bringing suit to compel 
pavment of wages guaranteed 
under it? And is this law not 


"If your credit is good, von 
cannot help but succeed." f hi 
choice piece of wisdom is the 
gist of an advertisement in the 
"Daily Texan" of May 29. ft 
was signed by some of Austin's 
leading business firms. "What 
sort of credit," we ask, "is de- 
sirable in a student?" Is his 
education a credit, his training 
perhaps, his ability as a fruit* 
ful member of society? No! 
He is admonished to maintain 
his financial credit— at all cost. 

The advertisement was 
worded in the fatherly tone of 
advice. But the student lot 
whose benefit the advertise- 
ment was inserted must in- 
terpret it as a threat couched 
in rhetoric. During the session 
of 1931-32 the student class as 
well as the working class have 
had their share of the economic 
burden to meet. Many of them 
have managed to scrape 
through without incurring 
debts. For a large number, 
however, ther are several al- 
ternatives : To borrow money, 
: nd get further into debt; to 
face the probability of being 
c'led before the Dean of Men 
ruid denied credit for their 
work; or to ''ccept the conss- 
( Continued on page B) 

intended to apply to students 
as well as those who work with 
their hands? Because he is 
intent upon getting an educa- 
tion, and while so doing, is 
forced to support himself, is he 
to be exploited and discrimina- 
ted against? The time has 
come when the working stu- 
dents, as well as the other 
workers of the world, must 
come to the realization of the ; r 
condition, and present a solid 
front against the class which 
is exploiting them. 

And not only must a union 
such as this devote its energies 
toward securing at least a liv- 
ing wage for those who arc 
lucky enough to have jobs, but 
able to get anything. It mat- 
ters little to the employer un- 
der what conditions the stu- 
dents are living, but to those 
who arc most ctvcf'y concerned 
it matters a great deal. 

Workers of the University, 
unite '. 


Items of Life In Austin— "Our Friendly City" 


The following are a few 
representative cases of life 
in Austin which wore accident- 
ia unearthed during ihc course 
of a students' survey, the gen- 
eral results of which are des- 
crihed in another column. 

' tenl to w hicli the so 

cial welfare w ork in Aus i • is 

effective ma} be ji y the 

mi 1 }' in Eli aheth 

Street. This family of whi ! s 

comprised a married cotml \ 

■ two sums aged 15 and 8, 

and a brother living with the 

family. None of them h id had 

work- [or months :c il the 

boy of 15, who had a joh in a 

•■ working from 2 in the 

rno< in un1 il 1 the n 'xt 

morning, for $3.00 per week. 

On occasional days he was also 

expected to help in deliv ri s 

after 4 V.M. Naturally, il is 

impossible for the whole Earn 

ily to continue living inde r i- 

nitely on these wares. TV 

mother has applie 1 for e ni I 

ment or relief to the Ameri- 

egion, to the Austin Com- 

y Chest, to the Boy 

s of which her son is a 

nber, and to the Daughl ers 

of the American Resolution 

5e has given any 

but a "Te-i deal of advice 

■'. She was told that 

dd ] a ve more pride 

' g "■■!- I-/!-, and 

and her husband were 

lly fit. they were ex- 

th :ir own Hv- 

mnity Chest 

ig to undermine 

i 1 e h pauperizing her ! 

date of investigation, 

was threatened with e dc- 

hndlord. What is 

lily's way out? The 

her is contermVating vio- 

She is thinking of go- 

n, brea 1 ing a win- 

;tore, ard seizing 

i id there is to be had. 

Mrs Marie Schubert, a 

>man of 72 years, with 

on ' f 1( > and a gr-md- 

lived ' in 

for 37 years before 

o years 

■ -i the depres ;ion hit 

h me, but a 

r < r He was reg- 

d ; n au+o re 

■'•■ in a gas ta 

Ail er that, 
r g 
1 1 ' 

has had no work- a1 all. There 
is no oilier source of income. 
Some lime ago the family was 
evicted, and al the time ol in- 
vestigation, they were sharing 
a small room in an auto e imp 
v ith si rangers, meanwhile ow- 
I heir rent to the camp own- 
or. The woman attempts to 
get a few nickles by playing a 
* ici n ila i ■! I he camms md on 
the s 1 reets aecomp tried by 
her wizened little grand-daugh- 

With cases like (h ; s con- 
fronting it. the welfare or 
izations are considering pro- 
hibiting begging. Mrs. Schu- 
bert h is keen notified thai she 
cannot stay at the camp any 
li ■ ger, and her prob'em now 
is whether to use the nil 
of thi el to mm e h-r few 

I elongings or to buy food. 

