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Full text of "The Struggle For Peace"

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or propaganda at their disposal in order to injure the interests
of the other*
"In the Fifth Annex, which concerns Lake Tsana, the
Italian Government confirm the assurance which they have
previously given to us, that they were fully conscious of their
obligations towards the Government of the United Kingdom
in the matter of Lake Tsana, and that they had no intention
whatever of overlooking or repudiating them. In the Sixth
Annex the Italian Government again reaffirm the assurance
they have given before to the League of Nations, that Italy is
willing to accept the principle that natives of Italian East
Africa should not be compelled to undertake military duties
other than those of local policing and territorial defence. The
Seventh Annex deals with the free exercise of religion, and it
gives an undertaking on the part of the Italian Government in
regard to such free exercise by British nationals in Italian East
Africa, and also deals with the treatment of religious bodies in
that territory. The last Annex, No. 8, deals with the Suez
Canal and provides for a reaffirmation on the part of both
Governments of their intention always to abide by the pro-
visions of the Convention of October, 1888, which guarantees
at all times and for all Powers the free use of the Suez
" I think the House will agree that these Annexes deal in
a very careful and comprehensive manner with these possible
sources of difference between the Italian Government and
ourselves, and the fact that we have been able to reach com-
plete agreement upon them shows how desirable it was that
we should get together and discuss these things peacefully
round a table. In case anybody should think that Palestine
is purposely left out, I should like to mention that the subject
of Palestine was also discussed between Lord Perth and Count
Ciano, and that as a result the Italian Minister for Foreign
Affairs has given our Ambassador an oral assurance that the
Italian Government will abstain from creating difficulties or
embarrassment for His Majesty's Government in the adminis-
tration of Palestine, and our Ambassador has given a similar
oral assurance that His Majesty's Government for their part
intend to preserve and protect legitimate Italian interests in
that country/*