C. In the district on !■' 
Twenty-fifth streel a n 
couple about 50 vers o ] d \ 

: who were "suppi >r1 ' 
another colored man as their 
guest. For the pasi year until 
a few months ago, the woman 
had been doing one washing a 
week for a white Family: and 
that was their sole source of 
income. Sonic months ag i, 
■ i n tb I stooped. They have 
no mi nev whatever. At (he 
time of ' wstigal : m. their 

sole food for the past three 

S Iris keen one sac'; of 
four. But one quarter of the 
flour remained. 

D. A white family of six, 
g in an unsanitary aban- 
doned house on east Fourth 
street. The mother came to 
'Austin seeking work about 
eight years ago. accompanied 
by her brother and her three 
children. She was unsuccess- 
ful in obtaining employment, 
had no money, and in a short 
p iod of time they were facing 
starvation. All the legitimate 
means of earning a living were 
tried and failed. Tt is signifi- 
cant in this connection that 
about six months ago the old- 
est of the daughters, about 
15, acquired a veneral 
disease, from which she is 
now suffering. The sole medi- 
cal aid that she lias is an oc- 
casional visit from a doctor 
about once a week, although 
in a usual case of this type the 
attention of a in is ncc- 

iry four or five times a 

Society suddenly appears as 
if a famine, a universal war of 
devastation had cut off the sup- 
ply of every means of subsis- 
tence: industry and commerce 
seem I o be des( royed ; and 
v. Iiy ? Because there is too 
muck civilization, loo much 
me : s of subsistence, too n 
industry, too much comm 
The productive forces at the 


(Continued from 

quencc our ad 
cleverly impli 

We should like to kno 
(he University of Texas should 
be inl d in suppoi 

interests of Austin b,isii 
men as against Univer 
dents. A student is as mud 
an economic risk as any 1,,. , 
man. When nc j.. ,..,,, , 


;al of ;ociety no longer 

to further i he deve'op- ed credit he is as willing to i 
ment of the conditions ofbour- as any business man and in the 
geois property; on the con- . , 

trary. they have become too Sl . ew yt!ars >'<^"< - men , 

powerful lor these c lu . ve ,ailc<1 notoriously to meet 

by which !. and their oblig 

si i si 'i m as they overcome tl 
fetters, they brim er in- 

to the whole ol is so 

ciety, endanger the existence 
of bourgeois property. The 
condition- of- 1 icietv 

; oo narrow to compr< n 
wealth created by them. 
And hoy does the bourgi 

On the 

The business men of Austin, „ 
restaurant keepers, on Guada- pr 
lupe especially, have failed in [ ] 
business in well-known < 

Some of the very students 
lost money through their own- ra 
'•> of paid meal tickets in 
r -taurants arc now ] )C . 


one hand by enforced destruc- ing charged with defection to J. 
tion of a mass of productive other busin 
n the other, k- 

conque; t of 

by the more thorough c ■ 
tation of the old ones. That 
is to sa) . bv pa ; 
for more exten ive and 
destructive cri es. and by dim- 
inishing the means 
cries are prevented. 

But not onb Iris 

thai bring death to I " ■ : 
has also called into exisl n e 
the men who are to wield tl 
weapons — the modern work- 
ing-class — the proletar 

These laborers, who must 
sell themselves piecemeal, are 


consequences of their j--, , 

tion in no case are as p ns 

I'l'inr i 'hem -elves as the est. 

frusl i of the student's 

tire c ■ ■ to him. Further- 

more, th :s men of Ans- 




■ fu'l protection and storn 

1 redress under the laws olP orce ' 

the state of Texas. There is A Th< 

,. , , , bama 

stran | rale! between the ess] 

case of the students and thatfout tl: 
of the workingmen e m ploy edjm eve 

on the University buildings,? 1 ? ', nl 

i • . f |al lyi 

that no one m particular is withe A 

terested in their welfare ex-!,j; t i no 

a commodity, like every other cc pt when the time to pay arjone Ju 

the de 
The University should real-jcent N 
ize that the depression is not S ^'— 
matter exclusively of the oU jL onec ] 

■ h «24th o 

article of commerce, and are 
consequently exposed to all the 
vicissitudes of competition, to 
all the fluctuations of the mar- 

■ .-^ = side world. Students 

week. Despite the fact that leavc should have the samjthe enr 

the girl needs the best of care ri g: Ilts common to individual dc ^ 

and the proper kind of nourish- on the outside. Their finaj rushe j 

ment, not considering the two c ial status should have no con: mcr ^ ] 

other children of the family nection with their Universitjone ex, 

the only aid that they have re- credits. The University is jtempts 

ceived is five dollars worth of • L-*. .■ c i -„o- — i tifl( jV '"Toi- 

o-,-nor,^;„ L \ V institution of learning 

groceries a month from the 

Community Chest. This is H colIectlon a 5? enc ) r 

one of a few cases encountered sc "hool for coercion. T 

which has received any aid at ness men of Austin must rca|tocratic 

all • ..l^'jo'cause 

ize the new situation— or c sj rue q 



Seven Negro boys are rot- 
tin? '» Kilby Prison, in the 
state of Alabama, accused of 
attacking two white prostitu- 
tes; another sits in his filthy 
cell, facing" a lifetime of prison ; 
a lj because it is impossible for 
a Negro to obtain a fair trial 
in the South. 

Nine Negro boys were tak- 
en off a freight train at Scotts- 
•• , r o, Alabama, on March 25, 
1931, accused at first of fight- 
ing with some whites a 1 so on 
the train. When, however, it 
was discovered that two white 
stitutes, were on the train. 
■'■■ official immediately real- 
ized that all the elements need- 
led for a terror reign on Ne- 
groes were available, and 
raised a cry of "Rape." 

The two girls at first denied 
the attack, but under pressure 
:" State authorities soon 
changed their stories. The 
was one of the fastest in 
the state of Alabama — within 
'3 hours death sentences were 
massed, the case of the young- 
est, at that time only 14, was 
ater remanded to the Juvenile 
Diirt by the Alabama Supreme 
3urt. The day set for their 
execution was April 6th, but a 
storm of working class protest 
forced a delay. 

The case w-ent to the Ala- 
bama Supreme Court, under 
pressure from workers thru- 
it the world. Mass meetings 
every civilized country made 
immediate out-and-out leg- 
lynching impossible. But 
e Alabama Supreme Court 
'• dispense justice: with 
iie Judge dissenting, it upheld 
of the Scottsboro 
rt and sentenced the inno- 
nt N groes to die on May 13, 
932. On May 8 the Governor 
' of Alabama post- 
the execution -until the 
trae, merely to placate 
' nraged workers and stu- 
'■'■ e rery country. 
The entire case with its 
■'"'■ trial and legal roum- 
"- is nothing more than 
' ■ iple of numerous at- 
at terrorism again«t 
] a followed by 
fay mr, re . On< . e at 

here 4 
re killed by an au- 
eriff andh leputies 
ad organized a 
' ropp ( r Union — at>- 


Only Mass Protest Can Save 
Scottsboro Boys 

On May 7, 1932. an event oc- 
curred in Waco which is most 
significant- in the annals ot 
Texas. In Market Square, fa- 
mous for the lynchings of Ne- 
groes in times past, a repre- 
sentative of the Negro working 
class, Texan by birth, stood be- 
fore a large assemblage of 
white and black workers, and 
explained to them in plain 
language the real meaning 
of the depress i o n and 
the class struggle. He indica- 
ted the folly of making ene- 
mies of each other when uni- 
ted action was necessary in 
the contest with the common 
enemy, the system whereby a 
few own the means of pro- 
duction and operate them in 
their own interest, while the 
majority, white and black 
alike, go hungry though sur- 
rounded by plenty. He told 
them that they were the ones 
whose labor had really pro- 
duced the necessities of life, 
and that by acting together it 
was in their power to obtain 
those necessities for them- 
selves as well as the means of 
producing more of them. The 
bosses, on the other hand, were 
interested in keeping them at 
each others' throats instead, 
he pointed out. He proceed- 
ed to instruct them bow to 
form a Council of Workers and 
Farmers as a first and very- 
important step towards the at- 
tainment of their rights as hu- 
man beings. 

White workers had crowded 
about curiously at first with 
not little contempt. But, as 
the talk proceeded, their faces 
grew more serious, then more 
eager. When he finished, 
there was a prolonged thun- 
derous applause, and the Ne- 
groes of the crowd stood aside 
while the white workers 
crowded forward to actually 
shake hands with the speaker, 

pears as a hideous crime from 
any angle. 

Only mass action can save 
the Scottsboro boys, the old- 
est of whom is 20! Only con- 
certed protests from workers 
and students can stop this le- 
gal lynching! It is the start 
of a new campaign of anti-Ne- 
gro terrorism. Stop it im- 
mediately! Send your p"Otest 
and. contribution to the filter- 
national Labor Defense, SO Iv 
11th Street, New York City, 
Save these innocent workers! 


and to become members of the 
Council being organized then 
and there. In forming the 
Council, the whites insisted on 
its being composed equally 
from both races, putting for- 
ward for a secretary a Negro, 
as representing the more op- 
pressed of the two groups. 

The matter is not ended. Re- 
gardless of what immediate 
victories or defeats it may 
have within the next few 
weeks, it represents the in- 
destructible beginnings of a 
great new power. This power 
arises out of the new under- 
standing and the mutual good- 
will of the oppressed workers 
of whatever origin, and out of 
their growing determination 
to make things right and to 
sweep away the rottenness of 
the method called "business," 
substituting- in its stead, a 
commonwealth run by and for 
the workers, that will supply 
them all with the goods of life. 


Gov. Rolph of California, in 
announcing his decision, has 
settled once and for all the ill- 
usions which have existed in 
the minds of the "hopeful lot." 
He definitely established the 
fact that there can be no re- 
dress for workers. 

Tom Mooney stands out as 
a symbol of injustice and cruel- 
ty. There is no doubt that he 
is not alone in this Edith Berk- 
man, Sacco-Vanzetti, the Hay 
Market Case, etc., all typify 
the injustice in their particu- 
lar ways, of the capitalist 

The workers have, however, 
shown great organization and 
fight. The effective organiza- 
tion of that fight will no doubt 
prove to be an agent for the 
real struggle which is slowly 
arising on the horizon. 

Tom Mooney, when informed 
of the decision, said, "It is a 
class struggle with a class mo- 
tive, and along these lines it 
shall be fought out in the fu- 
ture. 1 call upon th_- revolu- 
tionary (working) class of the 
entire world to accept this chal- 
lenge; they must fight not only 
for my freedom, but for the 
abolition of the capitalist sys- 

We repeat the quotation: 
Can there be any redress for 
Mooney? Workers, and stu- 
dents, answer this question! 


The Longhorn-Ranger mag- 
azine, which is supposed to 
represent the University of 
Texas among the colleges of 
the country, is nothing more 
than a hodge-podge of ex- 
cerpts from other college mag- 
azines. It seems that the only 
pre-requisite for the editor- 
ship of "our" magazine is the 
possession of a paste-box and 
a pair of scissors. 

The Longhorn-Ranger con- 
tains no articles which deal 
with student affairs, no col- 
umns which mention student 
problems, no mention of world- 
wide topics which are so im- 
portant today. Last year, 
when a bitter attack was 
launched upon fraternities, the 
magazine took notice of the 
struggle by issuing a "Frater- 
nity Number!" (Have you 
ever seen a "Barb" number? 

Students on the campus with 
barely enough money to go 
through school on, are forced 
to labor long and dreary hours 
for their very substenance ; the 
Editor of the Longhorn-Ran- 
ger is paid $40 per month to 
clip obscene jokes from the 
the "Brown Jug" and the 
"Lampoon." An unbiased obser 
ver would come to the conclu- 
horn-Ranger" that the sole pur- 
pose of the magazine was to 
create bigger and better puns. 
Such puns and filthy jokes are 
not worthy of Texas ; they are 
worthy of the cheaper maga- 
zines which are sold at the cor- 
ner stand under the title of 
"Bunk," "Ballyhoo," etc. 

The original purpose of the 
Longhorn-Ranger was liter- 
ary; it has fallen from that 
lofty position because of the 
lack of work on the part of its 
editor. Reading a few really lit- 
erary articles does not take 
much time; but it is easier to 
clip a few "jokes" from other 
magazines and paste them in 
than it is to read decent stories. 
At least that is the notion of 
the editor of the Longhorn- 
Ranger, who obtains her -al- 
ary whether the magazine is 
good, or not. 

" Students of Texas! Demand 
that the Longhorn-Ranger be- 
come a real magazine, instead 
of a collection of second-hand 
filth! Demand that it deal 
with student problems, instead 
of attempting to divert your 
minds from vital issues, with 
stupid puns! Protest! For, if 
(Continued on page 4) 



(Continued from page 1) 

A world war against Soviet 
Russia would cause a tempor- 
ary revival of industry in the 
capitalist countries. More im- 
'portant, it might result in the 
crushing of the only working- 
class country in the world. 
Such a result would effectually 
squelch international revolu- 
tionary agitation for decades 
to come. 

Japan's attack on China con- 
stitutes the preliminary to the 
main battle. The heroic resis- 
tance of the Chinese revolu- 
tionary troops, fighting the 
forces of a powerful imperial- 
ist power with antiquated 
weapons and insufficient sup- 
plies, gave Russia additional 
time' to prepare for the inevi- 
table conflict. 

The Japanese seizure of 
Manchuria creates an enemy 
stronghold at Russia's back 
door. During the last few 
months, thousands of Japan- 
ese troops have been massed 
on the Manchurian border, 
ready to march into Siberia at 
a minute's notice. Japanese war 
planes have flown over Soviet 
territory, and Russian White 
Guards,' or counter-revolution- 
ists, recently made a raid from 
Manchuria. Disclosure of the 
Japanese war plans reveals 
that Japan hopes to seize East- 
ern Siberia and destroy the 
Soviet system. 

Once Russia is attacked in 

Asia by Japan, she will be_ set 

n bv "the European nations 

rnd the United States. Im- 

-!i--t troops wi 1 l invade her 

tTritorv from Poland, and 

Poum^ma. Anvrican bankers 

Urnish the necessary 

credit for the prosecution of 

the war. 

The recent assasination of 
the French President by a 
White Russian was a confessed 
attempt to provoke imperial- 
ist intervention against the 
:et Union. Moreover, 

France is the ally of Japan, 
from a military and a financial 
standpoint, France openly ac- 
quiescing in the looting of 

The United States is openly 
ig her fellow-imperial- 
Factories all over the 
ratry are being equipped for 
the manufacture of munitions. 
In addition, millions of con- 
scription blanks are being 

printed in readiness for another 
war to make the world safe 
for capitalism. 

The talk, emanating from 
some quarters, that America 
and Russia will probably be on 
the same side is nothing more 
than subtle propaganda, 
da. It is a disguised effort to 
convert friends of Russia into 
jingoistic patriots. "America 
and Russia will probably be on 
the same side." implies that 
America will be right, which- 
ever side she takes. 

We have also witnessed a 
renewal of the demand for an 
embargo on Soviet products. 
This demand is echoed by sev- 
eral of the fake Progressives 
Sena to r s. Increasingly 
severe restrictions have been 
placed on Soviet products by 
the State Department, and it 
should be remembered in this 
connection that the United 
States has never recognized 
the present Russian govern- 

Even such a conservative 
daily as the New York Times 
admits the inevitability of an 
attack by Imperialist Japan 
upon Soviet Russia. This ad- 
mission indicates that the bos- 
ses, through their kept prc^s. 
have begun the process of de- 
veloping a war psychology in 
the minds of the American 




"Repressive measures by col- 
lege administration' against 
■ udent leaders of di content — 
at this particular time — can 
lr rrT" be regarded as accident- 
ol . The present crisis cannot 
f"il to rrive rise to a w'de va- 
riety of political expressions. 
When the present ru'e of big 
business will regard its posi- 
t : on as less secure, even more 
repressive measures will be 
tken against those who criti- 
cize — let alone those who re- 

— The Student Review, 
May, 1932. 



(Continued from page 3) 
we cannot change thv Long- 
horn-Ranger into something 
decent, let us lithograph its 
covei in four colors, add a few- 
more pages, call it "FILTH,' 
and sell it for a dime. 

(Continued from page 1) 
happens to be the same as the 
minimum limit of income nec- 
essary for food alone, as pub- 
lished by certain investigators. 
But the incomes of different 
families were very different 
from one another; and so % 
large number of the incomes 
of the whites fell far below the 
supposed minimum limit, while 
the great majority of those of 
oilier races were still further 
down. The acquisition of suf- 
ficient food, then, is the pri- 
mary factor which these people 
are struggling for, and pitiably 
failing to obtain. The gro- 
ceries have reached their limit 
of unpaid debts. When the un- 
dernourishment eve ntually 
leads to disease, as so often 
happens, the cause is masked 
and it is not given in the dread- 
ed name "starvation"; but it 
is a starvation none the less, 
and this slow .starvation is 
gradually spreading among the 
people. Rent, clothing, and 
I cines stav for behind, and 
can scarcely be thought of. In 
recent months conditions have 
become more aggravated than 
ever, and are rapidly approach- 
ing a critical limit, without a 
sign of betterment. 

Thv present inquiry has also 
brought cleprlv to light the 
hi peless inefficiency of the 
charity system. Among these 
two hundred families, only f >v.r 
fthr°e white and one Mexican) 
had been helped at al 1 by anv 
charity organization. The total 
wor : : obtained from the City 
Employment Bureau, by all 
these families added together, 
amounted to only 62 days ; in 
( thcr words, the salary of one 
worker for two m -nths for a 1 
the families investigated. The 
fr n er cf th.- char ty leaders 
rdmit that their work is bit a 
drop in the bucket. And yet, 
when the results of the investi- 
gation were reported, so we 
understand, at their own re- 
quest, to a general assembly, 
representing all institutions 
for social welfare in Austin, no 
comment was made; and the 
meeting passed on to discuss 
whether or not an ordinance 
should be passed to enforce the 
law against street begging. 

The present system of or- 
ganization of society is totally 
inadequate -to provide for the 
situation which cists. Charity 
is inadequate and obnoxious, 
and charity will not rectify 

The people canno! 

tolerate it much lorn 

who understand this 

should not mereb 

the starving people ; 

if they appeal to for- 

seize the necessar; 

means of production, but v,-e 

should actually welcome thern 

in doing so. 


In passing the Hale Bill !, v 
a majority of forty two ", 
twenty, our legislators have 
shown once more just how 
much they intend to keep th: 
promises they made concern- 
ing National expenditure. 

In spite of the fact th-t 
twe've million neop'e are un- 
employed and five million des- 
titute, they have had the au- 
dacity to pass this bill appro- 
priating one billion dollars for 
the building of added units to 
the navy within the short per- 
iod of three years. 

The passage of this bill foil 
lows the President's statemeifl 
that he intends to cut the arnjl 
appropriation twenty-four mil- 
lion dollars. What remarkable 
parallelism this ! On one hand] 
lie cuts twenty- four millioij 
dollars, and then supports a 
appropriation of one billion. J 

However the facts beco r | 
plain when the true reason f(? 
this bill i« '•'"•n. The cap : ta i 
power of this country real 
that the only way for them 
continue in power is to cot 
tinue their policy of warfa 
.- nd bloodshed ruid - h ige n 
is necessary for this. It iaa 
trrs little to them that in si 
filling their already M°atjg 
coffers they take almost lit 
ally the bread from the modi 
of starving millions. 

It is up to th" students | 
this and other Universities | 
protest against this : 
It is up to them to staf 
shoulder to shoulder with J|| 
exploited and down tred;i- 
workers and to make his grt| 
ance their grievance,, ana 
wrong their wrong. 

His Holiness, the Pope <4 
his bit to crush the So\ 
ion. In his recent enc> 
blames Communistn_for "^ 
wide depression. Ol c " u '_' : 

makes no allusion to 


sence of bread-lines i 

n R« s 1